EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

The thing is the world is becoming to sensitive to these things. I was born in 77 and growing up in the 80s when stuff like this was acceptable.
If I seriously meant to be racist towards the Jewish people there is far worse things that could have said. The joke was aimed more at me and the lengths I’ll go to to make money.
Don’t knock “little people” porn (see what I did there?)until you’ve tried it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Anyways. Now my foots out my mouth hopefully we can move on BUT I can’t promise I won’t offend anyone else in the future with my what I feel are innocent comments. :v:


To be quite serious, I’m pretty sure I own at least part of a company or two that’s employing slave labor to make their profits, or at least has made deals with someone else who does… kinda impossible not to if you have any investments at all. So yeah, I hear ya there. Sadly, it’s tough to live without money, unless you grow your own food and generate your own energy from hand-built wind turbines… and even then, you kill everything you give life to, which isn’t great morally speaking if you dig down too hard. You either laugh about it, or you cry about it, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: Do what you gotta do.


You can have my midget torture porn when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!

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That’s ok, you can keep it. :wink: I’ll pry your LEDs from your cold dead fingers instead, that work?


Bud sites everywhere up front. Hopefully they make up for what I’m missing yield wise at the back :roll_eyes:


What plants are these ?
I thought you had two big ones at the back and the other two were indica dom and a couple of weeks behind the other two .-! Slurricane etc.?
This is the other one .?

Hope you’re healing well mate …
Talk again later …



That’s my big tent bro. 2 up front are banana kush on the left and my BD X CK on the right :v::ok_hand:


Here you go @Gaz29
The small tent.
Back to the future #2 - rear left
Gelato - rear right
Gorilla zkittlez - front left
Slurricane - front right


Even though the sugar cane has had a hard time of it she’s still pushing frost onto her leafs this early into bloom. :snowflake:


Finally a good decission not culling her Arriba|nullxnull, is it just me or she looks hungry? hum|nullxnull


Bro the rez is at 2.4 EC right now. I think something isn’t right with the rear part of my rdwc :thinking:
The purple kush looks exactly the same just not as frosty. The front of my tent as you can see has recovered beautifully.
I’m gonna have to strip the rdwc system down once this run is done and sterilise it all.


Oh well, that RDWC has some years behind frech|nullxnull (like us labrat), you’re right and something is not working as it should back there … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


My problem is I’m lazy. I can’t be arsed most days to even check on the plants so I miss any deficiency they may have. LITFA I’ve found doing it my way isn’t the magical product it’s made out to be. You can easily overdose with it :rofl:


After reading through your thread I’ll be trying tap water in my system. Doing a complete flower system flush tomorrow and resetting with 80 gallons of tap water


Living up to her name for sure!


Yeah when she’s grown “properly” she’s a site to behold bro. I recommend in house genetics sugar cane to everyone. Tad expensive to buy the seeds but once she hits her stride in flower she’s a total frost machine


Tap water usually has enough calcium within it that you don’t need to buy a full on calmag nutrient. Usually adding Epsom salt is enough BUT each municipal water supply use different methods of adding calcium. De chlorination isn’t needed also. Chlorine is a micronutrient that ALL plants use.


My BDxCK stacking this early :sunglasses:

Back to the future #2 is a stretch monster. I’ve got about 18inch more I can lift the light. I may end up snapping stems and taping them up at this rate.


That’s what I call a two-level scrog frech|nullxnull, by snapping and taping you mean supercrop? icon_e_confused|nullxnull If so, the sooner the better so they will have time to recover and side buds grow to the light.

Beautiful BDxCK :kissing_heart:, I repent now for having them all this time sitting on my fridge … beer3|nullxnull


Snapping stems to control the height bro. Out of necessity. I’ll snap or crush and bend so they lie sideways then the bud sites will correct themselves and point upwards. It’s a last resort if I can’t control her height. How’s the JR doing?? Shoot me a picture via DM bro please :+1::v: