EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

The LSD is really stacking up. She’s a total monster and deserves a solo run with just her in rdwc. Watch this space in the near future.

Gorilla glue has some purple happening. Not a bad thing. Increases the bag appeal.

Bruce Banger. I dunno what it is about her but I’m not as impressed with her as I should be. Strawberry diesel in her lineage and I can smell it but she just isn’t exciting me.

Blue dream x cookies Kush. The entire point in making the fem seeds was for growing for profit. The trichome production is higher than I ever thought it would be.

We are at 6 weeks and 3 days in Bloom so I’m expecting to harvest the gorilla glue in 2 weeks and the blue dream x cookies Kush about a week or two later. The remaining 2 plants are gonna go a few weeks into January✌


Looking great man!! Glad your cross is doing great, and you’re loving the outcome


A nice full tent you have there m8.:+1:


Isn’t that lsd an auto too.?! It’s looking good for 5+ oz if you’re letting her go til January.
All looking good - what’s up with the bruce banger why you don’t likey ? Im sure you can send that out with the cash crop. lol…:+1:.
Has your Bodhi Tree finished or .?
Have a good night …


No mate. The LSD is a photoperiod. She’s stinking the tent out. :laughing:
The bodhi tree finished about 2 weeks ago. I pulled a bit out to give it a try but it has only been curing for a week or so so a little harsh. It only yielded around 18 gram fully dried.
The Bruce banger just seems like an average plant at best mate. Nothing about her stands out. She’s not even frosting up very much.


Cheers @Shadey. It’s one of my “better” Indoor grows. The rdwc system was money well spent.


My Strawberry Diesels are pretty much like the Bruce Banger. Smaller more compact buds, like golfball nugs. My stems are purpling pretty good, dark hairs at the end. These bitches better blow my fucking hair back when I smoke them for how long they took to grow and what a pain in the ass they were. lol The plant I lost half of, buds are twice the size of the other plants buds. I think the SD’s would be one to supercrop or just prune the shit out of… Wonder if her offspring (your Bruce) would do well with that technique as well. Her buds resemble my SD’s quite a bit.


As a matter of fact, I have a Bruce Banger fem freebie. I may grow it outside next year and experiment on it. My experiment in pruning. Maybe make her a short bush with very focused and few bud sites. See if I can get her to spit out bigger buds with my very lacking pruning skills. An experiment light bulb just came on in my head. Thanks buddy!


Shes just a boring plant @Meesh. Nothing at all stands out. Buds seem fluffy and hardly any trichome production. Maybe she’ll kick into gear more nearer the end of her life. By my quick calculations she’s has around 4 - 5 weeks remaining but I think she’s gonna want to go a fair bit longer. :+1:

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I’d bet dollars to donuts, that fluff will harden up at the end, but yeah. I’m gonna grow one just to try out supercropping and practice pruning on. lol


I’m already really excited for your grow next year @Meesh. I’m itching to see what size you manage to grow my cross out to. Blue dream only grows to around 2 meters and the cookies Kush grow to around half that size so they should be really manageable for you. You could likely grow a couple of them in the space you’d normally set out for a single plant. :v:


Hey @Esrgood4u mate i am looking for a bunch of fem auto’s for a guerrilla grow this year- do you have any for a trade - if not and you hear of any - will you give me a shout :+1:. Cheers.
I think that plant ( the one i thought may’ve been your fem cross.) - is a snow lotus/unknown mother plant⤵️

though I’ll be growing some of yours about January for sure, but i have some good stuff for making a few different crosses ( only dusting a bud or two- for roughly 15/20 seeds per…).

Surely the bruce banger will frost up nearer the finish .!? Good luck with her :crossed_fingers:. :exclamation:

I’ll talk to you later regarding my sending you some seeds ok :ok_hand:t2: bro …
Happy growing ,


So you’re saying lower humidity leads to more trichomes? Sorry if I’m asking the obvious, still a n00b. :sweat_smile:


Yes mate. The lack of moisture increases the trichome production as the plant is trying to stop itself from drying out. The trichomes are kind of a sunscreen if that makes sense :+1:


Thanks mate. And dang, I need a tiny dehumidifier.


I’m going to be putting a small order in for some autos over the weekend mate. I’m thinking maybe some super skunk autos.
10 auto fems from seed stockers are only £27 so I could likely split the pack with you. The autos I have spare at the moment I’ve promised to @anon58740919
You should check out the seed stockers site as they are unbelievably cheap.
Let me dig through my seed stash a bit later and I’ll see what I’ve got that I can send up to you :+1:
Oh and no need to trade mate. I always buy multi packs of seeds so normally have a few going spare.


Cheers for the offer - I’ll have a look at that link and see what id like. That’s really affordable- have you ran any from there yet ?
What auto’s did you run last year outside & which was best smoke .? Any info appreciated ( yer climate is as close to mine as most people here.:+1:.)
I’ll talk to you later Re ; seeds for you ok bro …

@Esrgood4u i bought a pack of those mixed auto’s - never knowing what your gonna find - is just like my ‘normal grows’ ( Lol. ). As i don’t label them very well ( i usually use my “memory” but i get mixed up :grin:.)
Anyway cheers for the link mate.:+1:


The Fastbuds GSC were hands down the best smoke, highest yield and easiest to grow outside mate. 2 plants yielded 3 oz dry.
I grew auto NL from female seeds and that only gave a half oz dry but was super strong.
Sweet seeds dark devil auto grew ok and gave a little shy of an oz dry with plenty of frost but was really fluffy.
I’ve not grew any seed stockers gear as yet. Check the mixed auto pack out. €15 for 20 seeds

About our Mix Pack Autoflower packs
Our Seed Stockers squirrels have been busy collecting seeds before they head off to hibernate and they have prepared special packs of 20 mixed Autoflower seeds for you to enjoy and grow. Some of the seeds are from our catalogue and others are limited edition varieties which you won’t find anywhere else. You will receive several top quality cannabis seed varieties in your pack of 20 seeds. All the seeds will give top quality results.


Hi could you tell me what “rdwc” means haven’t a clue what I’m doing just trying to educate myself.


Recirculation Deep Water Culture.
It uses two pumps one submersible that keeps the solution circulating and one air pump that feeds air stones in each bucket. Having the water full of oxygen creates increased growth. :+1: