ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Activated Charcoal with Mountain Microorganisms (BIOCHAR)

This is an advanced organic practice as it requires at least having the solid inoculum of Mountain Microorganisms (MMS). However, at the end, I will try to provide other options for those who do not have MMS.

With the final product, you can dispense with vermiculite in the substrate mixtures.

Charcoal is an excellent component for all kinds of substrate mixtures. It has several interesting properties: it helps in soil structuring and humus creation, acts as a thermal regulator in cold places, promotes root expansion, and its microporous structure enhances moisture and nutrient retention. It is said that 1 cubic cm of charcoal can contain 8 to 30 million microorganisms. This practice takes advantage of the moisture and nutrient retention property.

The “activated” charcoal used in water or air filters has a bad reputation among aquarium enthusiasts because it is said to absorb nutrients, mainly nitrogen. This has an explanation and is not a problem for pot cultivation. Dry charcoal tends to absorb moisture and nutrients found in the substrate or waterings because it is very porous and suddenly has to saturate all its micropores, but this will hardly affect cultivation.

In my case, I mix the charcoal with the solid microorganisms and then moisten it with water and molasses to activate the microbiology of the inoculum by giving it the necessary energy. In this way, I have charcoal inoculated with Mountain Microorganisms. Once in the substrate, with moisture, these MM will propagate.

In this case, the charcoal, for the moment, does not capture nutrients because it is saturated, but after a few waterings, it will be the perfect home where microorganisms and nutrients will coexist, offering an extra source of nutrients for the roots to feed during periods of food or moisture scarcity.

I suppose those with commercial bacterial inoculums could use this practice to multiply them.


  • Pure water: 500ml
  • Charcoal: 750 grams, suitable for use in pots, with small pieces. Normally, charcoal suppliers have small pieces that are too small for commercial bags; this is the ideal material. If not, you can crush the charcoal from barbecue bags.
  • Molasses: 75g
  • Solid Mountain Microorganisms (MMS): 225g


  1. Mix the charcoal and solid microorganisms.
  2. Dissolve the molasses in water.
  3. Slowly moisten the charcoal, mixing it well because charcoal can store a lot of moisture and needs time to saturate.
  4. Store in a closed container in the dark for a month.

This is the basic formula; I make some additions…

I add 250g of Leonardite or Humalite, which are plant carbons millions of years old and in the process of becoming a mineral, although they are not yet. They are also the largest source of humic acids and share the properties of charcoal.

I add Activated Mountain Microorganisms (MMA) in liquid form to increase microbiology inoculation, as well as a lacto-ferment of fruits that provides many vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes.

For substrate mixtures, I follow the principle of pre-saturating the charcoal pores and nutrient retention. If you do not have access to microbiology, you could, for example, saturate the charcoal with some mixture of worm humus or fish tea mixed with molasses, which will provide nutrients and microbiology instead of using just water.

Charcoal and leonardite

I add Solid Mountain Microorganisms (MMS)

Solid Mountain Microorganisms (MMS) and Activated in liquid form (MMA), Bio Fertilizer for fruits and water with molasses.

Mix and distribute the moisture, there should be no water accumulation, it is better to drain the excess moisture once the charcoal has been soaked.

Save in the dark

One month after…


The Real Stepsisters in their fourth week from the beginning of flowering.
We’re at best halfway through the flower match, and these big little plants are behaving like bastard champions.

Acapulco Royal • Royal Boss • Royal Gypsy

Today the sky is so beautiful!

3M ♔ Acapulco Royal

Sacred Mulch


3M ♕ Royal Boss

3M :crown: Royal Gypsy

Sacred Mulch


That looks like one Dangerous canopy.
The silhoette is unchanged but those plants are beefing-up.
Full Sky & Canopy shot is wild @defharo

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All the plants are eating and gaining weight as if there were no tomorrow, the moment is now or never.

How are you? Better of your discomforts? I hope so!


Excellent, my friend!!!
I used a lot of BIOCHAR in the composition of my soil here… Around here it’s known as the black earth of the indigenous people, an ancestral technique!!!
BIOCHAR made from bamboo pyrolysis has proven to be superior… Because it is more porous = more habitat for microorganisms!!!
Here, I usually mix BIOCHAR with the worm bin… The worms produce humus while also carrying the biochar!!!

Looking forward to the next lessons!!!



Hi and thanks!
I use biochar for substrate mixes and as a component for bocashi.

I hadn’t heard anything about Bamboo Biochar, thank you.
There is a practice with bamboo shoots to extract auxins, since I can’t find natural bamboo around here, I do it with black beans.


I am well, an am never clear of the discomfort @defharo, its become the norm

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I have had intense pain in one leg for almost 6 years and I could not walk more than 100 meters at a time. About 8 months ago and after a lot of effort over the years with my physiotherapist, I can now walk as much as I want and the pain has finally disappeared.
I almost lost hope.


3M :skull: Buds or Lead!
Strain: Pablo Escobar. 63cm high. Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. Old school 11 liter pot. Genetics: 90% Sativa. Origin: Santa Marta Mountains in Colombia.

Sacred Mulch


3M :no_entry: Les Fleurs du Mal
Strain: Opium. 53cm high. Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. Old school 11 liter pot.
Genetics: Afghanistan x Brazil.
We haven’t reached the halfway point of the flowering period yet… it’s now or never bud fattening!

Sacred Mulch

The small house, illuminated


3M ⛨ Santa Marta Gold
Strain: Santa Marta Gold. 60 cm high. Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. 11 liter textile pot. Genetics: Sativa landrace. Origin: Native to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Colombia.

The seed producer announces 10-11 weeks as the flowering time, we are not even halfway there yet and the plant shows a lot of character, personality and vigor… let’s play guys!

Small house, big buds!


You know it @defharo, your plants look phuking Great !!!

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You know it @defharo, your plants look phuking Great !!! :clap:

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3M ॐ Summer in Siam
Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. Height: 65cm. Pot: 15L… there is a lot of play ahead!
Strain: Thai Fantasy by Kannabia seeds. Genetics: Thai x Black Domina = Sativa 80%.


3M :anger: Chocolope!
Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. Height: 50cm. Pot: 7L… the producer says that flowering lasts between 10 to 12 weeks… I’m laughing! :rofl: Let me give you a kiss! :kiss:
Genetics: Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze = Sativa 90%.


3M :small_red_triangle: Black Lebanon
Fourth week from the beginning of flowering. Height: 73cm. Pot: 15L… Genetics: Indica landrace.

This plant has already surprised me enough, go ahead my girl to your free will! :evergreen_tree::nerd_face:

This week’s nutrition (not by chance) @Pigeonman @MissinBissin


So hydro bones is just koh + bone flour?

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What are the MMA variants?

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Yes, it is a Hydrolysis with KOH and calcined bone meal. We treat the material as if it were a mineral, we follow the same process and proportions as with Hidro SiK. We mainly obtain a soluble Potassium Phosphate and Calcium Hydroxide with less solubility


Fertilizers with Liquid Activated Mountain Microorganisms (MMA) are the first series of anaerobic Bio Ferments that I made 3-4 years ago and that I continue to use.

Today, I do this type of fermentation with a greater variety of microbiology, to dissolve any type of nutrient quickly and chelate any mineral.

In the fermentation I gather MMA, Solid Mountain Microorganisms (MMS), Fermented grass that contains Bacillus Sutillis, this bacillus replaces cow shit, it is a great decomposer of organic matter, I also add whey (lactic acid) and Lactic Acid Bacteria that I grow at home, to all this I add anaerobic fermentations lasting more than 4 months, some I have had fermenting for up to 10 months before opening them. I call this series of fertilizers: Bio xxxx EM (Efficient Microorganisms)