EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Yeah I’m gonna be about quite a bit over the next 3 months now as I’ve got time to burn bro.
I told you a good while back to just stick an auto in a pot and throw it in the garden. Us both being UK we don’t even have to personally water them :rofl:


The kannabia purple kush back left seems to have came to a stop. :thinking:
Maybe I’m pushing them too hard. Dropped the e.c back down to 1.5 and re set the pH to 5.8. Hopefully that’s enough to get her going again.

Everyone enjoys seeing roots :v:

Stardawg from cuttings I refused to put in my grow area. I gave my cousin some compost and 3l pots. He did fuck all with them. :roll_eyes:
Check the colours out FFS. I do all I can to get my plants this colour and this fucker gets it without even trying :fu:


I just realised. I got that colour. Just not on a plant :rofl:


It’s leaking the bruises out :thinking:

I hope they didn’t mess up your tat poking that hole in your arm.

Roots look good apart from the brown stain on some. Are you adding anything to stop that progressing or is it not worth worrying about.


The staining is megacrop @Shadey. I’ve pushed them a little to far ppm wise. I’m running Dutch pro keep it clean and a chiller at 19c so the roots are fine I’m thinking.
The blood is where I popped a stitch within 5 minutes of waking up :rofl: they just covered it over with a new bandage.
If my tattoo isn’t lined up he’ll be working on his own jaw :roll_eyes:


@ReikoX. My SBR X is just over 9 weeks now and she looks like she’s done. What you think??

She’s still throwing pistils big time. :thinking:


I usually take them closer to 10 weeks from germination. They could probably benefit from another week.


That I can do. Sorry about the pictures. Hands a little unsteady. Just seen amber and figured I’d ask your advice. Too be honest the past few days they are fattening up massively. It’s only in a 2l pot. :ok_hand:


Glad to see you up and perky. The surgery went well I take it. Make sure to take it easy even when boredom sets in


Thanks @Meesh. I was in surgery for a couple of hours but everything went as expected. They were wanting to monitor me over night but I refused to stay as there’s a lot of covid cases within the RVI hospital walls and that would be the last thing I needed :roll_eyes:
Just trying my best to keep my mind occupied as it’s killing me looking at the same 4 walls day in day out.
They say 12 weeks before I can work but I seriously think I can easily half that with how it’s feeling at the minute.
Thanks for checking in on me :heart:


The sugar cane and BDxCK have both reached the net so now the scrog starts. Let’s see how long my patience lasts before I just flip and make the “nets there as a support” excuse. :roll_eyes:
The purple kush isn’t moving. Dunno wtf is going on with them. Banana kush has slowed down also.
It’s my own creation BDxCK that’s the most uniform and growing how they are supposed to.

The BDxCK roots are filling the bucket quick. :ok_hand:


Tastebudz back to the future #2

Female seeds UK Gelato

Also put 2 more seeds into rootriot blocks.
1 Barney’s Farm gorilla zkittlez.
1 Anesia seeds slurricane.
I figured while the white widow that’s gonna go longer than expected I’d veg them. Once she’s done I’ll flip the 4 photos that will be in 8l square pots of Coco. They should yield ok in my 60x60 if I keep on top of them.


Not much movement in the big tent happening. Tomorrow was scheduled as the flip date but I’m gonna let them go longer. Maybe another week. 3 of the strains or Indica dominant so stretch shouldn’t be to much of an issue.
The In House Genetics Sugar Cane that’s rear right I’ll have to be careful with though as she leans on the sativa side.
Megacrop at 1.5 e.c = stained roots.

Small tent 2 autos remaining. @ReikoX SBR cross just finishing up at 10 weeks today. The remaining white widow auto looks like she’s got a way to go.

Tastebudz Back to the future #2. Love how uniform and fast growing this is growing.

Female seeds UK Gelato a week older than the BTTF2 starting to catch up now.

Anesia seeds slurricane above ground.
Gonna give the Barney’s farm gorilla zkittlez till Monday to see if she gets above ground then I’ll go digging about to see what’s going on. :v:


So you start in soil but then move to coco? icon_e_confused|nullxnull, you will have to explain me that frech|nullxnull, hope you’re not pretty much bored with your recovery … beer3|nullxnull


No bro. I’d start in Coco if I had it to hand :rofl:
I had some compost kicking about so I figured why not. I’ll grow them in the small pots for as long as the white widow takes to finish. Up pot into 8l pots filled with Coco, let them adjust then grow them as normal.
They sell a 50/50 Coco and soil mix anyway so I figured it won’t hurt anything. Was more to get the seeds started and a bit growth until I can get to the grow shop and pick some loose Coco up. The plants “may” not like it and freak out but it’s what I had to hand at the time.
How’s it going @George anyway???


Seedlings dying on me or not germinating :pensive:, so bit depressed, only have three mamilks (God bless OleReynard) so they could die also for too much attention … ejem|nullxnull


Yeah LITFA is my thing as we all know. At the minute though it’s hard not to leave them alone since I’m at home 24/7. Sooner I can get back to work the sooner they can get on with just growing without me fucking about with them.
Your plants look fine to me though if I’m honest :ok_hand:
Fabric pots for the win if you’ve got loads of time on your hands and tend to water them as your bored :rofl:

I’ll have a check through my stash if you want and see if I’ve got any fresh FEMS I can send out to you :+1:
Psssst I’ve got some Jack’s Rainbow FEMS if you wanna try them :wink:


I have a trick for watering, I just water slightly (no runoff), that way I can water more often without overwatering :innocent:.

Still have many seeds in their original coin flips without adding them to my stash and seed list :sweat:, too lazy or with bad conscience for having 150+ strains I will never be able to grow. I accept your offer if we do some trading, still have many from the ones you sent me in the last century, I owe you more and don’t want to augment that debt … beer3|nullxnull


The offer stays valid until you need anything bro.
To be honest Its easier now and cheaper for me to just buy seeds I run in my big tent. Each plant has to count to pay for my small tent costs. Only seeds I really accept from OG is autoflowers as they go in soil outdoors and I can just pull and replace if it’s a male. Indoors all space has to have bud in it. If our laws change so will my attitude :wink::+1:


Didn’t see that, of course I want to try them, Cola was going to send me some but … I don’t know if that’s the guy you were talking about before (in not a very kind way ges_down ), I tend to invent conspirations when I’m bored cansaooo|nullxnull, at least it’s a strain with a story behind and a good excuse to get more seeds … em198|nullxnull

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