Expanding the entourage effect

“What science?” “There’s a couple of sources”. Lol. Those “sources” are scientific studies. And of course you have nothing against me. You don’t know me. Lol. And hey you “call it like you see it”, I’d get some new glasses. Hell, KJ himself supports the article. But hey, ya know, I’m selling something though right? I’ll say it one more time for ya, then I’m done responding to you. This article is to try and bring the knowledge that there are more compounds than just terps and cannabinoids at play when it comes to the entourage effect. Your un-capitalistic views on the cannabis industry are not only moot, but you come off as aggressive and argumentative without any substance. Not a good look. Now bless your heart and have a great day.


'May the barefoot proletariat stomp it out like a roach. :foot: :ant:

Decriminalization of the weed is a pathetic money-grab & a last ditch effort to keep folk like myself from fleeing this broken shithole country. :running_man: :toilet: :wave:

:point_up_2: Pot, meet Kettle. :hugs:



Kevin Jodrey name dropping; means nothing to me.

Un-capitalistic? You’re gonna high-horse me because you plan to sell weed? Lol this “article” is basically a mission statement for your company with a thin veneer of “science”.

Entourage effect, if it exists at all, is minimal, at best. Soak a rag in linalool or whatever ester you choose, huff it out of a paper bag airplane-glue-style, and get back to me.