EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

:man_shrugging: parrafin to moi :us: is a block of wax… :confused: kerosene is basically step-1 or barely refined petroleum(rock oil), makes great fuel-injector cleaner, and @Esrgood4u harvests peat bogs from National Trust properties & burns it while laughing like a supervillain. :vampire: muahaha

better than @Ghandisflipflop in a hamster/dog-wheel…

:evergreen_tree: :tongue:


Bro by the time this planet is fucked from my environmental issues I’ll be brown bread anyways so who cares :person_shrugging::rofl:


I’ll be away from OG for a week or so as my operation to pin and repair my shoulder is tomorrow morning so I’ll post how things are going with my plants tonight.

Outdoors Godberry. Some of her pistils are starting to brown now and shrink so as long as it doesn’t get too much colder over the next couple of weeks she “should” hopefully ripen and finish.

The autos are nearly there.
@ReikoX SBR cross.

White widow 1. She could prob be taken now but I’ll let her go for a bit longer.

White widow 2. She’s gonna finish last out of all the autos.

Blueberry. :thinking:
Blueberry I’ve found is usually a heavy feeder. Not this one. I wasn’t willing to mix a separate solution just for her so she got what the other autos were fed and it burned the shit out of her :roll_eyes:. She’s getting just water now till I decide to take her.

The indoor photoperiod plants are just doing there thing and vegging out. :v:


Good luck with the Op I hope it all goes smoothly and you get better quickly :+1:


Thanks @Shadey. Appreciate it mate. It’s supposedly in and out in one day and a 12 week recovery with regular physiotherapy but I think I can do it quicker than that. Id go out of my mind not working for that much time :rofl:
I usually bounce back pretty quickly so… Just happened at the wrong time with Xmas nearing etc.


@Esrgood4u hipe you have a speedy recovery mate!
And fingers crossed for Godberry!


Cheers bro. I’m feeling confident that the Godberry will finish now I’m seeing the pistils browning.
My op will go fine. I’m accident prone :rofl:
I’ve got screws and a plate in my jaw so a few pins in my shoulder shouldn’t be too much to deal with. :+1::v:


Sounds like you’re the Six Million Dollar Man :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:

I’ve just recently received a Godberry from my latest Attitude order (assuming it’s the same and not just another breeder rippingoff the name lol), not sure when I’ll get to pop it though, my future grow schedules are pretty full.


Yeah mine came from attitude also. Did the UFO bank transfer method and got shit loads of free seeds. I kept that one to one side after reading it was good to grow outdoors here in the UK. Freedom of seeds is the breeder. Smells just like regular blueberry at the minute. Pure Indica with a narcotic wheelchair buzz is how they describe it. :crossed_fingers: the description is correct eh? :rofl:


Good luck with your OP hope you’re in and out very quickly etc …!

Looks like the Godberry plant will finish up well - did you get a heater for the wind tunnel or are you just hoping it’ll be done before the 1st frost kicks in .?!:crossed_fingers:

Talk again later bro …




Good luck with your stretcher|nullxnull! Hope you will be as fine as your plants once back … beer3|nullxnull


No mate didn’t bother with a heater. Found a little bit grey mould on her that I just removed. For how quickly she’s ripening up I can likely take her next weekend.
Defoliated her quite a bit to allow a bit more light and airflow to the buds.

Managed to fit my net with one hand :rofl:
I don’t think I’ll be flipping 31st like I first planned. Maybe an extra week or two needed to make sure the tent is brimmed.

The autos are throwing out pistils again. Was hoping on taking the SBR cross I received from @ReikoX next weekend. I’m in no hurry so we’ll see how they are come next weekend and if they need more time I’ll let them go.

My operation got pushed back from Tuesday to yesterday. All sorted now. Got 12 weeks of physiotherapy to get me to where I’m able to work again and a full 6 months of physiotherapy in total. Gonna spend the time giving up smoking again by vaping. Means cutting out the spliffs as I like tobacco mixed with them so I bought a combustion vape. Not tried it yet as I’m full of morphine for the next week or so and from a past experience they don’t mix well :rofl:


I hope it’s not too sore mate - must be if you have morphine.
I like the look of your Godberry plant hoping there’s not much more mould - maybe the heater created some humidity for the wee bit of mould you found .?!

Good luck with her …:facepunch:

Take it easy and happy growing mate.


Didn’t fit a heater bro as the pistils were browning off so I figured it be done in a week or two so why bother 🤷


Just remembered I’d started 2 photoperiod strains in the small tent while the autos finish up. Currently in compost but will be up potted into Coco in 8l square pots in a few weeks.
1 gelato by female seeds UK (not the female seeds who’s c99 we all love).
1 back to the future #2 by tastebudz.
The Gelato is slow to get going. She’s about 2 weeks from seed if you can believe that. The Back To The Future #2 is around 1 week old.


Signs of life ey @Esrgood4u glad to see you’re alive and well bud


Yeah I’m still kicking bro but only barely. Still seething about being ripped off from a so called friend but life goes on. :v:


Yeh I get ya bro tbh though I think he did something similar to fletch or whoever at the time so no shocker there tbh but you knew him longer than me so even bigger dick move. Funny I got an email today from OG n I was thinking of starting up again now that summer seems to be well out of the way so ill prolly stick round for a bit fingers crossed ur grow goes well. I had a little auto outside over summer very happy with the results of purely free bud lmao :rofl:


Nice to see you around … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks man, nice to see some of the old faces are still around.