Extreme weather, hows everyone doing?

wind chill temps down to -40F last night.
woke up this morning, and the cold water pipe in my bathroom was fozen. no water. fortunately, I had an access panel to the pipes. Stuck a hair-dryer in there for an hour and the water started flowing again. I dodged a bullet there. pipes did not break! :pray:
I hate close calls like that.

Then, checked the web interface of my grow room.

Temps in the basement got down to 57F last night! It normally doesn’t go below 64. And even now, it’s struggling to hit 63. The tents are a little warmer from the lights… but damn it’s cold!

Hows everyone else doing during this arctic blast?


That cold front for the week though :joy::rofl:

Shorts and t-shirts weather for us down in az haha


Well I’ve definitely left the kitchen sink trickling a couple nights this week in my old house. Luckily my heats been working good, but on overtime. Probably going to have to change the filter. This is a reminder to all, don’t forget, a clean filter will maximize your furnaces efficiency! I haven’t had to use a space heater either, except a little bit in the grown room. I think we got double digits for a couple days. A real heat wave! Lol. Then some snow.
I hope everyone else is doing well. Stay warm growmies! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::cold_face::grin::v::crazy_face::grinning::blush::+1:


man close call on the pipes! it got down to 21 degrees here last night. I usually leave the kitchen and bathroom sinks dripping overnight if it gets below freezing. Ive got some seed runs going in the attached garage, but cant keep temps over 65. I’ve been running a Mr. Heater propane heater to keep the garage as warm as possible.

low 70’s here next week, cant wait.


We in the Bay Area are fine of course, but a high school friend of Mrs. mota’s told her of “exploding trees” in the woods. The liquid under the bark freezing and exploding. Fuck. xwi2Y3G That is so too fucking cold!


holy smokes, I’ve never even heard of that happening.


No shit!!! (The last two exclamation points are to make it ten characters. lol (1) )


Yup. up in the far north of VT, NH, and ME I’ve heard stories of trees exploding like that happening during extreme cold snaps. That is serious cold.

Wind chill on top of Mount Washington NH was -114F last night. Coldest ever recorded in North America :grimacing:


I just went out to clean up my yard and garage after last nights insane wind storm.
Our garage has no door (reasons… :roll_eyes:) and all the leaves and trash from the neighborhood always blow right into it. It’s like we’re in some weird wind vortex.
Anyway. Someone lost their bag of weed and it ended up in my garage with the other junk! :joy:


Yeah. It went into the trash. It looked ancient and nasty. :face_vomiting:


How do you know that it wasn’t one of your old bags of weed that you hid from yourself, and the weed gods were lending you a hand at finding it?!?! Lmao. :rofl:


Cold snap sucked, but things look good.

No snowstorms on tap for neusa👍


Meteorological Spring is days away🙌

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21 days?

I think I experienced some “wood explosion” a few nights ago, it was -15f air temp and there were occasional weird pop/bang sounds outside my bedroom window.


And we’ve been bitching about it being 8-10f!!! :astonished: :flushed:
We’re hitting a warming trend, and the ice is melting-- already almost 30f-- going up to 40f by Wednesday (or so they say)
We’ll be out in T’s and jeans! (Maybe a hoodie-- these old bones get cold easier than I used to!)


One of the things I like about getting older. Every winter seems to go faster. I’m ready for spring and summer. Bring on the Outdoor!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


One nice thing about New England, you don’t have to wait long for the weather to change. A few days ago it was frigid, today highs will be in the low 40s.

I lived in eastern Iowa for a winter, now that was a bonechilling and relentless winter. Even when it gets bad in New England it’s rare for it to last more than a few days.


Let’s just say I picked a great time to be in Mexico


Yep-- the traditional Michigander Motto:
“Welcome to Michigan! Don’t like the weather? Wait 5 minutes…”
They even do news articles about the changing weather…
The joys of being surrounded by Large Lakes!
It’s called ‘Lake Effect’ snow for a reason! can get up to 6-8 inches with out it being forcast!


-17 yesterday-27 with the windchill, today it’s 8 degrees lol. Good old Canada and the lake effect goodness.


We’ve warmed up quite a bit today. Though we’re having horizontal snow atm.


For better or worse we usually go in the opposite direction on snowcasts, they predict a whole mess, we get a little bit. No lake effect where I’m at.