EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Took the sativa leaning plant a few days ago.
Left the lowers to get a bit more light and mature.
Showing a bit purple now.

Got a single RKS plant remaining. I accidentally cut one while chopping the runtz.
Advice to myself. Don’t harvest if you’ve been drinking.

Slurricane seeds started.

Started 3 Fastbuds strawberry banana in my small tent also to carry on once I move the Sluricane into the bigger tent.


I’m thinking it’s about time I upgraded my lights and find something that’s efficient enough to grow in a 4x4 again as I’m really not getting what I expected from 300w in a 4x2.
I’ve got around £400 to invest in a decent light.
Currently I’m looking at the Lumii Black 720.

I’ve also checked out the Philzon PH-B8-D

I’m trying to avoid a Chinese made LED if I can so I’m leaning more towards the Lumii light.
If anyone has any recommendations please add it to my thread.
I’ve one single stipulation that’s set in stone. I will never give marshydro my hard earned cash.
I look forward to seeing your suggestions.


Maxibright Varidrive 720w LED - Grow Guys :thinking:

I just bought a Migro but it hasn’t been delivered yet. But I’ve got a good vibe.


I’m trying to avoid Chinese companies buddy as usually the paper the warranty is on isn’t worth wiping your ass with.
The Phizon light though has got my attention and the specs and price are on point. The Lumii light is limited as it can only dim via the power the ballast outputs. :thinking:

Migro all the way


My light is shipping from Ireland.


I’ll take look at the migro lights since folks are giving them a thumbs up. Cheers @Sense. Migro name looks like it’s a Chinese manufacturer so if I buy I’m putting my faith in you all that’s recommended then. If I buy one and I have issues it’s on yous :rofl:
I’ll take a look now


Like I said I don’t have mine yet but I don’t take a shit without doing my research.

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@Gaz29 the RKS
They are sticky but definitely not a strong smell. The smell reminds me of old school ak. More a Pine smell than anything. The main buds are huge and still swelling. Maybe 2 weeks remaining. She’s a nice plant and has that old school look and smell to her.


Good looking flower bro. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Migro owned by a chap in Ireland called Shane who really knows his stuff, on YouTube he compares lights and has brought out his own line to solve issues from the likes of the Chinese. He’s on his 2nd generation, 1st generation was amazing. 2nd gen is fantastic price to performance, and with us being a stones throw away I’m sure support would be ace!

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I’ve seen his videos on YouTube where he test lights out. I didn’t realise he’d brought his own out. I’ve got a few quid to spend on a new light£400 but I’m hoping on a 600w dimmable for that amount. I’m likely expecting too much.


That looks OK for the price. My only worry is it doesn’t state what driver it uses. All the reviews are positive.
What light did you buy @Foreigner??


I got the array 4

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They use Samsung diodes. Looks like they’ll get another sale. Its 500w and not 600 like I was looking for but the entire point is to reduce my bills as much as possible. Watch this space :+1:


I’ve bought a couple of the lights that SHANE from MIGRO has tested and sold on.

I got my ‘ProTech 430’ with controller etc from him, though I got it for a decent price - I had to pay £90 VAT, cause he’s in Ireland :ireland: and NOT Northern Ireland.
Bastards charge 20% VAT on buying from the Eu. ( I still got it for cheaper than buying from the makers.).

He used to sell cob lights and he recently ( last couple of years) upgraded his line to bar-style lights.
Worth the £ - just add 20% to what you pay and that’s the REAL price.
Good luck with your next light , mate. :crossed_fingers:.

Sounds interesting, :point_up: , maybe the smells will grow with the ripening of the buds .?!

Keep me posted on how it looks before you chop her. Cheers …:facepunch:.

Happy Sunday, bro …


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Todo grow led, viparspectra have good reputation and cheap options

If it can help : I bought mars hydro in used equipment and I’m very happy (lm301b + osram 660nm for 0,5 euros/watt)

But they are 2/3 threads here about cheap and food leds

Good day

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Yeah the vat pushes the price up to 460 bro. For that price there are better options. Was really wanting to keep the cost 400 and bellow. I could probably hold off on buying for a week or two and raise a little extra cash.

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You could buy x4 100W lights for a 4 by 4 tent for about the £400 or less. ?!

Worth having a look at some. :+1:.

Maybe someone else who knows more about lighting might chime in, mate. ?!

Besta luck :four_leaf_clover:.


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