ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

ExperiMENTAL Organic & Clandestine house
Good morning dear, today the sky is so beautiful!

Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself…
I don’t want you to tell nobody in your family…
And don’t mention it to nobody else…


Let the show begin!

I said, â??I’m gonna join the circus
Cause that’s where I belong’
Now everyone knows, yeah…


That’s a virtuoso on Harmonica


This morning I dedicated the song to my wife, she was furious. :joy:


3M :anger: Chocolooope!
Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze - 10% Indica / 90% Sativa
3 weeks since it started flowering. 50cm high. 7L pot.

Sacred Mulch


3M ॐ Thai Fantasy
Sativa Thai x Black Domina - Sativa 80%, Índica 20%
3 semanas desde que comenzó a florear. 63cm de altura. Maceta de 15L.


3M :small_red_triangle: Black Lebanon
Indica landrace. 3 weeks since it started flowering. 70cm high. 15L pot.

Sacred Mulch


Life for the soil



Today, without mercy, I have committed a crime….

A few hours ago, while gazing at my garden of joy, I discovered with astonishment a stowaway, a lecherous intruder, an alpha male in all his splendor, a deviant lurking in the corner.

He had waited 85 days to show his true face. My still-adolescent females were in danger. This satyr, the great fornicator in disguise, the fox in the henhouse, had been biding his time to leave, without consent, his perverted pollen on my girls, still innocent and pure.

Ah! Uncontainable rage upon seeing this infiltrated and traitorous male, unexpected lascivious conspirator, obscene character whom I immediately banished from the grow tent. It was night; he slept in the open, alone, like a pariah, far from whom he believed to be his family. He had broken the Sacred Rule with dishonest lust: “This garden is no place for males.” The law of this grow tent is clear: those who break it will be executed with much pain, and their remains will be scattered in the mulch of my female plants.

At dawn, in front of the desecrated grow tent, I summoned the most ruthless executioner. I did not ask for mercy; I asked the condemned for his last wish. He wanted to smoke a joint of organic marijuana. I smoked too. Then I sat down, voices pleading for clemency were heard, and the executioner did his job magnificently. The great conspirator stallion suffered greatly as his branches were severed from the trunk and thrown to the ground with barbaric disdain. :smiling_imp:

Today I have executed a vicious male and enjoyed telling the story very much… I’m going to roll another joint!


One of the most Dramatic executions I have ever attended


Yes, we must recover good habits! :smiling_imp:

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The Devil with a Green Thumb


I would buy the book from that excerpt.


Things are clear!
Plant modeling with explanations so that everyone understands it.


I’m just speechless man. Even on how you express some genetics, the general print-foot is beyond a dictatorship. I literally see your hands in the plants more than the phenos lol

First time also i see a full handmade line up of nutes, really mastered on the whole chain. Out of my league by far, even if Asturians and Catalans are used to blow my mind in organics since 20 years. But there, you push even to the phythormones balance :no_mouth:

To be reactive like this while you decypher the plants and manage the recipes, it’s a decade of grow under the belt at least. Not 4 years. I recognized “which North” in seeing the beach in the growlogs diaries website, we are not so far.


Hello, I’m glad to see you here. I’ve read some of your posts and I know you’re another marijuana cultivation enthusiast.

Thank you for your comment; I don’t know why, but I really needed something like that today.

The beach you’ve seen is Laredo’s; I live nearby. What you’ve read on GrowDiaries was written two years ago. I worked hard to spread awareness and education, but no one fell into the organic trap. Apparently, it’s easier to work and then pay for industrial fertilizers.

I used to grow African varieties outdoors in the '80s and '90s that I brought myself. I lived in the Canary Islands at that time. I’ve always loved gardening and plants. Back then, sheep manure was my only aid.

What happened a little over four years ago is that someone gave me an autoflowering seed in a very cool case, and I grew it in the window. Something stirred in me, and I went for it. Two days before the lockdown, I had been in the forest for the first time, collecting microorganisms to start making bio-ferments. I was almost alone at home for six months and could create all the mess I wanted. The internet provided me with all the tools and gadgets I could think of.

When I’m motivated by something, I dive in completely. I have the advantage of working from home, and the cultivation is a great escape. Above all, this activity allows me to smoke as much as I want and choose.

I have many specialized bio-fertilizers, also with hormones, enzymes, vitamins, probiotics, etc., all derived from organic or mineral sources. I also use various types of hydrolysis depending on the raw material. Once you grasp the concept of nutrient solubilization and mineral chelation, everything flows very easily and cheaply.

When it comes to watering, for me, it’s like cooking for ladies. Each time the watering mixes, the menu, are different. I think of each mix as something appropriate and special. The combinations are infinite since I have more than 40 formulas in use. None of my plants receive the same watering mix throughout their lives. Moreover, I don’t conceive of watering with just water. Just as I don’t conceive of skipping dinner and drinking only water, I treat the plants as living beings and live with them as a family.


I was thinking about Santander or Bilbao. Not far lol After some duties, i will have some commutes again in this sector next year. I’ve to taste this weed someday ^^ I never come the hands empty, it can be cool.

I totally understand this dedication and the drives, also the big problem to share it or at least to transmit a bit. Past a point, it’s easy to lost the track on the efforts done but the results. And it’s intimidating from outside (it is for me when i see your lab and all it mean for each solution lol).

I forget to mention your door-table and many others things … let’s bless these autos that turned you crazy ^^

I’m able to understand the principles you’re showing, but there is one point that i miss. An old catalan introduced me to organics a while ago (outdoor) while i used his space to map some stuff. He learned me to enrich the soil with the plants harvested, but he mulched quite fine except the trunk and the stems rich in fiber. He just crushed it with a big hammer to make “whool” that he mixed with all others stuff (he was a big fan of all sort of guano as well).

I don’t see this in your crop, but plain remnants not processed. If you don’t mind to explain why and the drives behind, i will be glad.


Hello, in a thread above I explain how I treat and rescue the Mulch each crop season, that mulch that you see there has converted in humus kilos of leaves and stems, shavings, straw, etc., etc.

I don’t grow plants big enough to use a hammer, I cut small branches and debris with scissors, and for two seasons I had to improvise mulch because I didn’t have enough for all the pots, so I took a bunch of green leaves that were drying and with some scissors I chopped it and added green mulch, it was spectacular to see an invasion of microbiology in two days, after that I have also added freshly cut grass and currently I no longer wait for the leaves to dry before adding them to the mulch.

I do not agree with crushing the stems, the woody parts are the ones that contain the most cellulose, and the microorganisms love it, you can see how the stems degrade at full speed, it is an excellent home for them.

The layer of mulch is about 3.4 centimeters and at the top you can see the recent leaves that are falling. For me, mulch is the habitat where the Microorganisms specialized in degrading organic matter are, and consequently making available the nutrients that said matter contains. This habitat also conserves humidity and allows the plant to create adventitious roots from the first centimeter of soil. .

I forgot something important, the variety of materials prevents the compaction of the mulch, when you only use one material, you have to rake it frequently


Nature is cruel
Sometimes what happened in the video has happened to me, when I have insisted on putting seeds to germinate, in soil similar to that of a forest, with a lot of decomposing organic matter.

With this impressive germination method I managed to ruin 9 seeds out of 10 that I put to germinate! :thinking:


Here the staging of forest germination… and then it all ended in disaster!