ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

You may have to post up your recipes in full at this point Defharo, I think many of us would welcome it as you seem to have a nice system that works well for growing cannabis. Very intrigued by what you are doing

Que estés bien mi hermano :love_you_gesture:


Thanks. You can start reading some recipes and techniques here: Custom Breeder & Strain HBO grow diary (journal) week0 by deFharo - GrowDiaries


Preparation of Auxin Powder Extracted from Sprouted Black Beans :rocket:


  • 1 kg of black beans or black-eyed peas, as they have the highest concentration of auxins compared to lentils or other legumes. Corn kernels can also be used.
    Preferably, use fresh beans grown locally.
  • Pure water.


  1. Cover the beans with water and soak overnight.
  2. The next day, drain the water. This water can be used for watering plants as it contains several minerals.
  3. Keep the beans moist in a container for a few days until they sprout. You can cover them with a damp cloth and spray with water to maintain moisture. Ensure most of the seeds have germinated.
  4. Once most of the beans have sprouted, add about two liters of pure water and blend everything together.
  5. Strain through a mesh and drain the solid residues. (Reserve this material for a second wash.)
  6. Let the liquid sit for two days until sediment forms at the bottom.
  7. Remove as much clear water as possible.
  8. Leave it in the sun, covered with a mesh, until completely dehydrated.
  9. Grind and store in a dry, dark place. Under these conditions, it can be effective for years.
  10. For the solid residues recovered from the first filtering, add water, blend, filter through a double mesh, bottle, and store in the refrigerator (no more than 15 days as it ferments). Use this for watering mixes. Final residues can be used for outdoor soil or compost.

What are Auxins and Their Uses:

  • Auxins are a group of natural plant hormones that regulate various aspects of plant development and growth, particularly in marijuana during the vegetative growth period and the beginning of flowering. They are not needed afterward.
  • One of the most characteristic effects is promoting root growth, especially the formation of secondary and adventitious roots due to the cellular stimulation caused by the hormones.
  • Another aspect of auxins is that they direct energy mainly to the primary apex, suppressing the development of lateral branches, which causes apical dominance. This can lead to a massive main bud in marijuana plants without apical cuts, yielding excellent results in SOG (Sea of Green) cultivation. However, what happens if we make an apical cut to promote the growth of lateral branches and consequently good buds on each? When an apical cut is made to the main apex, the hormones reorganize throughout the plant, now directing energy to all branches and their tips, promoting growth! Applying auxins after an apical cut can enhance this process.
  • Finally, I include a graph showing the action of auxins at different stages of cultivation, highlighting the important relationship with other hormones (cytokinins or gibberellic acid) and key nutrients necessary for completing the hormonal process. Natural cytokinins and gibberellic acid are found in coconut water, and it’s interesting to learn how they work. In the fifth week of this journal, I discuss the properties of coconut water.

How I Use Auxin Powder:

  • Mix with the substrate where I germinate seeds and keep seedlings until transplanting to the final pot to enhance rooting.
  • For the same reason, sprinkle on the root ball of the seedling when transplanting to the final pot.
  • Use as a rooting agent for cuttings, coating the stem with powder before planting.
  • Ten days after making the product, I still had a liter of liquid auxins in the refrigerator from the second wash of the ground bean residues. I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate it into a ferment…


Thank you so much for sharing this Defharo, Fantástico. Tu trabajo pone una gran sonrisa en mi cara!

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Extraction of Cannabis Oil (HBO) with Isopropyl Alcohol (QWISO)

▲ Using 200g of aged marijuana, stored for more than two years without a trace of chlorophyll and somewhat overripe, I decided to make a cannabis oil extract. Besides enjoying it for smoking, I plan to use it as a base for other preparations that I will publish here. Initially, I will use it to make a topical cream by mixing the HBO with unrefined shea butter, which is fantastic as a moisturizer and tissue regenerator.

The truth is, this oil can be dissolved in alcohols and fats, which gives it a multitude of uses, including as a sophisticated cooking ingredient…



  • 200g of well-dried and ground buds
  • 1.5 liters of isopropyl alcohol
  1. Grind all the herb so that the alcohol quickly and thoroughly soaks it.
  2. Place the alcohol and the herb in the freezer for a few hours.
  3. Prepare several containers with coffee filters.
  4. Take the herb and alcohol out of the freezer and mix them, shaking for 1 minute to dissolve only the THC and avoid dissolving other substances like waxes, chlorophyll residues, etc.
  5. Use a cloth coffee strainer for the first coarse filtration, then put it through coffee filters. Use several containers to speed up this process, which can take up to 2 hours.
  6. Pour the filtered liquid into a large glass baking dish, as it is less adherent, and let the alcohol evaporate naturally to avoid using heat, which could result in some loss. Leave the container in a shady, airy place.
  7. After 48 hours, the alcohol has evaporated, and I have collected the result: 58g of top-quality HBO. I smoked it, and it is very potent; when burned, the aromas of the marijuana revive once again!!..


My cleanest set-up yet, and 2L of Humate-K are nearing completion

Thanks for all of your help @defharo, the Bone Meal version is next, no hesitation!

I’ve blooming autos, “its Time”


I love your Macgyver solutions.
You can make the version with Bones or with Phosphoric Rock, I use both :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Bones it is, sticking to a Plan… @defharo

Bones / Diotemaceous / Bat GuanO

Funny how there is a need all of a sudden. NEXT…

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If the world does not conspire, it does not move… cheers! :nerd_face:


@MissinBissin What temperature does that invention of yours take?

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I like your style…tuning in to this one

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Thank you @percyryan66 I welcome you marijuana enthusiast! Make yourself at home :evergreen_tree::man_farmer::v:

This is a good one…huh? Seriously talented

ASH WATER :nerd_face:

An easy and clean technique to obtain a product that I use to regulate the pH of irrigation mixes, as all my Bio and Lacto ferments are very acidic. I restrict its use to the flowering stage because the resulting water is rich, mainly, in Calcium and Potassium.

But first, let’s talk about ash. This time, a neighbor who burns good wood gave me a bag when she cleaned her chimney after winter. The best ash is the one that is more calcined, the one that stays at the base of the fire, whiter and as fine as flour! First, I sieve the ash to remove large pieces and other materials, then I store it to use in dry amendment mixes and substrates, and also as an essential part of my Bio and Lacto ferments with minerals. But the ash has to be of good quality, only wood, and the harder the better. In the case of my neighbor’s ash, there were remnants of paper and other strange materials. After sieving the ash, it seemed suitable, but when mixed with water, it revealed the dark color of paper ash. Well, the ash is usable, but I want something better. In fact, I have very calcined palm ash that gives me a pH of 14. I keep it like a treasure and use it in very special cases!


To obtain ash water, I use basic hydrolysis by immersion with pure water and 10% ash. I keep it for a week, shaking it daily, then filter and store it. It lasts for years! In the end, this ash water has a pH of +12 and 8490 ppm!


  • This water can also be used for irrigation. It is an important source of potassium because it is the most soluble nutrient, also calcium and silicon. It also helps correct acidic substrates, but care must be taken not to alkalize the substrate.
  • Ash as a dry amendment provides certain soluble minerals for plants such as phosphorus §, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn). It should be mixed well with the substrate and used carefully.
  • From ash and potassium soap, a very efficient and widely used fungicide is obtained. A classic!
  • Regulator of acidic and clay soils and mineral supply to substrates.
  • As a component for Compost, Bocashi, or Bio ferments.
  • With a much higher concentration of ash and filtering water through it, ash lye is obtained, practically natural potassium hydroxide, for making alkaline hydrolysis, potassium soaps, and for cleaning clothes and home.
  • In short, ash is a first-rate nutrient, a 100% usable residue, especially for those who are lucky enough to have gardens or outdoor crops and mother earth to feed.
  • There is a millenary practice that I want to do, mixing ash and urine, to obtain a very efficient fertilizer with NPK. I’ve been planning to do it for a couple of years. When I do it and test it, I will publish it…

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19
@Pigeonman @MissinBissin


Are you interested in any Blueberry Super Silver Haze feminized seeds? I know that it is a cross of older genetics but I have a surplus and would love to share if you’re interested. The plant I made the seeds from has the most beautiful candy blueberry smell. Very sweet.


Hello, now I am in the middle of the season, at the end of September the new season begins, and all the places are free.
Yes thank you very much, I would like to grow one of those plants: Blueberry Super Silver Haze
I have many kinds of feminized ones, if you want we can exchange some seeds. I also have quite a few autoflowers that I don’t grow. :v::man_farmer:


I have the sous-vid running at 78c for the bone meal Humate; and it could go higher… alls good


Diatomite and bone meal need more heat, I have made it at 80-90°C and I have it stirring for 12 hours

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Well the eggs chase the bacon round the fryin’ pan…