EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

@Shadey. Your a regular to my thread bro. Do you remember the jack’s Rainbow run??? A few here on OG had a big hand in its creation. I’ve got some fem seeds if you wanna ever try it. Tangie kush (male)X rainbow kush.(fem) that I feminised.


Damnit that reminds me. I need to go check my PO Box. :rofl:


Bro I’ve had a few grow reports on them that were positive. I’ve grown these to see if it’s true. They are really forgiving if you fuck up as you can see by mine. Smell like blue dream (floral) but grow and look like the cookies kush. Big yielder for a kush strain. It’s more a profit plant though :v:

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The slaps will loose the stickiness by the time you get there :rofl:


I don’t recall it off the top of my head, but they sound really good.

I like to have som fem seeds for emergencies when the regulars turn out to be all boys or my schedule is tight and I need to fill the tent for maximum efficiency, and don’t want to wait to find out their sex.


It was a strain or cross made in memory of colanoscopys brothers memory. @ReikoX bought and posted the rainbow kush seeds (expensive AF) and cola had the tangie pollen cola did the reg seed run sent me the seeds and I did a fem run for him. He disappeared but I’d kept some of the seeds I’d made. Sent him over 2000 though :roll_eyes:
I feel they need passed out after all the effort we put into it. :v:
Shoot me a DM and I’ll get some out to you along with some of my BDxCK FEMS if you’d like. :+1:


Cheers mate sounds great, I will DM you shortly, I have only grown a couple of Kush strains, purple and caramel candy, both were the kind of weed I like.


No worries my friend. In your own time. I’ll get them posted come the weekend. :+1:


Doctor signed me off today. Said he’s never seen such a fast recovery :sunglasses:
Took a picture of the x-ray to show the boss exactly how bad my accident was. Pins are 35mm. :thinking:

Still got physiotherapy every week until march.


Boss will have no doubt :see_no_evil:, congrats for such a fast recovery … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks @George
When I’m dead I’ll be worth a fortune in scrap metal :rofl:I’ve also got a plate and screws in my jaw :ok_hand:


Ooooh, I see, I can imagine that … cuala|nullxnull



Looks like someone wound a couple of drywall screws in it lol. Glad you’re getting back to being fit. Just take it easy for the first week, you dont want to mess it up again doing to mch at once, the rest of your body needs time to get used to working again as well.


Oh no - You a roofer too? Or just work at Heights with ladders ?

Lol I am also self-employed/ non incorporated roofing contractor. I ended my operating season beginning of November…just doing repairs and quotes for 2022 . . .

Hope you have been healing up well.damn man those x-rays aren’t pretty…

Great grow by the way !


Roofer bro yes.
It’s a bit of a funny story.
I was working in a lead valley replacing some broken roof tiles. All of a sudden I’m totally swarmed by wasps. Id disturbed a nest. Well you don’t have time to think when that happens. I just ran for it up the valley to get away from them forgetting I was so high up. Got to the top of the roof and tripped over the ridge line forwards down the front of the roof dislocating my shoulder as I bounced down it. Luckily I came to a stop before reaching the gutter level or I’d not be here now. :rofl:


@Shadey I always “bounce” :rofl: back quickly.
It’s just carrying any weight up a ladder I’ve got to be careful with. It’s more my confidence that needs repairing as I’m a lot more unsure with heights after that. Just means I take a bit more time planning a job out.


Climbing 40 ft ladders with 30 to 40lb tool bags is nor fun even when you are fit especially when it’s windy. I have had ladders twist side ways 3/4 of the way up in strong winds.

I have nearly been over the side of a roof several times when nailing off the edges and standing up on my harness rope lol, the only thing that stopped me was co workers grabbing me while I was off balance and pulling me back.

The only time I fell off a roof was on a 16th century barn. It had the roof removed and was just a nine inch wall and arched roof beams and trusses. The owner through me up a can of drink and I lent backwards on a beam while drinking and resting, and it gave way.

I fell and twisted in mid air to grab the top of the wall, (no harness :frowning: ) as the inside of the barn floor was covered in bricks and rubble.

My body swung into the wall with so much force I broke all my toes, (no steele toe cap boots) then slid 20 ft down the wall as the bricks pulled out of the wall, and I ripped myself up as I went, on old nails that were sticking out of the wall.

It took a while to get my nerve back after that, but at least I didn’t go down head first, that would have been fatal.

I should have taken that as a warning not to work at heights lol. I would not be in the position I am if I stayed away from working at height after we emigrated to Canada.


Yeah my accidents haven’t been as bad as that @Shadey. I’ve fallen from a few garage roofs in the past. I’m usually a lot more careful but this time I wasn’t and didn’t have the time to prepare. They surrounded me that quickly. If I hadn’t run I’d have been stung by all of the wasps. Once one stings you they let off a pheromone that tells the other wasps to attack. I’d sooner die quickly by landing on my head than being stung to death. I could see that being a painful drawn out experience.
Hey I’m still alive. Just a little bit more magnetic now than I used to be. Not the kind of attraction I was looking for though to be honest :rofl:
I bet breaking all your toes was awful. You need your big toes to balance properly. Wheelchair bound??


No just hobbled about for a couple of weeks in sandals lol.

I went through a sky light on a glass factory roof in Reading near the rugby stadium, it was pleci glass and covered in moss. Luckily I managed to get my arms on the other side and my trailing foot got hooked up on the frame, which left me dangling 60ft off the concrete floor below.

I was stuck there with a gash in my groin from the plexi glass for about 10 minutes screaming at the other guys who were about 200 yds away on the other side of the roof. They could here me yelling but couldn’t see me lol. That was scary lol.

I went down the bottom of our property a couple of years ago, to clear some fallen trees. Put the chain saw through this rotten tree and a swarm of wasps came out, fuckers stung me 8 times before I got into the house, almost naked from ripping my clothes off as I ran, the barstards got in my shirt and up my jeans legs, I always think about that, and what the neighbors must have thought seeing me running around ripping my clothes off in the trees screaming lmao.


It’s funny when it happens to someone else. I’ve been the butt of people’s jokes these past 2 months.
They all shut their mouths today when I showed them my x-rays. I don’t think they realised the severity of my injury until they seen it. The new joke is “I was wondering where them screws went to” :rofl:
Just as well I can take a joke and laugh at my own misshaps innit?