ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

It’s me dressed as an executive tamer, but I have other costumes! Farm and play, you know me.

In a minute I’ll send you a real photo of me


This was me a few years ago, armed and dangerous!

And here I present to you my dear grandfather


Thats a Hilarious photo, cross-training for Sure !!!
Great image of your Grandfather !
Thanks for those…

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Is music a new nutritional component for crops or for the farmer?

"The seeds are planted here… All aboard!

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3M :crown: Royal Gypsy
This gypsy plant, bastard daughter of a Purple King satyr, born and conceived in the forbidden garden of my house, has completed the second week since I changed the schedule to 12/12h, the plant has stretched 10cm… I hope that this week it will complete Stretch and focus on flower formation!
I grow this home strain with two half-sisters, daughters of the Purple King himself: Acapulco Royal and Royal Boss.


3M ♕ Royal Boss
Second week completed since the transition to flowering 12/12h.
The plant is ecstatic, of the 3 stepsisters this is the tallest and most branched, this week it has stretched 16cm, given how the crop is going I couldn’t expect anything else.
By far it is the tallest plant of the season, all my efforts to stop vertical growth have not managed to maintain a homogeneous height with the rest of the crops, the problem of the imbalance in height with the rest of the plants is that it forces me to Raise the lights, away from the lower plants. and I don’t want that, it’s unfair :smiling_imp:, so what I have done for this floor is to prepare a corner just for it, with three small lamps above and to the side and this way I can maintain the height of the main lamps according to the size of the rest of the crops, which are more or less similar in height.

Sacred Mulch

The corner


:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::man_farmer: Welcome clandestine and organic marijuana enthusiasts!

3M ♔ Acapulco Royal
Eleven happy weeks on the beaches of Acapulco.
This Mexican plant, the bastard daughter of a Purple King satyr who was on vacation in Mexico, now grows happily in the home where she was born, in the company of two half-sisters, daughters of the King himself: Royal Boss and Royal Gypsy.

The plant has fully entered into flowering, it has stretched 10cm this week and I hope they will be the last, in general it seems that all the plants have stopped stretching for 2-3 days, I notice this because in recent days I have not had to adjust the height of the lamps, something I have to do practically daily during the first days since I changed the schedule to 12/12 noon.

Very strong and with very strong branches, this homemade strain is going to make people talk, the vigor is impressive, I water deeply every 2 days, with varied mixtures, it has not received watering exactly the same as another in its entire life, from now on, I make a change of Bio Fertilizers and I will take out my arsenal for flowering, this, together with the radical change of lights that I will do tomorrow, basically translates into transforming all the possible energy of photosynthesis into huge cannabis flowers… let’s play!

Sacred Mulch

At the same time, I am extremely curious to see the phenotype that this home strain gives me. Will it look like Mom or Dad?


She is a Beautiful plant, the Royal Boss, great work

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Thanks my friend! Even commoners can be Royals by farming organically. :blush::man_farmer:

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We are ready for the flower festival!

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That is such a cool piece of Art
Must we use Mushrooms @defharo to tag into Mycelium

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Thanks! All for the cause! :man_farmer::+1:

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In my soil there are fungi, bacteria and all the microscopic life that I capture from the forest… do you like mycelium?

Maintain a soil without poisons and herbicides and with a lot of organic matter and life appears on its own.


The trichoderms and mycorrhizae have been passed on for generations through mulch and taking advantage of the roots of previous crops.


Look at the mycelium of my fermented grass preparation where I capture and reproduce the BACILLUS SUBTILIS present in the grass. This preparation is the base of some Bio Ferments


I have bags and bags of previous grows sitting in a cupboard, waiting.
Now that they are Essential lol, they are going to get some attention, and use!!

Thanks again for that Fact @defharo

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I believe that you can reuse and regenerate that land very well by taking it outside. If you have used mineral salts, the fall rain will wash them away, you can make a great place for crops with that soil in spring. I have bags of substrate in a garage, I have also taken many bags to the forest, I don’t throw anything away.

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Look what I do with the roots at the time of transplant, then I cover them with reused Mulch and underneath them a thin layer of Solid Mountain Microorganisms and other components.


“Return to Sender”
Makes Perfect sense, and on a few levels. 555
Thanks Fernando

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Organic growers look like sorcerers to me icon_e_confused|nullxnull, trichoderma and rest of microscopical organisms helps if you’re using bottled nutes? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

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