EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Awesome strain. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I know you usually grow BIG but if you can give Fastbuds GSC a run mate. Not huge yielders but the smoke is on point.

They were grown in 2l pots so I reckon you’d end up with monsters.


Look at that monster. :rofl:

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Bet you say that to all the boys :rofl:


Had my first solstrip fail. One single led on a strip went dim and shut the rest off fully. Guessing it was the meanwell driver that saved my ass???
Replaced the single strip and back to 100% power.
I’ll need to keep a close eye on things as the solstrips I have are about 4 years old now. :thinking:


If solstrips were called solostrips I wonder if they would get lonely. You know always going solo. :rofl:

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I woke up after a heavy night and checked my ewelink app bro. Wasn’t pulling any power so I checked the tent and no light. Traced it back to one single bad diode. I replaced the entire strip and stuff went back to normal. I’ve had these strips for years so maybe an upgrade is needed. Fuck marshydro though :fu:


4 years with anything is a good run.


:rofl: yeah things are getting out of hand in there. I’ve been bending them in a Z and holding them in place with plastic plant ties. You’d have thought the stretch would have stopped by now. 3x stretch my ass :roll_eyes:

The Bag seed is coming along nicely. Topped it a couple of days back.


Consider stretch is also a byproduct of conditions, a lone plant with ample space may only go 2x-3x, take said same plant and stuff it in a small tent where the branches are fighting each other for light then 5x+ is an afterthought


I think as I’m running 2700k only from flip it encouraged the stretch even more @Mr.Sparkle. I maybe should have left them under the 5000k light for a week or 2 once flipped then moved them over to the bigger tent.
I’m running 6 2700k strips so maybe if I change 2 of them out for 5000k it’ll reduce it somewhat??
For now I’ll ride it out and keep bending and tying.
Thanks for your input. :+1:


Hey look at it like this. The blueberry twist you couldn’t get to grow. :rofl:

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Yeah swings and roundabouts eh? :rofl:

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They are going to grow the way they are going to grow. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bro I got this don’t worry :+1:
I’ve got a shit load of yoyo hangers :rofl:

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Just think about the flowers that GSC is going to bloom. :fire:

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All white led’s are a blue chip at their base, the difference between stretch and no stretch in regards to color temp and leds is alot less that one would think, HPS and MH sure there is a bigger difference, but leds less so, also just to throw a loop in red light in more photosynthetically available conversion wise, so 100watts of 6500k led vs a redder 2700k even with phosphor losses the later likely is giving off more photons the plant can utilize or at least the conversion and usage is more efficient.

Saying that i would harbour 99.5% its the cramped nature of the branches thats causing your stretch.


I’m more thinking about the fire it could cause if I don’t keep ontop of them and they hit the lights. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m not culling them. If anything I’ll cut the main colas from each stem and let the sides get all the energy from the light. I’ll give it a few days before I decide. Bending stems isn’t that much of a task.


That’s my own doing being gready @Mr.Sparkle. I seen that 4 autopot trays fitted the tent nice so I planted 4 seeds. I’d likely have been better with just 2 plants.
If Russia fucks off with its stupidity and the price of power reduces I can go back to how I normally grow.