ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

It is a pleasure for me to disseminate my cultivation techniques, etc., open paths to self-sufficiency, for me the most subversive thing in marijuana cultivation is being able to grow outside the industry, and do it better.

I am going to compile some photos of the mulch and since I have been reusing it for years, all the plant waste, except the fat stems, goes into the mulch. In these years I have added shavings, fresh grass, dry straw, etc., and everything has decomposed and converted into humus, when I take away the mulch, I also take away the aerobic microbiology that lives and works on the surface of the substrate. The concept of reuse is basic for me… having soil outdoors the possibilities of what I do in pots multiply.


They can help, but the chelated minerals in those bottled nutrients can kill off the soil you’re working towards, so in a way you’re working against the grain by doing so.


Hello, for me microbiology in pots is very delicate, the simple use of chlorinated water totally inhibits micro development.
In the same way, if you use soluble nutrients based on mineral salts, what happens is that you make the substrate very uncomfortable for microbiology and you will also inhibit development.

I don’t know if I answer your question? :blush:

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Thank you both, much respect for what you do but now I know I won’t cross that frontier :sweat_smile: and will delete the Trichoderma tablets from my wishlist… beer3|nullxnull


Hey! It’s never too late, I grew only with sheep shit in the 90s, and during the pandemic I started growing indoors, and since I’m a rebel, I just wanted to do it my way.


I think when something works you don’t need to change, I also have my way, less attractive but effective, just wanted to improve but I was going the wrong path, thanks for your guidance, you know what you’re doing and your plants reward you for that … beer3|nullxnull


Enjoyment in the things we do is something intimate and non-transferable.
I respect those who lead their own path. :ok_hand::man_farmer:


You’re happy when your plants are happy or is it the contrary? :smile:

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I myself have been inspired by learning about hyfroponic and coconut crops, although they are not my style, but it gave me something to think about, the issue of constant feeding.
I tried to do something similar in substrate with a lot of watering but it didn’t work very well.

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Coco can give you great crops but it is a form of slavery :unamused:, I hate automation because that would mean my plants don’t need me… angelito|nullxnull


Yes, I totally agree, each crop is unique


3M ⛨ Santa Marta Gold
Second week for this sativa and Colombian landrace, since the change to 12/12H flowering schedule. Total height 48cm. The plant basks in the sun a few hours a day, drinks and eats eagerly, the flowers begin to adorn the crop… nothing can go wrong!


3M :no_entry: Les Fleurs du Mal
Accompanying Santa Marta Gold in the same home grow tent, I have this plant called Opium. Height 45cm. 11L pot. Cross between an indica plant from Afghanistan with a Brazilian sativa


3M :anger: Chocolooope!
This chocolate sativa has me in love!
Height 47cm. Old-school 7L pot. 2 weeks since the time change. Genetic: Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze. 10% Indica / 90% Sativa.


3M ॐ Summer in Siam
The delicate Asian sativa is ready to grow huge flowers, the leaf mass expands and large branches stand out proudly, the metabolism is triggered…
Height 54cm. 15L textile pot. Genetics: Thai x Black Domina. Sativa 80%, Indica 20%.

Sacred Mulch

Good times!


3M :small_red_triangle: Black is Black
This vigorous, big landrace indica continues to stretch and strengthen at the same time. The strong branches promise to be filled with flowers! The great metabolism accompanies growth, a lot of water consumption, lights and nutrients… let’s play! Height: 64cm. Textile pot: 15L

I illuminate without compassion


Goooo Brazil, they look beautiful @defharo

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Yeah! Thks!. Brazil is my second homeland!! :heart: Nothing can go wrong! :dancer:

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Yeah, I just grow my garden and play!
No guru, no method, no teacher…


My home closet and its two crops at full capacity… 19 days since the change to 12/12H.