What does this mean for our outdoor season


Bring it on, I can deal with it…it won’t stop me from growing outdoors…gonna be helping my farmer buddy grow 2,000 plants legally this year.


im curious how it will affect temps during fall will it be colder or warmer
id take warmer im north 47-48ish east coast i love when falls stays wsrm longer but if i have to afjust for shorter flowering i like to prepare in sfvance

“it’s like this thing, el nino, this airflow that comes from hawaii and canada and it gets the dirt and mixes it with the weed in a very special way. it’s actually very scientific”


its funny but in s serious note im curious on how it will effect growing season

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The major thing imo is that El Niño typically brings more rain in the fall so especially longer flowering strains may have more mold concerns. I’d be planning for that now.


its why im asing idk what to expect of this

is this in genersl or in your area

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Right On Phil!!! Rock On!!! :sunglasses: :metal:

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Early start to summer here. I hope that doesn’t mean early fall. :alien:

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There is a 7% increase in RH (capacity) per degree C in the atmosphere. That extra RH has the ability to add to storm energy etc. producing stronger weather.
Probably the biggest surprise to me was the physical changes to the jet stream, I didn’t see that coming…



El Nino affects different areas in different ways.

My understanding is that it’ll be good for us northeasterners.


im tryi g to understand this


I was following some stuff a few months ago… maybe closer to a year ago. Predicting exactly what is happening to the planet right now and for the coming year. Not claiming any of this as fact… just relaying what I was reading from several accepted sources.
Our sun doesn’t sit in one place in the galaxy, it has it’s own eliptical path in space it travels as it rotates on it’s axis. Our earth also has an eliptical orbit around the sun which takes us closer and farther away as we travel around the sun. Scientists studying these things were talking about it months and months ago but I have seen little to no discussion on it in media elsewhere.
Apparently the sun’s current position on it’s eliptical path in space relative to the earth’s eliptical orbit around the sun is bringing the two spacial bodies together in thier closest path to each other. On top of that, the sun is experiencing some major activity on the side of the sun that is facing the earth during this event.

This naturally occuring “event” will last months and possibly into the next year. It will mean higher than normal temperatures globally.
The other effects are gravitational which will affect seas and the earth molten core.

It is possibly coincidental but we are suddenly seeing Volcanic activity on the rise… 70 miles east of mexico city there is a Stratovolcano erupting right now… I hear Mnt St Helens has started to get active as well… this will be a crazy year folks, better buckle up.


im just hoping for the best

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That’s probably all we can ever do… accurately predicting weather trends a long way out is difficult, but it’s like to be hotter and drier than an average summer in the NE. Fingers crossed we aren’t slammed by some other weather event.


i like how you make it sound if the season is good im happy i need to build my stash cause ive been hurting my wallet buying msrket weed


a quicker colder spring into a hotter summer then A warmer longer fall Pretty much easy sailing after we get past this cold dip Here in Western NY and my neighbor states.That’s my prediction.Also Flower will be earlier usually we go into flower 2nd week of august here mine went into flower by the 5 th of august last year and I got an extra 2 weeks of flower because of that nice warmer weather that wasn’t too Rainy so slightly longer flower season.I don’t mind it one bit

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I believe we’re in about the same zone.

Its going to be hotter and drier than usual… all the way to september.
Good for growth if you can keep up with water needs, mold will have a hard time to get a hold.

One thing to keep in mind, the usual lines that tolerate cold nights and early frost may not be best suited. These tend to not do too well in hot weather, their buds often turn out elongated and wispy to combat heat.

Planting in partial shade, or areas benefiting from a few hours of shade is something to consider if water can be a problem


This would apply to USA Canada. In North America it has less of an effect in Mexico. Outside of North America I have no idea.

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