EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Looking good. Auto’s are the way to go outdoors there. It would seem. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Over half the Runtz seeds are above ground. They germinated fast.


Bag seed.

Runtz Fems.
All up apart from one but I’ve dug around and she’s rooted fine. Just planted her slightly to deep.
Been putting them outside in the propagator each morning to make the use of the sun.


Bag seed. :rofl: I think an S1 seed fell in that pile. :100: :fire:


It’s a nice looking plant innit?? When I open the tent it fills the room with a orange skunky smell. I found it in a kg box of weed so obviously there is a chance she’ll hermie on me.


StunnA for sure. :sunglasses: :metal:


I have this one B.Banner s1 that I germed about two weeks ago - it’s from Darkhorse genetics, so it should be a pretty big plant .?! :facepunch:.
I’m gonna veg the B.B. for a wee while so I can have a BIG plant with lots of Cola’s etc. :crossed_fingers:.

Bottom pic is ‘Ice Cream Cake’ fem photo.

Here’s my wee seedlings in my window box thing. Lol.

At least we have a few up and running - im hardening an auto ( fem.) called ‘Red Autumn’ f3’ - so I’ll have at least one finish outdoors. Lol.

I’m hopeful that the weather brightens back up ( with the sunshine et al …).

Btw ; did you open the skins up carefully , with the autos in the them .?
I have the strain/cross list/name of each number which corresponds as whatever seeds were in each skin.

Or if you don’t really care about which is which .?!

I know that there’s some of each of;
Crystal Candy x GLo auto …
S.A.D. x GLo auto …
A Mephisto strain x GLo
And one more.

I’ll look out for the list.

Iv never seen such vigour in ANY other autos/ even photos’ , the stems of the Glo i have been growing under my SolStrips are thick as fk mate.

I’m sure if you crack some of his stuff you will find that these ARE quite fast autos - I have a couple of the Crystal C x GLo auto in my 12/12 tent and they are takeable now but I’m gonna let them go another week/10 days. ( That’d be 70 days since seed… wow.!.).

Sorry for the massive ramble. Lol. ( no excuse but im stoned.- :joy:. ).

I cracked the Block Cherry Moonrocks you sent me and it died after being ‘alive’ for a few days. Haha.
I’m gonna crack either of those Runtz or Slurricane - but the one I’ll crack in a few days will be the Mac Muffin fem - have you tried that one yet .?!

Have a good evening mate.

Gaz. :facepunch:.


All right @Gaz29
I’ve opened the package and I’ve put 2 of the Glo (number 2) autos into dirt in my polytunnel. It doesn’t really matter what strain it is that comes from @ReikoX ill always grow it out to the best of my abilities buddy.
One of the OSS runtz autos seedlings got chewed by something so I’ll likely put another of the Glo seeds in its place.
Bro ill be fine for seeds all through next year with all these fem seeds you’ve sent me :rofl: I’m looking at this g13 white widow and trying to figure out if I can fit it into my schedule a little sooner.
Now onto the most important question.
Does this :arrow_double_down:

Contain RKS or are you playing with my emotions?? :rofl:
If it does indeed hold RKS seeds they will be going into the dirt and into my small tent as soon as that bag seed is done. I’ve got a plan to put 4 seeds into a single 18l pot of coco inside my 2x2. I’ll situate the seeds in each corner of the pot.
I’m massively grateful for everything you’ve sent buddy and I’ll get through them all eventually.

I’ve got another 2 mac muffins here if you can use them. I received them after id sent your package off or id have sent all 3 to you. No I’ve never grown them before mate so I’m counting on you to grow out a mega plant. Grown a lot of tastebudz gear out and to be honest I’ve never had a bad plant from them yet.


RKS :eyes: :smile: :rofl:

I’d seen that someone did a coop seed run for an RKS recently.

If you get a male and could manage to keep it, I’d love to get some pollen from that!
Might be an absolute ball ache to do that though haha.


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We’ll have to weight on @Gaz29 getting back to me to see if they are RKS bro. If they are ill grow them in seperate pots and if a male pops up I’ll isolate it somehow and collect some for you. I’ll just grow it till it shows balls then move it outdoors until it dumps some. :+1:


Ah that would be amazing dude!! I’d make a drive up to collect if you could.

I’ve got a couple Bodhi Packs I’m thinking of popping next, and some of them could be decent crossed woth some RKS.
I’m thinking maybe Old Soul (Goji OG PineSoul cut x Old Mother 'Gani) could work well…

Don’t want you seeding all of your outdoors though just for my sake :laughing: :sweat_smile:



Yes, if you look at the 1981’ ‘Roadkill Skunk co-op thread by @Kushking902 , from about 15/18 months back - these are/were from ‘Helm Cheeba’ , etc.

  • you will see more info on the Thread for this cultivar and i believe you CAN find the smelly stuff in this line. :crossed_fingers:. !

Good luck with those skunk - if you’re gonna find something Stinky, it’ll be in this pack, :crossed_fingers:…?!

I hope this helps you get some of those Skunks going, so’s i can watch them grow etc. :facepunch:.
I’m interested in what you find …

Anyway you’re welcome to the seeds I sent you - you sent me some nice seeds too. :facepunch:.

Swings and roundabouts, mate . ! :ok_hand: ( karma.).

Have a good night, peeps …


I can’t believe I spelt “wait” wrong :rofl:
Males don’t really need as much light as females do to flower/grow balls so I’ll just move it into its own little grow space. My outdoors stuff is ALWAYS for my personal use anyway for the higher cbd content that autoflowers have. Even pollinated/seeded plants still get you high. Just requires a bit more work to prep the bud for smoking. Leave it with me and I’ll be starting the seeds in the next couple of weeks.
@Gaz29 shout out if you can use them mac muffin seeds buddy. Alien Cookies x Starfighter x Blueberry Kush, only a 55 day flower period and 100% iindica sounds mega when i read it back to myself :rofl: I’ve got my next couple of grows planned out so they will just sit there.
I’ll tag you both once I get them started :v:


Aye mate I think I could use those other two Mac Muffin fems - I hadn’t actually read its lineage - but what you found out about them, has peeked my interest in them. :+1:. They sound like a good smoke for sleep/pain management etc. ?!

Just send me them ‘pidgon-post’ - I won’t be cracking them til roughly a month or so anyway, so no immediate hurry, mate. :facepunch:.
Thanks for the offer , much appreciated. !

Your outdoors stuff is looking great .! - , are they budding up thickly , or larfy buds ?

Happy growing , …



I’ve not stripped any leafs from them at all buddy and they are around the breeder stated age for them to be finished now but are still going strong. I’m in no hurry to cut them down so I’m gonna leave them as long as I possibly can. Even if I only get an oz from each plant its a bonus really. Them plants have only cost me the price of a bag of compost to grow out. Seeds were freebies from a few different discreet seeds purchases and the sun has been mega (and free).
I’ll get a package made up with the mac muffin and posted out over the weekend. :+1:
Gorilla Cookies auto.

Autos directly in the garden.


Same. Seedsman is always out of stock and takes months to ship. Boo!

I’m not convinced the real RKS is in there, but I tried some anyway. LOL


Give discreet seeds a try @Meesh. They are the cheapest I’ve found and they always have some amazing offers. I’ve tried several of their own seeds that I’m guessing they buy in bulk from somewhere and re brand them as there own and for how cheap they are the end results have all been mega.


3 of the Runtz seedings seemed to be struggling so I fucked them off and replaced them with new seeds.
Gonna give them another week in the starter tray then get them into the 3l pots.

Got the tent set up ready for the attempted SOG grow.
Pots are filled and rigged up to the autopot float valves to give the coco time to wet so the pH and ppm are sat stable.

The bag seed is eating itself as all its getting at the minute is PhD water. I was hoping the up pot new soil
would be enough to feed her. I was obviously wrong :rofl:

She’s not such a pretty now is she?? :laughing:


Nice. Did the GSC finish?

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Yes bro. Not a mega yield but its sticky af. The heat we are getting here in the uk at the minute is unbearable so it’s drying a bit quicker than I’d have liked. Hey even if it’s harsh it’ll still do the job. It’s for personal anyway so I can only complain to myself. :rofl:
I’ve not been as attentive with my thread as I should be but life’s a little hectic for me at the minute.