EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

What’s with all this “wee” talk like? :smile:

That’s size of my tent I’m growing in at the moment, and its like a Tardis with all the stuff I’ve got inside :rofl:



I AM Scottish, that’s where the ‘WEE’ comes from …!

I have a few tents - and the wee BudBox tent is part of a deal i got , when i bought a BudBox Titan 1 - the seller GAVE me the wee tent as part of the deal … :ok_hand:.

Happy growing peeps’ …


Haha, it’s all good mate! I’m a geordie, and my dad lives in Edinburgh, so I’m nearly Scottish as well :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Will be nice to see someone else growing in one of these budboxes, I assume most times that people would use them to keep mothers, clones or sprouting seeds etc and no do a full growing them.

I’ve noticed a lot less journals with people doing micro grows recently, I’m assuming that’s down to more states in US moving towards legalisation, less need to hide it so much.



Sorry for not replying sooner. The old man (he’s 74) had a fall and was rushed into hospital. He has some kind of an infection going on (high temperature and really weak) and its effected his heart so I’m focusing on him more than anything at the minute. Plants are doing fine although I think I’ve over did it again :roll_eyes:

I’ll pop by whenever I get a chance. :v:


Boomer Tent. You flip yet?


Sunday last week buddy. Stretch started after 2 days. Runtz has a strong smell in veg so can’t wait to see what it’s like when the Frost sets in.


Fuck the plants, focus on your old man!
Hope all goes good for him. :slightly_smiling_face:
Plants look fine by the way. :+1:


Thank you @chronix. He’s had a few falls in the past but this time he frightened me. I thought he’d had a stroke but luckily I was wrong. As a kid he had TB and was sent to a special hospital and now in later life he gets a lot of chest infections but he won’t tell anyone when he doesn’t feel right and this is what happens.
I unfortunately brought covid into his house around 2 years ago and that was the start of his downward spiral. He’s nearly died with it and now has a permanent caffiter bag fitted. It weighs heavy on my shoulders.


It is not your fault at all mate, many people have had it. It could have came from anywhere, something as simple as groceries being brought home. I was tested pos for it 3 different times months apart.
The times I caught it I wasn’t in contact with many people at all. Still got it.
It really kicked my ass when I had it.


Sorry to hear about this.
Hoping your old man has recovered and the infection under control.
Pls don’t take it hard on yourself and I pray and hope you’re able to spend many more happy days with him together.
Take care bro. :herb::v:t3:

I’d like to know the smoke report on the bcn critical auto you had grown previously. I’ve always wanted to get the photoperiod of this strain but ended up purchasing something different every attempt. Heard great things about it and the last critical+ I grew got rave reviews from my friends.


It’s still drying but soon as its ready I’ll hit the water pipe and get back to you. It was supposedly a 8 week plant. This went nearly double that. It has a good bit purple happening around where the stems stop. I think that’s likely to do with the autoflower they crossed it with.
While it’s drying though and I turn the buds I’m getting a strong pine smell from it. Reminds me of 90s NL.


Interesting. The critical+ I grew was also supposed to be 8-10 week plant but it took me 13+ weeks to finish.

Pine sounds great!


@Esrgood4u sorry to hear that about your dad, I hope he’s feeling better soon.
And you can’t put any of this on yourself man, especially the covid thing, that was a whole worldwide fucked up situation, that nobody knew how to handle.



Hi, I’m new to this forum, but am also having some ‘Issues’ with Hermies {Barney’s}…I was given some ‘‘Perfect Tree’’ ‘Tropicozz’ seeds as a freebie by local seedbank, and searching on here, can’t see many people growing them- or those that do have had problems, {Pests} or on Growdiaries, incomplete diaries…

What was the Peach Tree like?

I had a Thrip prob in 2012 and tried predators, but the little mites marched all over my room- and didn’t really work.
In the end I had to use a spray - I think a ‘Mectin’ from the grow shop.

Barney’s hasn’t a great reputation online {Hermies} {when googling} …I bought some Perfect Tree ‘Mimozz’ and am sprouting these {Hopefully they come up}

{I can’t grow outdoors because my garden is minuscule and overlooked}.

Cheers …


Preventative cleaning works best to keep pests at bay.
Foliar spray Weekly with neem and aloe, there’s other essential oils that can be added, but I’ve never done that myself, so don’t want to make specific suggestions.



The peachtree was a frosty girl but I obviously had the spidermite issue and it effected the yield massively. Predators did nothing at all but I managed to keep them under control enough to get to harvest using and organic pesticide that once washed off is safe for human consumption. The stone was average and the taste and smell didn’t really come through but that’s likely to do with having to spray them. I bet if I didn’t have that issue the bud would have been top shelf.:v:


How’s yer dad doing now @Esrgood4u .?

I hope he’s better soon, mate.

Are you going to thin out your Runtz or leave it til most of the stretch is done .?
That’s a bigger canopy than you were thinking of, i assume .?!
Good luck with them regardless.

How’s your outdoors stuff - have you taken many autos down yet and how many are left outside .?

Just a wee update would be cool … :+1:.



Sorry to hear about your dad bro, best wishes to you both :four_leaf_clover:
The runtz looking good, you’re the fastest grower I’ve seen, you don’t fuck about with this tent do you :facepunch:


Sorry to hear that ur experience with growing Barney’s turned sour.
Barney’s is my go to breeder and total :fire: in those beans I feel.
I grew their dos si dos33, purple punch, gorilla zkittlez and blue gelato41 all without problems other than grower error in the initial stages.
If theres one breeder that I’d close my eye and buy from, it’s Barney’s. 🫣


He’s a lot better today thanks @Gaz29. They are drip feeding him antibiotics and he’s perked right up.

I’ve taking one of the gorilla cookies. Still 2 remaining.

3 Gambian x Blueberry. Still not showed sex :man_shrugging:

2 straight Blueberry autos (I forget who they came from but they were definitely not the ones from @Bob13)

2 of @ReikoX autos that @Gaz29 sent me.

3 runtz autos from OSS.

4 either Blueberry or LRUV x Mango Smile (planted the blueberry from @Bob13 first and nothing happened for a week so I just banged the LRUV cross in the same pots without digging through the soil)

The solar powered bubble bucket
Plant is tiny. It took ages for the roots to leave the net pot. I’ll be lucky if it yields a gram :rofl: