EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Ahhhh both are better than my name. Id make a poll but it’s pretty much pointless unless someone self’s one of their plants as I’ve no plans on doing it myself personally. I just wanted to create some fem seeds so I didn’t have to buy anymore. I sent some to @Gaz29 to send out untested with the seed run seeds as a bonus for our UK members. Id be willing to send some over seas to the other seed run distributers if wanted :+1:


1200ppm of MC, is that on top of your starting water PPM?

I don’t think I’ve had a plant be happy with even 850ppm of MC. Your plants always looking kick ass!

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Yep my e.c meter logged it at 2.1. But to be honest I tested it straight after mixing so maybe needed to sit a while to dissolve properly. I’m lazy like that. Im pushing the 12/12 plants to the limit though to see how they do. I’ve had no nutrient burn at all. I’ll clean and calibrate my meter tomorrow and re test the solution as it’s not been done in a while and re test the solution. :+1:

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As promised my rdwc tent. Flipped a week ago. Scrog works great to control the plants but it’s too much work for me. I’m just letting them grow through the net from now :+1:

Bruce banger (seedsman)

LSD (Barney’s Farm) she’s a beast of a plant.

Blue Dream x Cookies Kush (me)
@Explorer @Gaz29 and without @ReikoX help and advice it wouldn’t have happened

Gorilla Glue (Bulk Feminized)

Gorilla Glue roots


I know the feeling mate literally only pollen I’ve had is from his seeds and I asked him about lines an everything to understand what the outcome would be. Think one of ur beans might get sprouted though bro those look like nice buds. Did you only run them 2 btw no mutants or anything undesirable early on?

Also where did you get your GG from bro Fastbuds?


Ran 2 under 12/12 and one running in rdwc mate. Stable AF up till now but I’d still call them untested until chop if I’m honest. I’d hate if one hermied and fucked someone’s grow


No bulk feminized. I’ve got a few going spare if you want some


Risk with anybodies seeds I think though least you’re honest about it bro but I reckon they’ll be fine. Some are more stable ofc but don’t see why yours would be any more sensitive to herming n actually I wouldn’t mind some more GG variety I’ll google the line of there’s now n shoot u a PM bro. I just bought some GG off this new Monster Genetics which I have some super special GG reg beans that I wouldn’t mind pollinating some other GG strains with so it’s kind of more the merrier with less of the more :rofl:

Bottom line is I need to pay homage to people who have sent me the special ones but I only have a small space at moment so can’t run loads but don’t wanna seem like I’m ungrateful for them cos I want to grow everything I just don’t have fuckin space :crazy_face:


I doubt these are gg4 mate. They are cheap as chips. 10 feminized seeds for less than £30. I’ve grown them before though and they frost up like crazy and are a heavy stone.

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Nice root porn 20 an stuff


Dunno bro on that site it names 3 strains out the 4 that went into the original GG#4 where as the version I just bought only lists 2 so could be closer to it than mine :rofl: I’ve had GG a few times for smoke I know a lad who just grows that n nowt else but his cuts are like giving yourself aids he has so many PM problems it’s unreal but that’s why I wouldn’t mind seeds so I could have proper GG myself minus the headache of bugs or trying to reverse one of his clones.


Send me your safe address and I’ll send you half the 10 pack I’ve got here. Breeders often give “fake” Info so it’s on you when you grow them. Everyone I’ve grown has been female, stank and stable though to be honest :v:


Any close up shots of the blue dream x cookies kush and/or cookies kush .??I’ll be watching your plants grow and then I’ll maybe pop some soon…:+1:
i like the look of the bodhi tree mate. :arrow_heading_down:

I’ll be cracking a few bodhi tree myself mate and a few of your fem beans too.
Have a good Sunday :+1:.


I only cracked the cross seeds @Gaz29 and not the cookies kush s1s mate.
From the 12/12 run. That’s as good a close up I could get.


You are two kind. :blush:


Interesting, Bro! They look more like cookies.

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It was a cookies kush that I reversed and blue dream that was pollinated @meesh. Maybe they are just gonna lean more towards the cookies kush side. :v:


Well that’s :100: not a place name I thought I’d see mentioned here. I live about 2 miles from Ashton under lyne. And before that I lived in Ashton under lyne. If you ever want a place to crash when you travel shout up. Might only be a sofa but it’s free and you know you can get a smoke whilst you visit then too.

FYI they don’t call it “trashton” for nothing


I’m finding the best looking seeds are in close to the central part of the main stem … haven’t made it all the way through your thread what did you find out?