EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It’s all good. I do enjoy coming over here

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Small tent.
Things are looking untidy but the rear of the tent is nearing 9 weeks so not long now before I can cut them down.

The BTTF#2
She’s definitely a cash crop strain. She absolutely stinks of old worn wet work socks that’s been left out to dry in a warm room for a week :face_vomiting:

Smells really sweet and a bit like doughnuts. :thinking:
Buds are hard as rocks so I think once dried an Oz will look like a half Oz in a bag once weighed properly.

I’ve practically left her to it. She’s gonna go an extra week or two but she’s definitely a frost machine. I’ll give her more attention if I ever grow her again :v:

Edit - forgot to mention the Optic Foliar Switch must have worked. I can’t see any signs of seed development or anymore nana’s. I’ll definitely be buying more :+1:


Gonna do a autoflower run in my rdwc next. Hopefully get the seeds started next week :crossed_fingers:
The line up.
2 trizzlers courtesy of @Mr.Sparkle
2 ghost rose courtesy of the legend @ReikoX
2 purple lemonade - fastbuds
2 wedding cheesecake - fastbuds
I’ll try to do more of a journal this time instead of randomly throwing pictures on my thread. :v:

Was wanting to grow some sweet seeds sweet skunk autos as I’ve grown them before and yield was on point but the seedbank must not have had them in stock so sent an alternative. Anyone grew autos from strain hunters before??? I know they are associated with greenhouse seeds but that’s all I know.
Packaging is on point :+1:


Sen the strain hunters vids on youtube. The ego Arjan who owns greenhouse seeds and his crew havin a lark. Take it they must have an offshoot going or something


Yeah I’m prob gonna pass on growing the seeds indoors. Likely put them in my polytunnel in the summer. Can’t be arsed emailing the seedbank for the sake of £12 ish. I’ll get an Oz from 3 seeds so Ill more than 10x the seed price anyway :+1:


I googled it. They state 15 - 18% thc which if correct is high for skunk. The 10% ruderalis content puts me off though. Im no keen on smokin auld rope :grin: seriously though if you do grow them I’d quite like a report cos I’m partial to skunk :+1:


Skunk and nl is what I grew up smoking bro. White widow was also a big thing. You always knew when your pal had skunk though 5 mins before you met up with him :rofl:
It’s not the same as it used to be back in the early 90s. Don’t know why but even though the smoke back then was weak AF I always got wrecked more than I do now.


We had low tolerance from smoking all that shit rocky bro :grin: you just named my favourites of old too but I’d add AK to the list. Also there is more to a stone than just thc lol. Late 90s I grew an NL/Kush cross that put everyone to sleep within about an hour lol


Rocky FFS :rofl:
Squidgy black.
Gold seal
Squidgy black you’d roll into a long strip and just sit it in the skins :rofl::v:


Solid pollen


Funny you should say that but we just finished a lump of squidgy black I got at Christmas. Haven’t seen any in years lol it was decent too very sticky and smelled good but I took to smoking sausages of it rolled up inside green crack to get stoned :rofl:

Dam battery is going on this thing now…been good chatting as usual though, catch up wi you later eh bro :+1:


Take care bro :+1:


You too bud


Auto run started two days ago.
Seeds started in root riot cubes.
First to poke its head out was a purple lemonade followed by both the trizzlers.
I’ve poked about in the cubes and all seeds have cracked. :+1::v:


Note to oneself.
BTTF#2 can’t support its own weight. :roll_eyes:
Chop time come Saturday so they “should” be ok.

Got 2 seeds remaining so I think I’ll throw them into the small tent once it’s free :+1:


Gelato. Loving the colour.



Nice jungle. Nice and healthy.


Looking busy there bro …
Killing it as per usual, who’s genetics are the Back 2 the Future #2 .?

I’m gonna germ a few of the BD x CK you made a while back , soon. - I’ll tag you when iv got a couple up and running, ok mate.

Happy growing …


Tastebudz bro. It’s GG#4 X Alien Tahoe OG. Supposedly up to 30% THC going by the write up on the tastebudz site :roll_eyes:
Soon as the small tent is finished I’m putting the remaining seeds I have left straight into Coco and growing them again but this time I’m gonna take a little more attention with them :+1:


Seeing plenty of amber on the BBTF#2 so I’ll chop tomorrow if I’ve got time. If not it’ll be next weekend. :+1: