EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It’s to keep the colas evenly spaced so they all get enough light bro. :rofl:
I got lazy and couldn’t be fucked to scrog it. Went back to work instead of giving it till next year like the surgeon recommended and with being off a solid 9 weeks I’m struggling to find the energy. :roll_eyes:


Millions of people voluntarily quit their jobs searching for a new life because of the wuflu and you go back even injured? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull Health is always before money and love, both completely useless if you don’t have it, at least don’t take your bike to go to work frech|nullxnull, take care bro … beer3|nullxnull


My health will also suffer if I don’t eat @George. I’m self employed so no work no food. I’m down around £4500 with being off for 9 weeks mate and my savings were rapidly depleting. I feel fit enough that I’m able to work I just can’t risk roof ladders at the moment. Luckily my labourer is my cousin so he picks up the slack for me when needed. :+1:
Edit - oh I sold my bike a few months back unfortunately :sob:


Oh, sorry, forgot it was Margaret Thatcher country :roll_eyes:, glad your cousin will take care of you … beer|nullxnull



'coz 'eez a proper man. :+1:

@Esrgood4u if things get real desperate let me know & I’ll try to help. Got some lint, loose tobacco & shake in my pockets but can probably dig a little deeper for a friend. :v:



Thanks bro I appreciate it but I’m not fully broke yet. Still got enough to survive comfortably. I’m just not used to seeing numbers going downwards instead of upwards :rofl:
I think I may have Jewish ancestry within my lineage. I’ve also been bored AF sitting looking at the same 4 walls day in day out for such a long period of time.
The way I look at it the physiotherapy is hard work as it is so if I’m forced to have to push myself lifting stuff etc I may as well get paid for doing it. Work in itself is a massive workout for my shoulder :v:


Thats the way I did it after injuring my neck and hand. It makes more sense, same as warming up in the gym before a workout, you just do the same exercises as you would normally do but with lighter weights.

So long as you can stop when you want if it hurts too much, it’s doing the work that it needs to do to recover, as well as what it’s normally going to be doing when it does get better.


That’s my way of thinking also @Shadey. Thing is my confidence climbing took a knock also so the longer I left it the less likely I’d have continued doing the job I do. It’s like falling off a bike mate just a tad higher :rofl:


Your confidence will come back, it’s amazing how quickly our muscle memory returns and usually the emotional side follows, only with a slight caution at the back of the mind not to repeat what caused the last problem lol.


Why? Are Jews the only ones smart enough to understand that going broke is generally not something to look forward to? I think I’m confused. Please explain further…

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Fuck sake. It was a joke. No malice was intended. If you don’t like my idea of humour then avoid my thread in future.


I think @cormoran was keeping it light, but your humor, in this case, is a stereotype that’s racist.

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In other, weed related news, this grow looks amazing across all tents, and I really dig your setup!


I’m not racist my friend. My cousins are half Thai. I myself have Irish in my blood. If anything I was ripping it out of myself. :v:


I think people that (as me) have reached certain age labrat have known more liberty of speach in past century. Nowadays everything is politically uncorrect, sexist, racist or whatever. For instance, a film like “Life of Brian” couldn’t be shot today, this picture (not the meme frech|nullxnull ) was retired from the museum where it was exposed: icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

I know the man and understood it was a joke, never suspected other intention, let’s not bring religion, racism or politics here again, this is what makes our forum great … beer3|nullxnull


So that’s why you like spicey food? frech|nullxnull


Wow, ok. I wasn’t intending to turn a molehill into a mountain here… it’s not that big a deal. I asked a rhetorical, sarcastic question to highlight the fact that as jokes go, it’s not so much funny as it is… well, mean, if nothing else. That’s all. I certainly didn’t say that anyone’s a racist. However, if posting on this thread means I have to laugh at or just ignore those kind of jokes frequently, I have no problem moving on. There are plenty of other threads. :peace_symbol:


I’m sorry buddy my brain missed the sarcasm and took it as an attack towards myself and retaliated (must be the Irish in me wanting to fight everyone :rofl:).


Vindaloo or phall mmmmm🔥


No problem, I certainly didn’t mean to imply anything other than it’s not much of a joke, if you stop and think about it for more than a few seconds. I hadn’t had breakfast yet myself, so I wasn’t exactly at my best either. Besides, I was making fun of @Slick1 for talking about midget torture porn so much earlier, which is probably pretty insensitive to people who are turned on by that and feel stigmatized, so I’m not entirely one to talk. :stuck_out_tongue:

Note: I do not mean to attack anyone who does like that kind of thing, especially not anyone who gets bullied by his girlfriend’s dog. :wink: I’ve had many a staring contest with dogs I was supposed to be taking care of, and it’s always humiliating to lose a fight with a 3-pound ball of fluff…