EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

At the minute they are only about 6 inch in height. I’ll allow 12 inch. They are onto the 5th node so by Sunday they should be big enough I think. Even if I get a half oz per plant that’s still 9oz. I’d obviously like more :rofl:


@Gaz29 I’ve not forgot about them mac muffin seeds bro. I will get them out to you 100% just been abusing stuff I really shouldn’t lately and I’ve neglected my promises I made. I’ll get them posted over the next few days.


No worries bro, I’ll get them when you send them. I’m in no hurry. Thanks .!

I like the look of your sog so far good luck with the bloom phase. :crossed_fingers:
So you are flipping on Sunday - I’ll pop in from time to time to see your progress. :facepunch:.

Happy growing, mate.



Ah yeh, I meant keep your own mother plant, and take your own cuts to root. But like I say, that would require more equipment and more time and dedication.

Looks like you’re killing it with the system you’ve got bro!



I’ve thought about keeping a bonzi mom in the past but the cost of electric is what stops me. I’ve got all the extra equipment needed already including the light.
I also get bored of having the same strain constantly.
I enjoy growing from seed. I just need to keep trying different grow methods until I find one that works best for me. This sog seems to be working excellent apart from the lines getting blocked every so often but I put that down to the megacrop I’m using at the minute. I don’t have this issue using salt based nutrients.


Totally understand that mate, leccy costs have become a joke.
And I know what you mean about growing from seed, I love that too. I prefer the variety of strains if I can have it.
I’ve only ever kept a clone of Purple Orange CBD going for 3–4 rounds, that would have been a keeper in hindsight. But we live and learn haha.



Can we keep clones outdoors over here, as photos struggle due to our light. They should be kept in veg no ?

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Yes you just keep them in in veg. A mom and vegging plants/clones don’t really require that much light to thrive but it’s finding that power balance where there is enough light to keep any stretch to an absolute minimum. Keeping them outdoors they will only remain in veg until the days get shorter then bloom will trigger.


Three out of 4 of the RKS are up. One decided to give up on life and lay down on me so I yanked it.
I moved them from the starter tray into small pots for a week or 2 then I’ll up pot again into 3l pots.
Each seedling looks totally different. One of them looks like it’s gonna be a mutant.


Look fine to me. :sunglasses: :metal:


2nd picture top left the seedling has some leaf twist going on. Maybe it’ll grow out of it. We’ll see.
The three seedlings all look totally different to one another. We’ll see what happens eh?


They do all look pretty different, dont they :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Fingers crossed for at least one killer female for you dude!



Bro whatever comes from them I’ll be happy. Any skunk will take me back to when my life wasn’t so stressful :rofl:
Obviously I’d like them to absolutely stink the house out and get one male for pollen for you. What can I say? Im a giver! :v:
I’m gonna take my time with these and likely keep them small until they show on their own then up pot. Currently they are in half litre pots.


Hahaa aye, take me back to mid 2000s, life was an absolute stoll in the park then! :rofl:

Fingers crossed for that stank you’re looking for!!



You can tell you spent some time here up north via that phrase alone :rofl::+1:


Some time haha, 36 years dude.


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Lol you eventually said “fuck this” and moved then I take it?? I did the same. I moved to benidorm but that ended up even worse :rofl:

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I love the North East, there’s really something special about the place itll always be home.
But I’ve always wanted to live somewhere else, or at least try it haha.
End goal is to live on a Greek island somewhere, maybe run a small café and art gallery, grow weed and grow old in the sun.

Benidorm and Newcastle aren’t really that different though are they? haha



Benidorm is full of scouce and geordies. When they get together is when stuff goes wrong.
I did 6 years over there. I met a lot of good people and at first I loved the life.
After a while you meet some people more regular than others and that’s when your problems start.
Drugs are a big issue over there. I got out before my issues got any worse than they were. I reckon if I’d not left I’d have been dead in less than 12 months. :roll_eyes:


Yehni can imagine it’s like a bigg market if it was open 24/7.
I did the ‘lads’ holiday thing a few times in my 20s, I couldn’t imagine living like that for any length of time beyond 2 weeks to be honest.

Also, I liked that comment, but not because you said you’d have been dead :laughing:

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