EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

:rofl: the tattooed girl isnā€™t bad either. Think his hydro is huge though. Each of my buckets are only 30 litres. Weā€™ll see what happens :+1:


Lol 30 litres is a lot of bucket. Only so much space in a tent. I keep getting monsters so Iā€™ll be downsizing again. Back to 5 litre Coco hempy buckets. Donā€™t need much Coco to grow a decent plant


Yeah Iā€™ve had a few monsters that wonā€™t behave. The roots very rarely fill more than a quarter of the buckets. I veg a month then flower. Try to get 4 grows a year in it if I can but usually end up with a plant that just wants to keep going and spoils my plans :roll_eyes:


Yup especially if you use 12 litre airports full of Coco. Autos just keep going and going lol I got up to 13 wks bloom with a green crack and it was still producing some new growth. No so fastbuds :grin:


Iā€™ve found at times I can grow a photo faster than an autoflower. I donā€™t care what people say. They donā€™t save you any grow time. Cost you more in power BUT for me the advantage is I can open the tent any time I want and tend to them. I can get home from work. Turn the light on to feed and check on the growth. Turn the light off and then leave them till next time I can find time for them without them growing balls or freaking out.


What Iā€™ve seen I can agree with that. I never actually tried to grow them however yes I have. I believe photos are faster. When I can go From seed to veg in two weeks and flip. I donā€™t have a problem with it I think itā€™s pretty fast


And cost less in power as photos need the 12/12 schedule :+1:


Aye they are easier to work around. Iā€™d add that the long day all through bloom can help prevent bud rot when growing in a damp environment. The lamp being on longer helps keep the humidity down a bit lol. Also not having to light seal the space is nice eh you can keep the vent flaps open on a tent etc


They donā€™t get as big but Iā€™m happy. They actually turned out pretty good this next run I will be in 2 gallon containers I will never go above that again


For a tent. I donā€™t see a need in it. I figured I can put 10 and a 2 x 4 as many flavors as I want and I can double that in a 4 x 4. You can say why not just grow a bigger plant I donā€™t want to plant to live that long anyway the faster I can get it out the happier I am. That 12 weeks of flowering time on some is a long time. I just donā€™t wanna do it anymore


You can have many small plants in small pots or you can have a few monsters in big pots but the space is still the same and when plant count mattersā€¦less can sometimes be more :grin:


Iā€™ve grown them under 12/12 along with my photos but they donā€™t do that well. Iā€™ve tried growing a few while I veg photos out but that doesnā€™t work either as they donā€™t finish when you think they will :rofl:


I agree with that Iā€™m just trying to find out what strains I like the best

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After this one I will do that I will do two at a time maybe thatā€™ll be it. There is no need in for me to do anymore. I have made a big mistake doing that lately. I call it a learning experience. But after this one Iā€™m a throw a big one down and let it veg for a while. Big 20 gallon container. Lol. Thatā€™s a little big but it would be cool one big plant. I know it can be done I just had never tried to do anything different lately.


100% agree. 4 plants in my rdwc in the 4x4 can get huge. This grow I fucked up as my pH meter was out. Zink issue. Took a while to get it back but not all the plants responded well as you can see in the pictures.
I reckon 2 pounds is easily done in a 4x4 if conditions are perfect. Life goals :rofl:


With the right strain yes it is possible

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Barneyā€™s LSD :+1:


I agree with that a 2 foot area for one plant you donā€™t need to push it any tighter than that


I just hear a big storm coming up dammit. I hate it when it thunders and lightning with LED lights. Peace. I enjoyed the conversation Iā€™ll be back


Itā€™s funny but I get to know when things are off now. Like I donā€™t need to add any pH down when at full strength bloom, which is usually about half what the makers state. I should never need to add more than 3 drips per gallon. If I do either the meter is wonky or the water board have fucked up :rofl: