EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Cheers for that,what my pals use but never called it that☺


I bought 2 packs mate :rofl:


What’s left in the big tent
This is one mega high yielding plant. The colas are forearm sized. She doesn’t seem to far off harvest. 8.5 weeks in Bloom now so I’ll see how she looks at the weekend and may chop.

Bruce Banger.
Finally seeing some trichome production. I still think she still has a couple of weeks left. She’s such a boring average looking plant :rofl:

Gorilla glue is in a food grade bucket curing and the blue dream x cookies Kush is currently hanging out drying. Sorry no pictures before chopping as had to clear my phone of anything cannabis related so I could show a future customer some of my stove installations. I’ll weigh the yields hopefully the weekend. :v:


My ugly AF fastbuds zkittlez auto. She’s wwwaaayyy past the 9 weeks and pistils still shooting out. She’s had a hard life with numerous light schedule switches and environments but she’s still kicking.


No offence bro, but that’s one ugly plant you grew. Never seen so may foxtails. :joy:


Yeah she’s awful mate :rofl: I’m gonna let her do her thing and finish when she’s ready. The proof is in the smoking so maybe she may surprise us :laughing:


I’d not say foxtails affect the smoke bro. I think it’s a strain thing though loads of people say it’s environment but I’ve had it on diff strains in different environments.

What do you reckon to that seedsman Bruce banger bro? I grew that Girl Scout crack and I thought it was super generic like smelt like everything I didn’t want. Smoke fucked you but flavour really wasn’t there.


I’m not impressed at all with her @Explorer. She’s f#cking boring. Not a chance in hell she’s a 10 week strain either. She took ages before she started to flower and only this past week the trichomes have become noticeable to the eye. I’d just pull her but I’m 13 weeks in from seed already with her and I’ve put a couple of autos in place of the gg and bd x ck and one of @ReikoX auto fems is in the small tent ready to replace the LSD once she’s done so she can carry on growing for a couple of weeks if need be. I WON’T ever be growing any seedsman gear again. My own fem cross is a million times more exciting plant :v:


Lol oh the joys can’t wait to hear your smoke report once it finally finishes for ya


I’ll likely only give it a try to see how she smokes mate the remainder will be sent out locally along with the other strains from inside the main tent. I’ll likely keep an oz or two of each of the others for personal use depending on if I like them or not. Some strains I just don’t get on with. Eg - Anything with star dawg in it totally fucks me up to the point I’m hearing stuff and the next day I can’t function properly :laughing:


Crocodile Dundee voice:

“That’s not a foxtail.”

This is a foxtail.”

(Weighs about a gram)


:laughing: yep it certainly puts mine to shame. My entire plant is foxtailing so I’ve no idea what’s happened. It’s likely stress with the multiple different environments she’s had. Same as any woman. If you keep moving her and don’t let her settle she’s gonna get pissed off and grow horns :laughing:


@Esrgood4u mate,
i popped a couple of those lowryder\ElRuv x tangiie dream auto’s n one was male and the other popped pistils 1st then balls too - so they were both binned… just a wee heads up bro…
hope all is well…
Happy growing,


It happened to me with the cheese x lruv also mate. I think it’s the lruv doing it. It must be. The lruv x Tangie I grew was a female and grew fine. The 2nd cheese x lruv grew fine also. @cogitech just a heads up bro @Gaz29 had a hermie from the ones I sent him but the tangerine dream x. Maybe hold off gifting them out :+1:


Good to know, and I would guess you are right that the LRUV is the culprit, because it is the only common parent.


Yeah I thought as much. I’ll still be popping the remainder of your seeds come the summer. I’ll just have to be extra vigilante with them. They both yield amazing so I’m fucked if I’m gonna bin the seeds :+1:


The one I posted a photo of is Cali-O x Durban (Durban Thai High Flyer). The entire plant looked like that. Some of them were as long as my forearm, and light as a feather. Just crazy. It was grown in a tent with 3 other plants that grew perfectly normal, dense buds. I think at least in some cases fox-tailing is genetic.


She’s had a shitty life mate. She’s just spat her dummie out. I started her outside and temps dipped. I left her for a couple of weeks and she was clinging to life and I felt sorry for her so I brought her indoors and put her under 12/12 with my 12/12 from seed run. That finished so she went under 18/6 for the agent k seed run. She’s now under 12/12 as the agent k was ready to flip. Honestly if she threw balls and pollinated my entire tent I’d deserve it for the shite I’ve put her through :laughing:
I’ve got some of them Calio x Durban so I’ll maybe just scatter them somewhere outside come summer time :v:cheers for the heads up.


I’m gonna want a smoke report on the bdxck


Haha she yielded really well and frosty AF @Meesh. She looks more like the cookie Kush when drying but smells like the blue dream floral smell.