EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It’s supposed to be low stress training lol, usually I would see die off after a week or so if I did too much damage cracking and bending branches, she’s got a great shape to her now, lots of light getting to all those bud sites.


I’d have pulled the branches down gradually but it’s just a bag seed I’d found in a bag of weed I liked the smell of @Shadey. If I’d bought the seed I’d have been a lot more careful with her.





The weather has been beautiful here. And is set to stay apparently :sunglasses: been working in nothing but shorts. Sexy image right :kissing_heart::joy:
Mine seem to be doing alright in the garden too. See how they go by the river :muscle:


So I’m a total slacker and have to jump to the end as I have been super self absorbed lately and barely on OG. From what I can tell, you’ve got some autos going outside and at least 1 female from a bag seed inside. I think the auto idea is great for you. You should plant a boatload outside instead of full plants. Do you remember that one year where I did like 30 autos in a row? I just staggered them by like 10 days and they kept me going on smoke until my main harvest. You get even worse mold than I do. The autos should finish nicely and June - August is peak time for them.

I hope you are doing well, Bro. BTW… your strawberry plants are looking good. I’ve got mine in the Lettucegrow hydro thing this time. They have all just started to flower. Can’t wait! My tiny 6 year old Alpine strawberry plant went crazy this year from all of the rain. I’ve never seen so many berries on it. Casanova has now figured out how good they are too and knows where to get them. Little shit! :rofl: I never should have given him one.


I’m doing well @Meesh. Just plugging away at the days like I do. Got a lot of spare time on my hands since I had to quit climbing for a living and it’s getting kind of boring.
The autos is a good idea as they have a higher cbd content and I’ve noticed with autos the flavours seem to be more prominent than photos at least for me but they always tend to end up really fluffy and less compact than photos.

Thank you @Meesh
You may have noticed that my outdoors non cannabis plants are all stuff that I can pluck from the plant and eat while I’m out working in the garden. My 6 year old great niece comes to see my every Saturday and she loves going into the garden and picking her own cherry tomatoes and strawberries so I make sure they are well looked after.

I’ve got a tent full of GSC going that’s been a total pain in the ass to control. It’s been a :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: nightmare.
The Bag seed was what I found inside a kg box of bud while I was weighing 3.5g bags out. The bud stank of over ripe oranges and I loved the smell and how the buds looked. The high was “meh” at best but maybe it just wasn’t giving long enough to finish up properly so I figured I’d grow it out. I was gonna originally keep it as a mom but changed my mind as I can make better use of the tent it’s in.


Only recently I grew some things that I actually had for dinner and not for straight snacking in the garden. That’s super cute with your grand niece! I bet she loves it! My gramps used to let me collect things from the garden when I was a child and to this day some of my best memories!

Ugh! I can’t stand picky strains. I am about as lazy as they come these days. LITFA is my favorite word. I actually have bitten off a lot this year. With quite a few extra container grows on top of my ground plants and dang it the lab gave me 3 different drenches for the backyard this year. Lazy is out the window, I guess :rofl:


The petals on some of the strawberries flowers have dropped so in a few weeks we should see some berries that she can pick so I’ll grab a photo of her @Meesh
She’s my favourite person in the world and I spoil her rotten :smiling_face:


Well considering all the headaches off the GCS has caused its looking like she’s gonna pay me back with an abundance of bud. :+1:
Still around 4 weeks ish remaining.


Hell Ya she is. :100: You are going to get a pile of :fire:


Outdoors autos.

Pushed the bagseed light up to 200w

GSC still being a PITA. But I think she’s gonna yield huge for such a small grow space.

The 3500k definitely increases the trichome production.

A week old seedling in my solar powered bubble bucket.


Looking good man, I just put some auto seeds in water to germinate, they are a bit old but hoping they crack, the only consistently warm spot in the house is sitting on the wifi and TV box lol.


I’ve still got them c99 x you sent me last year to crack @Shadey. I tried a couple but they didn’t do anything. I’ve got a seed heat mat and a small propagator here so I’ll try them again in a week or 2.


Yeah they are probably 3 to 4 years old now, I hope they do its a nice sativa smoke. Maybe a bit of hydrogen peroxide in the water might help, I may try that with the autos if nothing happens in the next 48 hours.


You plants all look great brother. Inside and Out. Those Auto’s are moving fast. I’m going to have to top four of mine this next week.


Love to see the different set ups you’ve got going mate.
And making the most of the sunshine we’re having here as well! I wish I had space (and neighbours I could trust :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) to put something outside where I am now.

What breeder is your GSC from? I’ve only grown one GSC from Blimburn, and smoke was alright, but the plant itself, was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever grown. I’ll have to see if I can dig a pic out from the old phone.



Chamomile tea is supposed to help germination as well.

@Esrgood4u Plants are looking tits, Bro! Are you gonna throw down more autos? You could get more in this season me thinks. The ones you have now look freaking great! How many hours of sunlight do you max out at come solstice there?

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I’ve put a pack of blueberry auto regs directly into the ground @Meesh but I’m also gonna invest in some auto fems from a seedbank (likely discreet seeds) that I’ll put into pots. We’re supposedly gonna have one hell of a summer in the uk so I’m gonna make the most of the sun.:v:


How’s it going buddy long time no speak eh???
The seeds are from seedstockers (Dutch passion sister company) cheap and cheerful. I think I only gave around £5 per seed. The plants are a total pain in my ass :rofl:


Seen your name for years. Thought you were an American biker dude :joy: I’m loving the Welsh sunshine at the moment but looking forward to more of the same back at home. I trust one neighbour and still have some in the garden. If anything comes back I know who’s said something :100:

@Esrgood4u I’m hoping my outdoor autos look half as good as yours when done bro. That GSC looks fire too. I really hope my flood and drain perks up by the time I’m back. But it didn’t look clever when I was there. Still need to sort out some pH and PPM control but need money for that. Budget to survive 2 days for 4 of us is £25 on holiday :joy: least the beach is free :sunglasses: