ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

I wanna see @defharo try out AIR POTS! :heart:


I have grown in air-pots, they are good, but they are very wide for the liters of soil they contain and my space, and they are very slow to water, because the water tends to leak out a lot through the holes. Outdoors they certainly give better results.

Three seasons ago I grew three plants in my tent in 20-liter fabric pots, I got the same harvest as the following season when I grew 6 plants in 11-15L pots. The only thing that is clear to me is that the bigger the pot the better, but I want to collect cured buds of many kinds, that is why I insist on growing in small pots, and fit as much as I can into the tent with room between them. :grin:


This is what I have planned for next season. I am currently growing 7 plants.

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So that everyone understands… :rofl:


I think this made it less clear :sweat_smile:


It’s an irony because of the German voice, which I don’t understand :rofl:

That season I was growing an 11 L air-pot


Beautiful plants, my friend!


Thanks bro! The plants are motivated!


Two Bastard Queens :deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree:

Eleven weeks of flowering. 7 litre pots

3M :crown: Royal Gypsy

  • The great gypsy bastard has become a Queen in her own right.
  • The enormous tails, vigorous and thriving, grow and fatten, new pistils adorn them, I look at her with admiration, I feed her with pleasure, and she promises me heaven! :heart_eyes:

3M ♔ Acapulco Royal

  • This crossbred plant, daughter of a lascivious Purple King Kush and a delicate Mexican Acapulco Gold plant, is growing better than its father or mother, we are two steps away from paradise! :heart_eyes:

  • The colas seem to have no limits, they are huge and stinky, they are full of white pistils, the plant refuses to age. It is fascinating for me to see this strain conceived at home grow and see how it becomes a Queen… we keep playing! :heart_eyes:


There are 2 Colombian mountain girls at home dancing merengue :dancing_men:

Eleven weeks of flowering. 11 liter pots.

3M :skull: The Colombian
This Colombian sativa is asking me for peace, her time is near, she, satisfied, is going to give me everything. :sleepy:

A few days ago I lowered the light schedule to 11H, in an attempt to accelerate the senescence of the plants, since I need to harvest them all before September 4th, the memory of the plants will remind them that the end is near and the maturation of the colas is accelerated. :smiling_imp:

3M ⛨ Santa Marta Gold
This holy and wild Colombian sativa, follows the exaggerated fattening of the enormous foxtails, the branches stoically support the great weight of the fragrant buds. For me, this plant is going to be the best of the season, and it will occupy a privileged place in my marijuana cellar, a classic sativa to smoke at all hours!

New house, new roommates! :notes::dancer:


There is an epidemic of sadness in my garden! :anguished:

Yes, it always happens, the plants that have been my companions for months leave, exhausted and calm, just like my soul friends left, they left me good memories, they, the plants, marijuana to enjoy those memories.
The last girls giving it their all!

3M :anger: Chocolooope!
Fantastic plant, productive and very fragrant!

3M :small_red_triangle: Black Lebanon
The Lebanese landrace grew up proud and in the end let itself die like a dog, in silence, in its corner… I think out of sadness!

3M :skull: The Colombian
The tranquil Colombian Sativa has more than fulfilled its role, now it rests!

3M ॐ Summer in Siam
The summer trip to the Kingdom of Siam is coming to an end. Old memories have come flooding back with the plant, the friends, the laughter, the journey and also the innocence.

Now the beautiful Thai sativa awaits its fatal destiny in the open air of the night, it has been its last wish, also a last watering with pure mountain water, I have given it to it, it wants to leave me its best fragrances, because tomorrow, at dawn, I will plunder it with the hope of capturing, in its buds, all those old Asian memories.

Destiny was fulfilled at dawn…

Sorry for the sadness.


Great job done, more bountiful crops to come … Pirata|nullxnull


The undertaker plays a requiem for your ladies.




How to love two women at the same time and not be crazy!

Love is a spontaneous herb, not a garden plant!

The two stepsisters, daughters of a lascivious and hermaphrodite Royal Purple Kush, conceived without permission in my grow tent, turning it into a house of sin, have grown in the warmth of the home that saw them born. I did not reject them for being illegitimate children, I welcomed them, I pampered them, I loved them, they never felt strange in my garden of joy, nor were they self-conscious about their origins.
Today, they have become two Royal Strains in their own right, they have improved the race of dad and mom… and I am going to smoke every last trichome!

The Purple King with his daughters, next to them, the house of sin.

3M :crown: Royal Gypsy Buds

A song for my gypsy…

3M ♔ Acapulco Royal Buds

Going crazy in Acapulco…

Now my grow tents are empty of live plants, and full of plants hanging like forbidden fruit.
And the ventilation blowing everywhere, because the relative humidity is very high these days, and I intend to accelerate the loss of humidity as much as possible.

Strange Fruit…

And with these plants the season ends, now it’s time to rest, clean and reflect on the coming season.

Greetings and health to all! :heart_eyes:


That’s right, my friend!!!
Burning everything like Cheech & Chong!!!





Wildness and holiness coexisted in this garden :smiling_imp:

Twelve weeks of flowering and 147 days of life have been enough to harvest this holy and wild Colombian sativa, a crop on land, protected with Sacred Mulch and blessed with pure mountain water and homemade Bio Fertilizers… hallelujah!

I have no words to describe the joy it has been to grow a sativa-looking sativa plant, huge foxtail buds, airy and extremely fragrant confirm it. These buds will occupy a privileged place in my Marijuana cellar!

After a last watering with pure mountain water and a last night outside on my balcony, at dawn, when the morning dew embraced the terpenes, I have plundered this great plant…

3M ⛨ Santa Marta Gold

She’s a different lady with a different style…


Happy Harvest brotha! You have an epic variety of smoke to enjoy over the winter, Great job! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

First time seeing a Chocolope plant. Very cool too.


Thank you very much, my friend. Variety is the key for me.
Chocolope smells more intense than all the other plants. …:yum: