EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Glad your light dep is kicking them into flower :+1:. Should have a healthy yield of some nice plants in your greenhouse. Hoping it doesn’t get too cold before you have some finished. :crossed_fingers:

Now that you have given up work for just now - you’ll have plenty of time to look after your plants etc … wishing you well for your next ‘project’ … lol. :+1:
I’m sure you’ll be busy making ££ soon enough.
Happy growing/smoking bro.


The greenhouse “should” give them an extra couple of weeks to finish up. There is quite a temperature difference inside compared to outside.
The work situation even with the “project” it still won’t cover what my wage usually is. I’m good at what I usually do for a living and paid accordingly. It’s quite a difference money wise that I’m gonna have to adjust my life around. Hopefully it’ll only be for a month or two @Gaz29.
Anyway how’s things with you mate? You manage to get them autos started yet???


Im ok but struggling for ££ just now too …
No not really started my auto’s as yet , :arrow_heading_up: but i have a dozen or so plants elsewhere flowering , some have Sativa structures, leaves etc and there’s a couple of DBHP plants at about day 40 and iv got an auto lowryder x devil #1 female (and two males, plus a single St Outlaw s1, that’s vegging ( also 3x auto’s at seedling stage.) ,it’ll be mostly an all auto run here next mate …
Got problems with my mail, been waiting on a few packages - one sent two weeks ago, and no joy yet …!
Anyway that’s what’s up at my end …
How did that stardawg x ghash smoke , have ya smoked any yet .??
Good luck with your outdoor gear bro :+1:.


Indoor autos
As you can see the compost/coco mix didn’t buffer the ph very well and it caused a lock out. I’ve got it back under control now and the plants are greening up again. We are around week 9 from Sprout and pistils everywhere still
Train Wreck auto

Glueberry OG auto

@cogitech LRUV x Tangerine dream seems to have been the one mostly effected.

G14 auto didn’t seem to mind the higher ph

The late starter after replacing a male with a new seed @cogitech LRUV x Cheese.

@ReikoX auto finished at 8 weeks. She’s chopped and drying as we speak. Sorry I didn’t get a picture before chop.
The zkittlez got Botrytis because of high humidity and it’s compact stature and couldn’t be saved so the entire plant got composted.
I’ve been really lazy with this grow and it’s caused me a world of problems so in future a lot more time and effort will be made to keep future plants in the best possible condition I can :v:
The edit was spelling corrections


@cogitech your LRUV x Tangerine dream is a beast.
She’s a little over 9 weeks old. I feel I’ve still done her justice even though I fucked up with my PH buffering theory. She’s likely have stacked even more if she had better conditions. She’s getting another couple of days then I’ll give her the chop. I’ll be sure to take a decent photo when I remove her from the tent into natural light chop day :+1:

The train wreck was an impulse buy just to fill a gap in the tent. Shes a beauty. Still has another week or two before she finishes though. She’s gonna delay my RDWC photoperiod grow.

GSC auto is gonna yield well but Jesus she’s an ugly looking plant. About another week for her to finish up.

Glueberry OG got chopped and trimmed tonight.
Looking like around 3 - 4 oz dried.


Nice :+1: haul and the @cogitech plant is a monster for only 9 weeks- im sure it could go another week.? Plus how’s your outdoor gear hope your winning as it’s getting colder now.
Yer doing well with your auto’s btw, what size pots do you usually use for them & do you just bend them or fim or …??
I see £ in your future lol.
Happy growing mate ,


She’d have been a lot bigger had I not messed up with the PH @Gaz29. I reckon she’s gonna give 7 - 8 oz. I’ve some seeds remaining so 1st outdoor grow in auto pots next year will be these.
The pots are only 8.5 litres. It’s the smaller autopot pots they are in.
The outdoors is doing great. Buds forming everywhere mate. I just hope the greenhouse is enough to keep the frost off them as it’s gonna be mid November when they will likely be done.
Outdoor critical

If I can get in amongst them tomorrow I’ll get a few pictures of the buds forming on each of them mate. I think autos only out there from now on though as these are touching the roof and I’m having to bend and fold stems daily :neutral_face:


My Blue Dream x Cookies Kush fem creation.
The ones I had in rock wool I binned and started again planted these directly into coco. They are around 1 week old. Plan is to grow them under 12/12 start to finish to ensure they are definitely female.


@Gaz29 as promised a few better pictures of the greenhouse plants.
@cannabissequoia girls.
I’m hoping these finish and I have in fact planted the high CBD x so I can pass some onto my terminally ill sister inlaw.


Bodhi tree. She’s budding but not very quickly. Maybe my colder climate?? I may give her a few doses of Bud Blood to see if it helps.


The bodhi Tree is one of those plants that are slow to develop buds but once it does they’ll be thick as fk and finishes about 8/9 weeks indoors, but i don’t do outdoor so i hope it finishes before the weather gets cold :cold_face:.
Your looking at November til they finish …?, good luck bro. :+1: !


The critical is a fast finisher mate so that “should” be done well before but the others will likely go into November. I’m in no hurry for them to finish but obviously I’m worried about the cold getting to them. Supposedly we have another heatwave on its way -
That should hopefully help a little :+1:


“Heatwave” is apparently a very relative term!


Haha even more so if you live in the UK @cogitech :rofl:


I work with a guy from Ireland and he figures moving from Ireland to Canada’s “desert” is comparable to moving to a new planet. His entire life until a few years ago was “12C and damp”. I can’t even imagine that. No wonder they drink so fukin’ much.


It’s colder and wetter further up north mate. I have it bad enough but FFS @Gaz29 must be sick as f#ck :rofl:


I heard Frankenstein’s monster growl when I saw the bark forming on the stem. :smile: :japanese_ogre: GRRR



They are trees not plants FFS :rofl:


Decided to pull @cogitech LRUV x Tangerine dream out of the tent for a closer look. If your wanting a cash crop from an autoflower that’s mega frosty then this definitely ticks every box. She’s f#cking huge and sticky AF.


Very nice, what size pot?


It’s only 8.5 litres but it’s an autopot system so she’s constantly fed. I reckon if she was put into RDWC she’d be uncontrollable.