ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Santa Marta in the sun


Those are solid looking Columns. How is the smell @defharo, once you have these Ladies outside?

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Hello @MissinBissin , the lines remind me of those at Colombia Punto Rojo, but denser.
She smells something fresh and pleasant… tomorrow I’ll ask my wife to see what she says, because she has a better nose than me. :nose:

I take advantage of when it’s sunny in the morning to take them out of the grow tent for 6 hours.


My garden is now a forest!

13 hours of light! - 0.72 m²

Today the sky is so beautiful!

Homemade sweet crops
13 hours of light! - 0.24 m²


Beautiful plants! Enjoying what your doing in here and look forward to more. Have a great day! :green_heart:


Thank you so much! Yes, I am going to follow all 9 plants until the end. Summer greetings! :sun_with_face::man_farmer:


There is water, water and more water!

There are two absolutely essential components for any crop that cannot be ignored: Light and water. Today, we’re talking about water, paying homage to the water that the mountain and sky provide for my marijuana plants! :droplet::droplet::droplet:

I must say that, so far, I have never used chlorinated water in my crops. My interest in pure spring water existed long before because I habitually consume it myself. Chlorine is added to tap water to make it drinkable and eliminate potential bacteria or pathogens, but it does not distinguish between good and bad ones. I’ve always believed that consuming pure water helps maintain the microbiota of our digestive system. I could talk about the tangible advantages, but I’ll skip any scatological comments.

In my cultivation method, which is based entirely on maintaining and massively inoculating Mountain Microorganisms (MM) and others in the substrate, the use of pure chlorine-free water is essential.

Water! Mineralized, living, and structured.

The importance of water quality for cultivation is vital to me. I have explored the springs, rivers, and streams in my area with an EC and PH meter to understand the waters around me. I always collect rainwater from a neighbor’s terrace whenever possible. I never lack pure water and avoid watering with tap water. Currently, the best water mix I can offer my plants is 75% rainwater mixed with alkaline mountain spring water (Calcium carbonate, PH: 9.2) and highly mineralized (EC: 0.85), which I also consume regularly. This mix gives me pure water with an EC of around 0.19, ensuring the supply of calcium and other minerals. When it doesn’t rain, I use pure water from springs and streams with an EC of 0.3.

I filter and store this water in darkness in my home. Stagnant water loses oxygen and its molecular structure becomes chaotic. To recover this structure and oxygenation, the water must be in motion like in nature. I use a magnetic stirrer to revitalize the water. The stirrer creates an implosive vortex that sets things right in 10 minutes and oxygenates the water. Once this process is done, I add nutrients one by one and continue stirring until the end.

Water treated with this technique improves nutrient assimilation by promoting cation exchange and flooding our substrate and roots with oxygen. This technique also allows us to lower normal EC concentrations by 30% while achieving the same results. Try it and see!

Comments on some types of water:

  • River water: I started collecting water from the two major rivers that cross my village. It was good water, with no industries along its course, but unfortunately, sewage from the villages ends up in it. So, to be safe, I stopped using this type of water.

  • Rainwater: As mentioned earlier, I collected rainwater from a neighbor’s terrace drain (PH: 7, EC: 0.07). It was a lot of work, exposed me to curious neighbors, and led to surreal explanations to passersby. Sometimes I said I collected water for my dog, who couldn’t drink mineral water due to bladder stones, or I enthusiastically claimed it was the best water for cooking beans! :man_shrugging::sunglasses:
    I eventually stopped collecting rainwater from that spot because the water I describe next already has the EC levels I seek…

  • Mountain spring water: A permanent spring at 700m altitude. The PH varies according to the season: during autumn, winter, and spring, with more rain, the PH is 7, and the EC is 0.25. In summer, the PH rises to 8 and the EC to 0.5, due to a higher mineral load when there is no rain. Based on the geology of the area—mainly calcareous rocks, clays, and basalt—this mineral water contains enough minerals (Ca, Mg, Si, Al, Fe, K…) to eliminate the need for additives like CalMag. This is the water I use most for watering.

  • Alkaline spring water: Near sea level, highly mineralized, with less variation in PH and EC during rainy seasons: PH between 8 and 9.2, EC between 0.5 and 0.9.
    I use this water in several ways:
    — a) It’s the water I drink.
    — b) Due to its alkalinity, I use it for various anaerobic fermentations to balance the extreme acidity of these preparations and provide already solubilized minerals.
    — c) This winter, I used it for watering, mixed 50% with dehumidifier water, obtaining water with an EC of 0.25.
    — d) On rare occasions when I water only with water, I use this if the crop is doing well. If I need to flush the substrate due to over-fertilization, I use dehumidifier water: PH: 7, EC: 0.09, which, having no minerals, has a higher dissolution power.

  • Dehumidifier water: This winter, due to low temperatures, high relative humidity, and the appearance of powdery mildew, I had to run a dehumidifier constantly. To make the best of it, I collected this mineral-free water, mixing it 50% with alkaline spring water, saving me some trips to the mountain spring.

  • Sea water (for nerds): I haven’t dared to use it for watering, but I prepare homemade Ormus with Cantabrian sea water, separating the sodium and precipitating the minerals:
    Published on July 10, 2020
    — a) Mainly a source of Magnesium, Sulfur, and Calcium for the entire crop. Ormus contains 30-60% magnesium. I use it systematically in all my waterings, with doses ranging from 1% to 2%.
    — b) Contains over 70 minerals, mostly in monatomic form, improving cation exchange and nutrient assimilation.
    — c) Being an alkaline product, it can be used to raise the PH of the irrigation when needed. It slightly increases the EC load.
    — d) It is part of my components in the aqueous solution I prepare for germination and seed establishment.
    — e) Stored in darkness, the product has no known expiration.

  • Coconut water (for nerds): A natural product rich in sugars, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, cytokinins enzymes (cell division, growth), gibberellic acid (root stimulation), and minerals (Ca, Fe, P, Mg). The problem with coconut water is that once the coconut is opened, the water starts to oxidize, spoil, and lose its properties. It must be used within 48 hours and kept refrigerated in the meantime.

In early 2022, I made a new series of Bio Fertilizers with Local Efficient Microorganisms and various raw materials. One of these Bio Fertilizers was with green coconut water (Bio Coco EM). Through anaerobic fermentation, I stabilize the coconut water, making this fantastic product always available. Today, it is one of my indispensable Bio Fertilizers for vegetative growth or seed germination.

You can see the complete process here: Custom Breeder & Strain HBO grow diary (journal) week18 by deFharo - GrowDiaries

When do I use it?

  • The key moments of highest demand for cytokinin enzymes start in the middle of the first stage of germination and seedling establishment and at the beginning of the flowering/reproduction stage. In the final stage of crops, it is unnecessary.
  • The key moments for gibberellic acid also start in the first half of the first stage of cultivation and the last weeks of vegetative growth. After these stages, the need for the acid decreases until it becomes unnecessary in the last weeks of the crop.
  • I use coconut water, alternating it with other nutrients, only in the early stages of the plant and until pre-flowering.
  • The doses depend on the preferred EC load. I recommend a minimum solution EC 0.6 or 300 PPM.
  • Natural coconut water should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, as it ferments very easily.

And that’s all for today… I’m thirsty! :grin:


Excellent, my friend, how much willingness you have to do things for your plants and for your family too!!!
It even made me thirsty… I’m going to drink a glass of water here!!!
But here in the concrete jungle, it’s tap water.
It brought back memories of when I was a child… There was a spring of water near my house and usually my friends and I would drink water there after a game of soccer!!!

Stay well there and drink plenty of water!!!



3M :crown: Royal Gypsy - spontaneous bastards

Fifth week since the start of flowering, this plant that was shy at first, and of the three half-sisters that I grow with it, was always the smallest in size, but this week it has unleashed all its gypsy breed and shows some huge buds and cylindrical more than 20cm long by 5cm in diameter, and this is why I name it the First Monster Plant of the season, and more will come!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This coming week, I am going to reduce the concentration of nutrients, because I feel that these small pots have the substrate overloaded, with a couple of invigorating waterings it will be fixed and in this way I am also preparing the last stage of the crop that will last a couple of weeks. more… let’s play!

Check out Mom’s and Dad’s genes here:
Mom: Gypsy Kush (Kannabia Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info
Dad: Royal Purple Kush (Emerald Triangle) :: Cannabis Strain Info

3 waterings this week. Total: 3.5 liters. Average PH: 6.5. Average EC: 1.5. Height: 63cm


I will pull up a chair


Welcome brother!

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3M ♔ Acapulco Royal - spontaneous bastards

Fifth week from the beginning of flowering. We’re halfway through the game!

The plant is making progress in its effort to populate the strong branches with fat buds. This week I did three waterings, the first two with EC around 2.0, the third softer. I am going to continue softening all the waterings this coming week, since the The plant shows some signs of over-fertilization, nothing that cannot be solved with a couple of waterings with Bio Stimulants with low EC… let’s play!

However, the plant does not decline in its great metabolism and consumption of irrigation water, this plant still has a lot to say, at the moment it is surpassing its mother Acapulco Gold… nothing can go wrong!

Precision irrigation and mixtures.
3 waterings this week. Total: 3.5 liters. Average PH: 6.55. Average EC: 1.45. Height: 62cm


3M ♕ Royal Boss - spontaneous bastards

Five weeks since the beginning of flowering, the majestic and stinky plant is feeling very good this week when I have lowered the concentration of nutrients while keeping the substrate a little more humid.

These small 7 liter pots, when the plant has a high metabolism, I water every two days, and also, when I feed the plant with each watering, the substrate tends to be overloaded with nutrients, but with some stimulating waterings of low concentration Everything is solved naturally, because this way I give the plant time to consume nutrients from the substrate and free it from excess.

This plant is the tallest in the garden, with a very sativa morphology, long branches and thin leaves. This week I put a corset around it, to make it narrower and better optimize the growing space and the entry of light, since the long Branches tend to open due to the weight of the buds.

3 waterings this week. Total: 3.5 liters. Average PH: 6.5. Average EC: 1.0. Height: 71cm


I’ve, I’ve got to hide what’s killin’ me inside… Let the music play!

Happy Sunday!


:grin: 1976. Good time to be alive. :grin: :rainbow:

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:joy: This is one of my guilty pleasures on one of my Spotify lists


Pablo Escobar :evergreen_tree:

Opium :deciduous_tree:

Santa Marta Gold :princess:

Thai Fantasy :woman_with_turban:

Chocolope :chocolate_bar:

Black Lebanon :orange_heart:


Good Evening @defharo your plants look amazingly healthy.

But the 1st KUDO today is that your photography is beautiful !

Thanks for starting our day with such Beauty


all for the cannabis game! :soccer: