EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Yes bro same strain and person. I’m over it though so let’s move on :+1:
I’ve got plenty of the JR seeds I can send out to everyone that was involved in the creation. They are FEMS though that I made for the cause.
They grow and smell just like tangie but with more colour. I’d say average yielding. Not a cash crop. :+1:


Sorry for my unpolite curiosity :pray:, just wanted to confirm, it’s a great cross:

Glad it finally was successful, I will send you my seed list once updated to see if there’s something you may like, got some good autos … beer3|nullxnull


It needed something extra to bulk the yield out more but yeah I’d say it was an excellent strain. Throws a lot of colours out In the buds just yield wasn’t great. Strong smoke. Jittery so sativa leaning. Thing is I grew my tester from the FEMS outdoors and I ended up taking her early as I seen a bit grey mould. I’m not a fan of the breeder now but the strain was strong af and if grown indoors I think it would do well :+1:


Being an indoor tester sounds good to me ejem|nullxnull, that way I will also get something positive from that story angeldevil|nullxnull , appreciate your offer bro … beer|nullxnull


Bro send me a DM with your details and I’ll send some out to you. You was around when it was being created so you can grow it out. Just wish @ReikoX showed a bit interest as he bought the rainbow kush seeds that were used to hit with the tangie and rainbow kush seeds are not cheap.


Well the “breeder” said he was going to send me some but nothing ever made it to this side of the pond.


I can send you some FEMS if you wish??? Along with shit load of slaps I’ve collected over the past year :v::ok_hand:


Sure, you still got my PO Box?

No bro. DM me. I remove sensitive info soon as I’ve screenshotted it. You if anyone deserve to try them :+1:


Quick update.
Flipped the big tent 1st of November (my sister in-laws remembrance day).
Feeding megacrop at 1.5 ec. If I go any higher I see the tips burning on the Banana kush. Thing is my blue dream X cookies kush is screaming for higher ppms.

Small tent. I up potted the Gelato and Back To The Future #2. This is the one time I hope I’ve stalled my plants as the slurricane and gorilla zkittlez will be playing catch up.

White widow auto just doesn’t want to finish. She has until the gorilla zkittlez needs up potted to finish up. If she doesn’t I’ll be moving her into my big tent under 12/12 to finish. She’s a beast for only being in a 2l pot.


Can you not add some more megacrop to the bucket after feeding the Banana Kush :thinking:


No bro. It’s a recirculating system with a control bucket on the outside of the tent. The solution is constantly moving from bucket to bucket so all the plants get the same feed. It’s a lot easier to control if I grow all the same strain. I’ve just got to find a happy medium and stick to it. :v:


AHH yes, I remember you went automated for these, hopefully you will find a happy balance. I hate when one strain wants more and the another less. More difficult to control in organic soil, once its in, its in, and they have to make the best of it lol.


Yeah I like automation. I’m the king of LITFA :rofl:


The two up potted plants bounced back quickly.
Rear is Back To The Future #2
Front is Gelato

Slurricane onto her 2nd set of leafs and the Gorrila zkittlez finally above ground after about 5+ days. I’m thinking these mystery boxes from discreet seeds are old stock that they have struggled to sell :thinking:


Small tent.
Was hoping on 4 single cola plants but the back to the future #2 (rear left) has a lot of side branching happening. I’ll maybe try removing them so it concentrates all its energy into forming one :thinking:
The Gorilla Zkittlez has some catching up to do. I’ll likely flip them in 2 weeks if I can’t keep ontop of the veg growth.


Big tent.
9 days since flip.
Not showing sex as yet.
Gonna have a few big assed plants I’m thinking going by the root mass. :thinking:


Looking good so far Arriba|nullxnull, what happened to the one outside? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I cut her down in 2 stages bro as I seen more mold. Her trichomes showed about 25% amber anyway so she was ripe enough to take. I dried her out over 10 days or so and she was dry enough to try. Put a gram in my combustion vape. When I grinded it up she stank of blueberry’s but the smoke just tasted green if you get what I mean. A bit harsh but that will get better in a week or two curing. Gave the vape a good hit. Eyes started drooping after 10 minutes and couch locked me. I got a proper sleep for the 1st time in weeks BUT woke up with what felt like a hangover. Cloudy head etc. I’m gonna buy more seeds and run her indoors next year’s 1st grow.


Also vape to sleep zz|nullxnull and have weird dreams and hangover next day, just noticed felt better when I vaped sativa, next day bright and fine … beer3|nullxnull