EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Small 12/12 from seed tent.
SSDD still not showing sex but the rest are growing really well. Having to feed them daily because of the small pots.

Big tent at around 3 weeks into veg.
Sterile RDWC 30 litre buckets.
Had major problems that I thought was a calcium lockout but further investigation led me to my PH meter needed replaced. Bought a new Milwaukie P55 and now back on track. I’ll allow an extra week veg time to make up for the PH fuck up.
Rear left to right.
Bruce banger - seedsman.
LSD - Barneys Farm.
Front left to right.
Blue dream x cookies Kush - my own creation.
Gorilla Glue - Bulk Seeds.

LSD roots.


I wish my plants roots would grow like that in soil, No wonder plants get big fast in DWC .


Love bucket root porn, GIGGITY!!!


He’s running RDWC I believe and my mate pulled some nice yields out of his it’s supposed to be even better than DWC.

Also @Esrgood4u just saw something on one the threads on here about an RDWC that comes with some type of bag to contain medium was thinking if you made a liner for your netpots roots would still grow through it but your medium probably wouldn’t seep through. Figured it worth mentioning as I’ll prolly make some if I try RDWC to stop water pumps being ruined or the pipes clogged as the RDWC I’ve got only has like 1/4” holes maybe 1/2” so any pebbles or debris could potentially fuck me.


With soil you set and forget. This RDWC system I’m having to check daily the ph and e.c levels @Shadey. I’m lazy AF grow wise normally but I have a little more time I can spend with the plants now I decided to buy and run a commercial RDWC system. I’ve ran bubble buckets before and the yield was immense so I’m hoping this system does even better. The temperature has dropped a lot here in the UK so I’m not having to pool shock the system that often. Hopefully now I’ve bought the new ph meter things will go smoothly :v:


Yeah you can buy copper mesh things that you place around the water fittings. Roots avoid copper so in theory it will stop the system clogging up. I’ll look into it a bit more after this grow @Explorer. Cheers for the heads up :+1:


Finally found time to fit the scrog net. 50mm squares. One more week veg and I’ll flip them.


I like the size of the squares on that net


Yeah they are 50mm. Ive bought proper elastic scrogs in the past and had to cut them up to harvest the plants. I thought this time I’d just buy some regular netting (cricket net I’m sure it was advertised as) and just zip tied it to the tent legs. Worked out half the price and fits a whole lot better. :+1:


Lmao this statement is going to confuse the fuck out of a lot of North Americans.

They are going to be thinking the crickets in the UK are huge :rofl:


Ha ha :joy:
The crickets balls are huge over here in the UK :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::rofl:Yeah the nets are designed to catch the crickets by there balls that’s how big they are.:thinking::smirk:


Forgive me if I’m too stoned. no wait uhh

What happened to the greenhouse? It’s mid-January there, right? :smile:



It went to shit @cannabissequoia. I chopped them all down last week. Full of mould. I ended up only managing to save around one oz of critical. The remainder went into the composter. I won’t be growing any more photoperiod plants outside again. From now on autos only mate. I suppose at least I got something from them but was kind of annoying after the time and effort I put into them.


That’s shite mate sorry to hear that .!
You could have had maybe 3 x auto runs in that time, so i take it you’ll be growing auto’s outdoor next year ?!
Talk again later bro …
Happy growing/smoking ,


Yes mate. I’ll do 2 auto runs outside in the future. Had my hopes built up twice now for nothing haha :joy::joy:


:pray: Ah so grasshoppa…

Indeed. You got a lesson in ‘Growin’ aint easy’ the hard way & it’s probably been a while. :unamused:

Sorry it went south on you but I’d bet it could be done again with light-deprivation beginning 4-6 weeks before this years attempt did. Might not be worth it for you. :blush: And use smaller pots or top them daily. :sweat_smile:

:thinking: I’m trying to think of some bright side of things for the UK but am struggling… Closer to Holland than me?



Haha it’s no big problem. I’ll just fill the greenhouse with auto flowers mate. I’ve never had an outdoor auto plant fuck up on me so… Autos for outside and photos inside from this point onwards :v:


Sorry to hear about that mishap. Sounds like you are taking it on the chin and moving on. Good on ya.


I’ve still got my indoor plants @cogitech and plenty of bud sealed up curing so not too stressed out about it as it’s not like I’m desperate for smoke. Should hopefully be able to give you a little bit feedback soon on the LRUV x tangerine dream within the next couple of weeks. I’ll give @cannabissequoia seeds another run in the new year but indoors not out.