Annnnnnnnd Here it comes!

For anyone who pays attention to the weather, and trends, and long-range forecasting…
there’s a MAJOR change afoot. Models have shifted dramatically, and that is leading towards headlines like THIS:

Calling for widespread cold front throughout eastern US roughly second week of Oct.

Time to get out those Long Johns and harvest our plants.

I only have 1 left out there…might just cover it if it’s just going to be 1 or 2 nights, but so far it looks like could be more than that.


As a grow in a shed dude, thank god for cold weather. Good luck outdoor growmies.

Though dont know if Id rely on someone who thinks posting under Tyler Durden is badass though. Huge red flag. At least be original. Whole site seems sketch. Id likely use a weather site for the weather before this. But guess Im weird.


that’s a hell of a “news” source for that info…

i actually clicked on one of the links that said 1600 scientists don’t believe in climate change. i guess that means they work. all bullshit but the clickbait links work.


Not sure I understand what you’re saying…

You don’t believe that 1600 scientists signed a declaration? Not that it has anything to do with the weather prediction…
You don’t believe the models indicate a major cold snap coming?

Need a bit of clarification, I guess…


Dictator Trudeau has been talking about global boiling for months…so it’s hard for me to believe a cold snap is coming. Maybe the scientists meant heatwave? King Trudeau wouldn’t lie to us.


Ha… :slight_smile:
All of the press has.

Here’s a link straight to the tweet from BAMWX. They’re a private weather service, so their performance is actually “measured”, meaning if they’re wrong, they lose clients, which means they lose money, which means they go out of business…unlike the talking heads on TV.


And here’s an EPS model run from Tropical Tidbits that shows projected temp deviations about 10days out.



What about the 55,000 other climate scientists that say differently? What about their findings?


It’s never let me down.It’s been raining all summer so I would expect the trend to continue with snow.


My post was about a cold front coming through in Mid October that will impact those of us that grow outdoors, especially in the Northeast, where it can be very difficult to get buds to ripen unless you’re growing autos.

If you’d like to debate climate science, I’d be happy to do that, but not on this thread, in this forum. That’s much more suited to the smoker’s lounge, maybe?



Sorry! I thought I clicked reply to

My bad. :flushed:


Well…actually, I guess that was my bad. I thought you were replying to my post :slight_smile:
Carry on!

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that was my point in the comment i made, perhaps without enough clarification. when you have a source that has claims like this that it spouts as true then you have to doubt the other claims they make, or at least scrutinize them a little closer. but of course anyone who knows anything about weather knows that climate does not refer to localized weather events such as this. i guess we shall see, but i intend to make sure that the girl has a coat on if she needs it.


still unsure which claim “…it spouts as true”, but ok. :slight_smile:

Grow biggly.

the story about climate change being not real based on this one cold snap. or maybe i misread it. it was while hitting a bowl. whenever i hear those things i immediately distrust whomever is using them and start looking for their payoff. this time i just made a comment and went about the internet. i haven’t had a chance to look into the source yet, working today in a bit. enjoy the weekend.


Climate change - PAYING SCUMBAGS TO USE AIR. Buddy YOU are the carbon they want to reduce. Keep watching your TV news it’s safe as well as effective remember that? I SURE DO. NOW you want to keep talking politics or get back to plants?

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So about those plants :rofl:

I have 2 that I’ve been harvesting slowly…taking 5-10 branches at a time.
They’re no problem…I’ll just take the rest of them before the cold weather hits.
I have a 3rd plant needs another month, I think…so she’s going to need a blanky when that comes. And even without a frost, I’ve read that plants basically shutdown when temps go below 45deg. I don’t know how long the “shutdown” lasts…but it def stalls them out.
For tomatoes, once the fruit starts with the slightest blush, you can pick them, because throughout the ripening process, the fruit actually gets nothing from the plant. By letting them “vine ripen”, all you’re doing is making them easier for pests to find.

Wish the same was true for our plants :wink:

Lol…sorry everyone…my fault we got sidetracked. This time of year we get the cold and rain…I’ve only ever harvested successfully outdoors two times…lol

Who knows what’ll come next, but this coming week looks good in my area, 70s+.

Currently raining and 50… ugh.

People are hopeful this crap-summer will turn into a golden winter… I hope they’re right for the sake of mental health and the local economy (warm air holds more moisture than cold air, but it is supposed to be warmer than usual… hopefully just warmer enough for bigtime snow).

ETA: But not knock the power out amounts of snow!

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I believe we’ll be seeing BIG snow amounts this winter in Maine.