ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Hello, basically use for substrate mixes:
30% substrate mix, 20% Coconut fiber, Homemade Bocashi 20%, Worm humus 10%, Rice hulls 10%, Various minerals 10%

Bocashi homemade




Hello! These two plants that I grow in my 60x40x125cm home closet are lucky in that their 12/12h flowering schedule begins at 8:00 am, it is at that time and until 2:00 p.m., when the sun’s rays begin to enter. Directly, I take advantage of sunny days to take the plants out of the closet.

This action not only saves me a few hours of artificial light. But I believe that the solar spectrum is the best lighting that crops can receive.

However, the other 7 plants that I am growing in my main grow tent have night hours, the light starts at 10:00 p.m., this is mainly because the light is cheaper at night, but above all because the ambient temperature It is lower at night and this tent generates a lot of heat.


That’s a gorgeous picture of your Tent my Friend. Full Colours on Display !!

As tranquil as it looks, somehow I feel there is a Version of “Bulls on Parade” playing in the background


Good morning friend, you will see the spree of lights that I have prepared for flowering!
Yeah! That music can match my ruthless crops!.. and the joints don’t stop all day!


I stayed in the 80s, I sing and dance with my girls! :man_facepalming:


Part A :white_check_mark: Good Evening @defharo


Thanks for that tip about grinding it to a Finer level, prior to use @defharo
(beware of dust)
KOH sourced at Amazon.

Nobody carries it locally; cept a 20kg container at Walmart… go figure

Did I read this earlier, that you refer to this as a Bloom product? Or would you recommend applying this Concentrate / Drench, throughout the Grow?

Wondering aloud what portion of the Nutrition needs of cannabis, are covered or supported by it’s use.

And while the synapses are firing…

As I’m using a worm castings tea as the base for most of the watering efforts…
Can the Humalite, when diluted, have things added to it?

Does it overlap with Worm Castings? Or do they negate each others use?

Whew, sorry bout that. Cheers Bro


Hello, I’ll explain a little how I use it.

The basic result you get is humic, fulvic and imatomelanic acids with potassium.

I can apply this basic preparation at all stages of cultivation, for example, now that my garden is beginning to flower and I like to leave the plants alone in this transition stage, then I am watering with Humate (0.5%), because it helps increase the availability of soil nutrients and, in the process, structures the soil.

You can also make foliar applications, although what the plant will absorb will be the fulvic acids.
I also have to say that this preparation is compatible with all my bio fertilizers and I mix them according to my needs.

For flowering: To have a complete Humate for flowering, we need to add phosphorus. I add at the beginning (25 grams per liter of water of: Bone meal (Ca, P) or Phosphoric rock § and then you have a PK Humate to apply in flowering as many times as you want. You must control the mixtures. PH and EC.
I use between 0.5 and 1.5%, for outdoors you can increase the dose.


About the worm castings: it is not worth making this formula with worm castings, having Humalite.

A trick for your worm castings, bocashi or compost tea:
Add 01 gram of KOH per 100 grams of product, stir the mixture and in 24 hours you can use it for irrigation.


Many Thanks @defharo, I will get my head around that.
Thanks for the comment about not mixing worm poo / humalite


First week in 12/12H flowering schedule for the three royal bastard stepsisters. The plants have stretched between 7 and 11cm this week, I continue to crush them with light, and bizarre ties.

In these weeks of transition to flowering, I do not usually water with macronutrients, but instead I do it with Bio stimulants, probiotics, vitamins, humics, etc. in moderate or mild concentrations to leave the plant calm in this important hormonal change, once the pre-flora begins: Change of lights, Bio Fertilizers and irrigation concentrations… let’s play!

3M ♔ Acapulco Royal

3M ♕ Royal Boss

3M :crown: Royal Gypsy


3M ⛨ Santa Marta Gold
I’m taming sativas.
Ninth week of life of this holy and wild Colombian plant, a crop that I make with my hands on sacred land and bless it with pure mountain water and homemade Bio Fertilizers… hallelujah!

First week of 12/12 hours, the plant has stretched 8cm. Total 38cm… let’s play.


3M :no_entry: Les Fleurs du Mal
Eleven weeks of life for this strain with a disastrous name, but with a wonderful mutation that has produced a two-headed apex and that is allowing me from the beginning to bend the plant with low ties and thus enhance branching.

First week since the time change to 12/12 noon, the plant has stretched 01cm! The small homemade closet surrounded by lights, where I am growing this and another plant, is demonstrating once again the great power of light intensity to compact crops.


Thanks for that Peek inside again @defharo, you’ve got them tamed and ready to explode…
Beautiful all the way around ! Sidelight, side fans, angled wavelengths, it is a close-quarters assault


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3M :anger: Chocolooope!
Taming Sativas: Chocolope. First week since the 12/12h time change. Growth 6cm. Current height: 40cm. Pot 7L.


3M ॐ Summer in Siam

Taming Sativas!
Thai Fantasy (Asian Sativa 80%): First week since the 12/12 hour change. Growth 5cm. Current height: 45cm. 15L pot

This week, faced with runaway growth, I urgently had to start tying and bending branches everywhere. These sativas are wild plants that revolutionize and grow without restraint from one day to the next, but I’m going to domesticate them!


3M :small_red_triangle: Black is Black
Black Lebanon (Indica landrace): First week since the 12/12h time change. Growth 8cm. Current height: 54cm. 15L pot.

I smoke a joint with every doubt!


You manage to get these plants so Condensed and Comfortable at the same time @defharo
Fantastic Work on display
Is that a Lion Tamer, about to enter… or is it You, entering a Grow-Zone

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