EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

My condolences! I feel you, Man. Autos are are a great idea ! Didn’t you have a few out there? Did they finish okay?


Yeah I ran a few alongside the photos @Meesh. They all finished fine. Wasn’t a massive yield. The GSC autos did the best out of all of them. 2 GSC plants yielded around 4 oz. Luckily the fastbuds GSC auto is one of my favorite autos only slightly lagging behind @ReikoX LRUV.


12/12 from seed tent.
Rear is Afghani #1
Middle and front is blue dream x cookies Kush

Bodhi tree


The SSDD ended up male so I cut it’s head off. It didn’t show it’s balls until much later than the females showed their bits. Unusual :thinking:


Looking great in here bub

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Yeah my first time 12/12 from seed is going well @HaRdRoC. If I manage 4 oz in total from them all I’ll hit 1gpw. For this being a test run I think they are doing extremely well. :+1:


Yip, nothing wrong with 12 n 12 from seed.
I think it shaves about a week off of veg, and I really don’t see much of a difference in growth compared to 18 n 6. It’s really great for sexing, cause you can always just put them back under 20 n 4 to reset to veg again for a couple weeks, then bring back to 18 n 6.


Time will tell. The blue dream x cookies Kush and Afghani #1 have around 4 - 5 weeks left. I’ve started pushing a little p.k into them to see if I can fatten them up and they are being fed high ppms of mega crop. Currently they feeding at 1200 ppm without burn so things are looking really good for a good although smaller than I’m used to harvest.


What size are your pots in your 12/12 grow tent and I’ll be watching your blue dream x cookies kush to see how they develop, but the bodhi tree looks excellent with the fat stem etc, :+1: in fact the 12/12 bunch are all looking well, it’s not that much faster is it mate ? ( the 12/12 thing.)
Anyway happy growing/smoking / you have a great weekend.

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1 litre pots @Gaz29. Need watered daily though. 12/12 from seed takes around the same as if id vegged out for 3 - 4 weeks and flipped to start budding but smaller plants. The tallest one is the Cromjog at around 18 to 20 inches tall. It’s a pita to clean and defoliate to be honest. Id only recommend 12/12 from seed if your limited on space and have time to spend tucking and training.


They don’t do bad under 12/12 IME n you’re right I noticed for like 3-4 weeks there was no sign of flowers only difference is less branching but I think 12/12 is similar to SOG that’s what I plan to do this time. So rather than having uncontrollable beasts I’ll have pots with 1 or 2 main stems. Last time I ran from 12/12 I managed to top them before they really exploded which you saw anyway but I thought an oz per plant straight into 12/12 isn’t bad at all.


Id still recommend a week or two veg mate. I think that little bit time would double the yield but still keep the plants small and under control. Im gonna try and 12/12 sog next run but with cbd plants in the small tent. Should be interesting :+1:


Sorry for not being as active on OG as I usually am. Got a lot of personal stuff happening at the moment. I’ll update my thread whenever I can but it won’t be as often as I have in the past. :v:

12/12 from seed tent.
My own blue dream x cookies Kush Fems.
They have started swelling now so hopefully they start to frost up over the next week or two.

Afghani #1

Her stretch has her nearly touching the light. Ill likely have to bend/fold her stem to control her height.

Bodhi tree
She’s gonna be a beauty.

My rdwc grow the lights come on at 8pm (UK time) so I’ll do my best to grab a couple of pictures and add them to my thread :v:


Looking great man 20

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Thanks @HaRdRoC. I’m more interested on how my cross performs more than the other strains if I’m honest. She’s looking great. I’ve got her running in my rdwc also and she’s just as impressive.


Yes sir, I’d be all about my own cross too, and will be, for a couple rounds lol.
I think that’s a great pairing. The Blue Dream will help the cookies yeild and the cookies will help the blue dream trich’s


Dreamy blue cookies has a nice ring to it also. To be fair I just got sick of spending $£€ on feminized seeds but also wanted to learn more about breeding (I know it’s not proper breeding making Fems but what man doesn’t love seeing two females get it on :laughing:)


Hahah I know I sure do!!
That does have a nice ring to it

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Haha funny you say you’re more interested in your own strain as soon as I saw that plant I was like shit I’m gunna have to give them a go :rofl: think you’re prolly on the money as @HaRdRoC said blue dream isn’t the frostiest of strain but I can’t really say it’s bad smoke I grew that for couple runs it always frosted lovely tastes nice got me high but then it’s higher yielding than traditional GSC so they should compliment one another. Got my head battered all over again now cos I thought I’d decided what was going in :pensive::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


N if we’re chiming in on name btw I think cookie dream :drooling_face:


Or cookie blues plus 20