Expanding the entourage effect

Here is an article I just had published that I co wrote with an up and coming geneticist. While this knowledge is known to some, we are trying to get it out to the masses. Let me know what y’all think. Thanks


Its informative. So the message is keep your old strains for better dank entourage effects?


Partially, but the bigger message is to start tracking and making people aware that it’s more than just cannabinoids mixed with terps that create the entourage effect.


Is it an article or an advertisement if you plug your own beans at the end of it?

Modern stuff smells just as raunchy as the stuff from 30 years ago, maybe more.

“Linalool is as powerful as Schedule II drugs” …yeah man people don’t sell their bodies or throw their life away for a hit of terpenes that’s laughable linalool is nothing like coke, meth, oxy.


Considering GBG doesn’t sell seeds, I’m a lil confused as to your comment? The end of the article explains who I and my company are. I’m sure it’s a simple misunderstanding. No biggie.


Nobody said the “high” is as powerful. But thanks for the feedback!


“Craft Cannabis Brand”…maybe not seeds, but definitely selling something.

I often hear the sentiment “all the loud stuff was bred out” but that simply isn’t true. Maybe some people opted for lighter smelling plants, but the loud shit is everywhere today. I smell it in my jars, in other people’s jars, hell just walking down the street. More people growing more plants today than ever before. Nothing is “lost”.


Pretty sure the article is refering to the medical benefits VS pharmaceutical type drugs when its talking about schedule 2 drugs (drugs that have medicinal value). Like CBG was shown to be as effective at treating MRSA as the last resort antibodic doctors use to save peoples life’s. Just one of the many.
@MrGreenBlood so far it’s a good article but not finished reading it yet. Thanks again bro.


Schedule II is a DEA classification that literally means high potential for abuse but has some medical value, it has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the drug, homie.

Actually selling NOTHING at all currently. Lol. It’s called making people aware of who we are. For profit companies sponsor research daily. Feel free to a google this common knowledge. Have a great day.

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Lol, schedule 2 drugs have many uses other than for addicts to abuse. In fact, mixture of different cannabinoids have been known to alleviate pain in certain ailments, more so than that of opiates, which are schedule 2 drugs. Hope this clears up any misunderstandings. Again, have a great day


Bro you really aren’t listening.

Drugs with very low potential for abuse but that have therapeutic value are Schedule V.
Drugs with low potential for abuse but have therapeutic value are Schedule IV.
Drugs with moderate abuse potential but have therapeutic value are Schedule III
Drugs with HIGH POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE but have therapeutic value are Schedule II.

Educate yourself a bit. You literally said in your own words “linalool is as powerful as SCHEDULE II drugs”. No one’s gonna abuse linalool.

Bro I promise you in a severe pain event you’re gonna want the morphine. I like weed as much as the next guy but it doesn’t fix everything. Not all opiates are schedule II drugs, homes. Some are III, heroin is I.

Maybe you should sponsor if you’re gonna plug your gear here.

It made a good argument that esters are worth further investigation, but then as soon as the article gets to the meat of the subject it plugs a company and cuts off.

It reads like PR. It’s definitely a subject I would be interested in reading more about, if the intention was only to gauge people’s interest.


And that was it. The company bio is the “outro”. Thank you


What “gear” am I plugging??? You are literally making things up. Lol. Selling nothing. Sold nothing. The article is all science based. And there is a bio at the end and that’s all you can focus on? Oh, and the fact you keep talking about the class of drugs and referencing it wrong. But hey, keep trying!

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What science? There’s a couple sources and a whole lot of conjecture.

“Craft Cannabis Brand” that seeks to explore these esters in the “article”.

Diggy hit it on the head, there is an introduction, no actual research, then it ends with a plug for your company.

I’m not tryna be a dick here, I have nothing against you personally, but I call it like I see it.

[quote=“vernal, post:9, topic:32450, full:true”]
Schedule II is a DEA classification that literally means high potential for abuse but has some medical value, it has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the drug,
If the drugs wernt effective in some way or another; whether abused or used properly; then they wouldnt be classified what they are in the first place.
Cannabis all was suddenly recognized by reputable scientist and patients to have medical value when we knew it all along. 30$ a lid compared to 400$ a zip is why its being legalized in anyway at all. The US is the world’s largest importer of cocoa leafs (dental industry), US largest legal opioid consumers on the planet. The price on the street is what makes it legal or illegal.


If you eat a mango & stick your nose in a skunk’s ass before smoking you get waaaaaay more f’ed up :crazy_face: :man_health_worker:




i’ve heard about this before expanding The Entourage effect by mixing CBG flower with THC


I got two words for y’all be-have, just kidding the two words are Kevin Jodrey. Oh, and YouTube. So, YouTube Kevin Jodrey, fuck that’s four words, unless YouTube is just one word consisting of two words and there’s probably a word for that like onomatopoeia or something, but I don’t know what it is so, three? words? Unless, no matter how you slice it, it’s two words. You and tube. I mean, YouTube is not in any respectable British dictionary is it? And why is there that one dictionary that tries to include words from popular culture like Homer Simpson saying DOH! or even dumber ones like cray or fleek. I had this thought that after the OJ Simpson Bronco chase, the executives at FOX probably tried to get The Simpsons to change the name and there were contentious meetings where they pitched different names like The Stimpsons or The Swimsons and then I started to think about mono-terpenes because I love the pinene and one of the grandmasters Kevin Jodrey put a video about lost cultivars out on YouTube and he talks about alcohols and esters and other volatile chemicals that can not be captured in concentrate form. So, two words Kool-Aid. I’m gonna go make some.