ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Thanks, don’t want to leave you without seeds, I only use regulars as
I started to make seeds and now look males in a different way … beer3|nullxnull


I got 50 to 100 seeds from each of the bastards. I have more seeds than I can grow, I have many auto brands that I don’t grow and many others that have come to me from awards and sponsorships. I have some regular ones that the Canadians have sent me, but I’m too lazy to grow them.

Do you have a quick method for sexing without using clones?

An old friend who passed away, who grew guerrilla for many years, told me that he sexed them before taking them up the mountain, leaving them in the dark for a couple of days. Do you know anything about this method?


The one I use is to switch the veg tent to flower stage two or three days, they should be mature enough to show, mostly when the branches are not symmetrical but as a stair, I suppose it’s the same principle as the one you mention, sorry for his loss …

I offer you 15 so you will be sure to have some germinating, the rest are a gift, I am not going to grow them, that Kush cross sounds yummy … :yum:


Ok, I’m sending you the BL and the Gitana Real, I’ll also send you the S1 of Royal Purple Kush, this strain has a very particular development of the buds. Custom Breeder & Strain Royal Purple Kush S1 grow journal by deFharo - GrowDiaries

I think I’ve read that the best time is when the sixth node has developed to sex? although it seems like a long wait :yum:
After this process of changing the time to sex, can the female plants return to vegetative growth?


Yes, they return to veg with no problem, the just show preflowers, they are not blooming yet. Sounds good, I will also send you some Bahía, send me your addy by PM, paisano … beer3|nullxnull


By the way, I have had all the plants with 13 hours of light since a week after the plants began to flower, a total of 8 weeks. Now this week, the tenth of flowering, I have lowered the light by one hour, and next week, the last for some plants, I am going to give them 11 hours of light, let’s see what happens.


In the end, I’ll end up trying regular ones, I’m curious.

I saw that there’s a cannabis event in Bilbao at the end of September, I’ve never been to one of those fairs, but I’d like to go to smoke other people’s weed and vice versa :rofl:

Do you know anyone around here who’s going to go?

That’s risky business, there’s a small shop here I found they were the only distributors of HLG lamps, I bought them some but I was told they are under the radar, better to not show off in anything that may associate you with the Ganja … :sweat:

I always believe you are losing something when you grow fem, like when you castrate a dog :see_no_evil:, in fact, making seeds opens you the possibility to have many more seeds by trading or making happy people by gifting, no veg tent by your side?

I guess @MissinBissin is growing Fighting Bilbo ignoring it refers to the Spanish city of Bilbao … :grin:


When in Spain… I’ll checkout the spelling of Bilbao lol

Chuckle chuckle but this Fighting Bilbo takes me to feisty Hobbit @George.

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Well, I’m not interested in the cannabis industry, I’ve made a lot of texts and memes dealing with that concept, I defend self-sufficiency, the creation of seeds would be a natural part of this concept, but I have limited space/time and I need hermaphrodites that give me feminized ones, because I smoke a lot!

I buy all the supplies online, I don’t know any stores around here.

from @MissinBissin I’ve grown Colombia Red Dot and Gorilla Bilbo


Oh, in Spanish Bilbao is correct, Bilbo is in Basque, a strange language that is only spoken in that region, my father used to say they are weird because the Romans did not invade them… beer3|nullxnull


I tried to show you the city of Bilbao! :rofl:


Your father knew what he was talking about! :clap:


Are those Oaxacan seeds of yours related to these?

This strain looks amazing! I love taming sativas!


Yes, Upstate gifted me some and I made a repro, almost 21 weeks … :sweat_smile:


21 weeks of flowering? No puedooor! :dizzy_face:


Now ask me why I don’t grow sativas anymore ejem|nullxnull, maybe they were “only” 19, but were supposed to be 13-16 … labrat


What I see with all this talk about wild, native species, etc. is that they need to stabilize the strains, to get the fastest, most branched, most compact, etc., etc. ones. I see indoor crops with stunted plants that I cannot afford. Preservation is fine, but production is vital to me.


Well, if the seeds germinate, I’ll grow it. I have two balls! :rofl:

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And patience I hope :sweat_smile:, they will soon go your way … Pirata|nullxnull