ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

@Fuel I think I read that you have good knowledge about crossbreeding and genetics.
I don’t aspire to handle that issue because it seems very dense to me and I don’t have the time to do any of it well.

But sometimes I get a hermaphrodite plant and it pollinates some companions and leaves me happy, this season I am growing 3 of those bastards and I have grown before too, what attracts me to these crosses is that the resulting seeds are female, and the plants that They convince me in terms of power or smells.

Have you used any effective method to cause hermaphroditism in a female?

Is there anything against this type of crossing?
Thank you

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You will have the dry industrial answer to this question with me ^^

I don’t consider the herms as proper to genetic multiplication and reproduction. But i make some myself (S1 mostly) to have “seeds-to-smoke” in same time that mapping my ennemy and its cost for the weed of the line.

I’m also working this year a famous herm cut that i want to stabilize in seeds. More a personal frustration that i pass, but it show also that it’s not dogmatic either.

Passively, i generate a context for the plants that i grow that are triggering herms the earlier possible. To gain space faster and also time. Unfortunately it’s possible when you know well the said line, there is no real universal method. Some don’t resist well to long dry cycles, others will be more sensible to high temps … when you start from scratch it’s more testing different combo to find the best. It can take a couple of rounds.

I prefer by far the use of STS to dodge this step, generally at 3mM then i dial the formula in function of the reaction of the line. It’s not rocket science for you at all lol, if your plant don’t generate much male’s flower and that it look like shit … it’s because the plant need more thiosulfate to handle the level of silver tested. From this practical concept, you reverse almost everything. Not so different that your management of multiple solution per case, just far more simple in its factors and leverages.


Thanks for answering.
Yes, I read something about silver, I will delve into it.
For fun, I would like to choose a plant of the season, cause hermaphroditism and grow the resulting seeds the following season.
S1 is called a backcross? Last season I grew seeds of the hermaphrodite plant and it preserved its morphology and brought many intense aromas.
I want to grow a Panama Red for the coming season and I want it to be the one that fornicates with all the others.

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For your use, remember this : always select two females with a good genetic distance. Less headaches for fems and you can maintain this way a good stabiliy of your F1s feminized.

Let me scroll back a bit.

Based only on the structure (and a bit on preferences lol) : Chocolope x Opium by example, with the pollen of the Chocolope to maintain its good high. With the Opium if you want more terps and re-inforce the auto.

With autos you add another dependency : re-injecting regularly an auto release in the line, to maintain its photoperiod. Or doing a massive seed production “one time for good” in creating the auto yourself (hemp x opium by example). This way you can re-inject the F1 auto when you need it to keep fast their hormonal switch.

In your sector in bonus, there a bunch of growshops around that can be interrested by your surplus if any (if fems).

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I have some seeds from a cross between a Queen Mother and a hermaphrodite Purple Shot from exotic seeds. Last season I planted the seeds of the queen mother, excellent, I have never had such pleasant smells and it also turned dark, I am going to return it to grow next season. However, I planted a Purple Shot seed and a ridiculous wild-looking plant came out, like a genetic regression, I don’t know.

Y porqué no escribimos en español?

No, I really don’t think about business with seeds or grass. What I would like to see is to have an organic garden and grow food and then maybe. But still, I’m happy with this activity, but I can’t let it come before my business.

De fet, no parlo castellà ^^ Yeah i know it’s comical lol
I passed a lot of time in the other North, around Girona.

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Pues si te mola puedes hablar catalán…
Estaba pensando en lo de la distancia genética, las plantas bastardas que estoy cultivando hay una que el fenotipo es claramente sativa, el polinizador era una índica kush, pero este fenotipo ha salido con un aspecto mucho mayor a sativa que su madre y eso me gusta, en realidad la sorpresa, y me tomo estos cruces espontáneos como una parte importante de mi concepto de auto suficiencia.
Un abrazo, me voy a dormir, un placer hablar contigo

Damn with OG my neurons can’t age ^^

Without going full throttle in the abyss of selections lol, there is a bunch of trick to be self sustainable with your own fems. Only producing F1s is one, that maintain a certain grade with these seeds. But also keeping a track of the distance of each and also the duration. There is tricks but there is dead ends too with reversal.

The STS is really a good tool for this and not that expensive. It permit to use latent herms that produce better progeny that the natural one (triggered at the moment of the reproduction). It mean more DNA used for the flowers we love ^^

Another risk is to enter in loop where you become dependent of the STS to have a clean round. Try to separate fast the clean genetic material from your fems, without porosity.


Good morning! Wow! You know that I am going to continue playing the hermaphrodite lottery and may nature bring me the prize if there is one.

All of this genetics is very dense, and requires a lot of time of practice and knowledge, and I am just a small rebellious organic farmer who needs to constantly stock the marijuana cellar.
In any case, I greatly respect the work of breeders, in the end, they have achieved mythical strains by popular acclaim, and it is comfortable for me to grow those seeds.

I want to grow landrace sativa strains, but old varieties, without any crossing, but I can’t find those feminized seeds, and I don’t have space to sex plants, and etc.


The problematic with triggered herms and fems is the quality of your weed on the long run. The dead end it represent also in term of evolution.

It’s why the importance to separate your genetic materials from the one “used” directly in production. You have on top of this the constraint to maintain “auto” the lines. What appear easy at the end isn’t necessary the case to set for your genpool ^^

With patience, you can source here some beans for your need of THCv. In pushing them slowly in a restricted pot (<0.5 liter), 4 specimens at a time in a corner … it can grow aside your actual production. It will take time, but nothing impossible. Look at the “solo cup” competitions they organize often here, it can give you some ideas to manage your genetics material aside your production.


Thank you very much for the suggestion, I’ll think about it.

Anyway, I smoke everything except autoflowering, if there is any weed that I particularly like, I smoke it first, I am happy with the weed I have, although I would very much like someone used to smoking strains to give their opinion on it in situ . :sunglasses:

My sense of smell and taste are atrophied, I only pay attention to the effects and texture, my wife is the one who gives me the evaluation of aromas, she doesn’t even smoke, which is a great advantage for a selfish smoker like me. :joy:


Sharing some blunts (or whatever) always help to stay sharp anyway ^^
My wife don’t smoke too, but is polluted with breeding and better at cloning than me lol


I like to share joints, the selfish thing was funny, I grew up passing the joint between colleagues :wink:


The conversation here got interesting :nerd_face:!!!
I thought I was the only one married to someone who doesn’t smoke marijuana…
Around here, it’s the wife who identifies the aromas of the plants.



My wife doesn’t consume cannabis, but she is of no help. Everything smells like “nasty weed” to her. My mother, close to 70, begs me to smell each jar from my harvests, and can’t stop smelling it. She loves the smell of good weed, but does not smoke either. I grow for me (mostly CBD – some THC strains work, but it’s a pain and a risk trying to find ones that don’t make things worse) and my father.

I don’t smoke high THC anymore because of medical reasons, so my collective family are the testers, my mother’s nose, my father’s “how fcked up do I get”, my wife’s pockets (lol) and support for my hobby, and my aunt’s depletion of my jars (I need to grow MOAR).


Good choice of wife friend!
Non-smoking wife keeps order = messy husband smokes and smokes without stopping :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


ORMUS (Orbitally Re-arranged Monoatómic Element)
Do you live near a clean sea? Yeah? Then this is for you.

There is a lot of “literature” around this product, my interest is exclusive, I only use it in my marijuana crops, as a multi-mineral complex, rich mainly in Magnesium (40-70%), it also has Ca and Sulfur and traces of many minerals. Being an alkaline solution, it is perfect for raising the pH of my irrigation mixes with bio-ferments, which are very acidic… It is biological, almost infinite, and free!!:muscle::grin:

Ormus is extracted from seawater, one liter of seawater contains 37 grams of salt, of which 2% is Ormus. With the extraction techniqu, what we achieve is to separate the Sodium from the minerals. These will precipitate and form Ormus, and the supernatant water will contain the salt.

Ormus can be dehydrated, yielding about 0.75g of dry residue per liter of seawater, which could be used as a dry amendment, though I have never done it. I use it in liquid form and obtain 100 to 150ml of Ormus per liter of water of sea.

  • For the fresh water washing process, I use mineral water rich in Ca and others, which increases the Ca levels of the Ormus, giving me a natural CalMag.
  • I use it to increase the pH level in acidic irrigation mixes, mainly during the vegetative growth stage due to the calcium and magnesium content. In flowering, to raise the pH, I use ash water because of its P and K content.
  • When germinating seeds, I always do it directly in the substrate, moistening the soil with a mixture of Honey, Ormus, and liquid Auxins.
  • Practically all the irrigations I do in the seedling stage include Ormus, due to its Mg content.
  • The minerals contained in Ormus are completely assimilable by the plants, thanks to a biological process of the minerals throughout their journey to the sea and their permanence in this salty environment.


Excellent, my friend!!!
Ormus can also be consumed by us humans and has great benefits for our bodies!!!
Do you use seaweed in your cultivation?
I believe it’s a more complex process, but it’s another excellent fertilizer from the sea!!!

Taking advantage of the fact that the wife isn’t home, I’m going to smoke another one!!!


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I have 2-3 preparations with algae and Microorganisms, it has been one of the most difficult raw materials to dissolve.