EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It’s a chunky lass that isn’t it! :joy:

Thankfully I’ve never smelled one, but I have seen one when I was in Toronto years ago.

But I’ve been hearing a lot of conflicting information regarding RKS recently. Regarding the actual smell that it had, some saying it had nothing to do with actually smelling like a skunk at all, and that it was more of a metaphor for its intensity.
And some even saying that growers used to take roadkilled Skunks and place them near the property they were growing in to disguse the smell, and that’s apparently where the name comes from.

But this is cannabis lore, so who the fuck actually knows. We’re trusting information to be passed from stoner to stoner for fucks sake. :rofl:



Bro I don’t think this is RKS. I don’t even think it’s skunk at all. The smell it really prominent but I don’t feel like it’s a bad smell. It just smells like really good weed if that makes sense? It’s one of then smells where you know it’s cannabis even from a distance and everyone else around you knows what’s in your pocket. :rofl:


Used to get a txt off one of my dealers years ago, would just say “Got some of that lush mate”.
:smile: :rofl:
I think I know what you mean.

Went to pick up with my pal one time in South Shields and got the metty back home.
We both got a half each and stuck it in our pockets, and on the metty back it fucking stunk the whole carriage out.
We were both baked as fuck, and thought if we just keep quiet no one will notice.
After about 20mins my pal turns to me and absolutely deadpan says “your bag of weed stinks mate”. As if it was just mine that stunk.



Yeah that’s the stuff I’m on about. Just really stinks. More pine than anything. You can’t escape it. People move away from you when you have it in your possession. :rofl: as if cannabis users could be arsed to even move :rofl:


Noticed a bit bud rot forming near the top of one of the runtz colas a few days ago so I chopped it off just below the rot. Trimmed up and removed any rot I could find and let it drying out.
It’s mega frosty.


Ya she is. Looks :fire:

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Lost my big girl yesterday. Her west side broke off after 3 hours or rain and no wind so I killed her.


I’m sorry to read that buddy. No one can predict the weather. Even the weathermen get it wrong 99% of the time. Hopefully the remaing plants make up for any loss. I bet that single plant alone would have yielded a kg.


I’m not worried about it. She was crowding me. :rofl: This is why I grow 2 over my limit.


I’d be suicidal bro. My heart sank when I seen that little bit rot I found :rofl: I likely only lost a Q at the most :rofl:


I lose something every year.

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Aside from more marbles??? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’m setting up a 3x3 gorilla tent with my HLG Blackbird and HLG UVA30bar this winter.


I’ve been thinking about putting my 4x4 back up but just running the 320w I am at the minute in it. It’ll allow more airflow and let them branch out more. :thinking:
Obviously I’ll reconfigure the rack for even coverage


I regularly dim my flowering light to roughly 320W in my 4 by 4 and I do okay :+1:.

A couple of pics from yesterday. :point_up_2:.

I think you’ll do great with your 320W of SolStrips in your 4 by 4 tent. :facepunch:.

I think it’ll be worth it for you … ?!

Iv been looking at vapes for weed/hash & am stuck on what to get.
Any recommendations/suggestions. ?

Runtz nearly finished or .?

Maybe take a few buds every couple of days to sample/keep & at the same time you’re lowering the chances of more mould occurring , etc …?!

I better stop rambling. Lol - been smoking some nice weed today and im stoned.



Hands down a tinymight2 if its affordable bro. I absolutely love mine. Hits like a train.
I’m interested in these new vape cups you can buy.

That one takes carts but you can buy one for flower also.
I may bite the bullet when I’ve got some spare cash.

End of weed 8 on Sunday. A couple will go a bit longer but trichomes on some of them are saying to take them. I’m just holding off until I’ve got some free time to Chop them.

I can likely refit my 600w meanwell and add a couple more strips and run around 450w at a push. I’m thinking to pay the electric fully in advance. I reckon it’ll cost me £320 to £440 a grow depending on the strain.


That’s only a couple of Oz worth of Electricity. Lol.

The bandits want a fortune from me - I pay them just enough to get by ( Electricity/Gas.) but I owe them a lot.

Anyway I’m pretty sure you’ll get away with 320/350W in your 4 by 4 - just keep the light close to the canopy the whole grow, - you know … :+1:. !

Happy growing.

How did you get on with your mushrooms :mushroom:. ?
Are you microdosing with it or .?
( just curious/nosey …! ).

Lol …


I’m 46 bro. I trip with most of my steps without mushrooms in my system :rofl:
£10 a gram and the students scream for them. There has been a few festivals here in Newcastle lately so…


@Gaz29 2 of 3 of the RKS plants are still growing fine buddy. If I’m honest I’m really not getting any smell from them yet. Stem rub just smells “green” if you know what I mean??
Not seeing any sacs on the remaining 2. If anything they are loving life. :crossed_fingers:they stay that way.


Still have stuff outdoors. Gambian x blueberry auto is around 6ft tall. All 3 have pistils and 100% female but I doubt they will yield anything this late on.

A blueberry auto I’d more or less forgot about.

2 of the not a competition plants. I’m sure these are @firehead lruv x mango smile.

Last but not least one of @ReikoX Glo. Was originally 2 going but one got grey mold so I killed it.