F13 and F13 hybrids

All about it. wonderful work from genetic artist Mr. D.J. Short.

this my first time I am growing F13… it is F13 F6. but I grew hybrids of it already and it was bomb! namely F13haze and DieselF13…

all F13s, I am growing, has some leaf mutations, little crinkle leaf to some degree… I got one plant with variegation.

this is interesting article about variegation:

3.5.4 Effect of photosynthetic ability, or lack of ability, on cannabinoid biosynthesis in sessile trichomes on variegated leaf tissue.

The potency of the leaf tissue samples in these tests is shown in Table 3.4. On a dry weight basis, yellow leaf material was clearly more potent than green. This would have been influenced by the fact that green tissue weighed 33% more per unit area,
probably due to the production and storage of starch in these tissues following photosynthesis. By assessing potency in terms of cannabinoid per unit area, the effect of starch accumulation would be removed. Assessed this way, the yellow material was
still significantly more potent (p < 0.05), although the difference was much smaller.
Microscope observations suggested that this difference was not due to differences in densities of sessile trichomes on yellow and green tissue, but an accurate count was not possible because of the density of non-glandular trichomes obscuring the view.
The earlier work by Crombie (1977) had shown that cannabinoid biosynthesis still continued in ‘albino’ tissue. This study went further and suggested that cannabinoid biosynthesis was totally unrelated to the immediate tissue’s ability to photosynthesise.
However, the rate of biosynthesis in these tissues would be affected by the overall photosynthetic-ability of the plant.

The biosynthesis of terpenoids has a higher energy requirement than most other primary and secondary metabolites, because of the extensive level of chemical reduction within these compounds (Gershenzon, 1994). The energy for this biosynthesis would be derived from light energy, captured within the chloroplast.
During periods of light exposure, some chloroplasts would be directly illuminated and others would be in varying degrees of shade. This study showed that plant tissues devoid of chlorophyll, and thereby unable to photosynthesise, could support the
biosynthesis of cannabinoids within their own glandular trichomes. The carbon source required for cannabinoid biosynthesis would have been produced elsewhere within the
plant and then translocated to these trichomes. This demonstrates that in a normal growing environment, where some parts of the plant are in full sun and others in
varying degrees of shade, all aerial parts the plant will be able to synthesise cannabinoids. The resultant increase in trichome content uniformity is fortunate for the grower of cannabis in pharmaceutical industry.
Green Tissue Yellow Tissue
p value
Potency by Weight Test 1. THC % w/w
dry (n = 3 bulked samples) 1.51 (± 0.26) 2.30 (± 0.26) 0.008
Potency by Weight Test 2. THC % w/w
dry (n = 2 bulked samples) 1.18 (± 0.08) 1.92 (± 0.08) 0.005
Potency by Area Test 2. THC g m -2
(n = 2 bulked samples) 0.50 (± 0.03) 0.61 (± 0.01) 0.038
Table 3.4. The potency (THC content) of yellow and green leaf tissue of the variegated cultivar
G60-M55 assessed in each of two tests (± SD). The potency in the second test is also shown as
a weight of THC per unit area.
Mahlberg et al. (1983) compared the cannabinoid content of capitate stalked trichomes on the upper and lower surfaces of cannabis bracts and found those on the upper surface to be more potent. This was attributed to the upper surface receiving more
light. This study with variegated cannabis weakens that argument, showing that the ability of leaf tissue to photosynthesise has minimal effect on its ability of the local glandular trichomes of synthesize cannabinoids.


Interesting. Would this have anything to do with the idea that purple plants are less potent because of lack of photosynthetic ability?


I understand it as hypothesis and measuring is quantitative, last sentence say that photosynthetic ability has no impact on production of cannabinoids in glandular trichomes.

I think some purple plants can be pretty potent…

hypothesis from @TomHill about relation between quality of effect and pigmentation:

I hate to make correlation that have not been proven but I am fine to share observations and hypothesize. I mostly try to look past the leaf color and look at the flower, the actual bracts/calyx. The best for me seem to always be coming from these lighter/paler flower, from lime green to almost a pale silver. The darker flower succumbing to auxiliary darker pigmentation (purple et) is almost never as good as the lighter ones. There may be correlation or it may even be a causerary situation I don’t know. Ie, the same genetically controlled environmental thresholds/triggers that effect photosynthesis efficiency may also effect cannabinoid biosythesis efficiency.

I think there is something else, than just higher potency in quantitative sense. but cant prove it LOL


Understood. I too have grown a few plants that were much lighter green or almost yellow than what I usually come across, and I do remember enjoying the smoke from them. Something I will definitely keep a closer eye on in the future.


look at this juicy woo pheno. thread here Juicy Woo and others - #197 by MAHAKALA

mother of juicy woo is genetically very close to F13 as they have same mother FLO91, but F13´s father is blueberry, while father of juicy mother is old time moonshine(blue moonshine x blueberry)…

look at buds, how it is pale. very exceptional phenotype leaning to thai genetics


This should be an interesting thread. I recently acquired a couple of F13 clones to be pollinated in my Temple Flo seed run I just finished up on. I have had held a cut of Flo since 1997 and have recently figured out it came from DJ Flo circa 1991. Any way the f13 that I received was much more similar to my Flo cut than the Temple Flo overall. More so in structure than smell wise. Anyway look forward to see where this thread goes and learn more about this subject. Exciting stuff. Thanks @MAHAKALA


hey @Kavman I know, @Josh_Blue told me already. feel free to post some pics here please… yeah Josh told me that his F13 keeper reminds Flo mother to DJ Short. I see that you have same opinion :smiley:

this thread is for all who has or are growing F13. feel free to post your F13 here brothers and sisters.


Awesome thread

@MAHAKALA I always appreciate and drool over your ICMag posts of F13 and Haze crosses. Way to go


thank you man. you have some F13? if not you need one :smiley: hehehehe

I made only diesel/F13 x haze. I grew F13haze from elanius, he used euphoric F13 individual with 8 males of Tom Hill Haze… it was very up lifting euphoric smoke with average duration. great taste, I like fuely haze, unfortunately fuel element cured out and it is more dark berry cola spicy smell/taste…

and I grew french Diesel x F13 from another guy from here I think cross was done by IqTyq but male was selected by Bohemp… he stated he used chocolate thai pearly pheno of F13 male… and yeah I found chocolate pheno in DF13, I used it in DF13haze cross.

this is mother I used in DF13haze

this more diesel pheno of DF13


Its amazing that the F13 could suppress the dominating genetics of Diesel.

And no, Ive never grown F13.
Closest thing was a very NLD Flo I had used

Id love to trade


still have esko’s f13 x true blueberry in the fridge.
been sitting on those for years. i bet they will KILL.


Agree it is diesel sativa genetics shown. Nicely go


I bet there would be some :fire: in those beans. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Cool to see F13! I’ve got a couple crosses with it but don’t have it pure. Definitely a unique and pretty variety from everything I’ve seen of it. The ones I have are Bandaid Haze x f13 and then DJ’s breeders choice 1 - happy p females x f13 male.


wow yes that bh x f13 can put out some strong plants. f13 can help with flavor and takes flowering time little down. sounds like very nice cross, you have. good luck.

F13 is different, yes I agree. very unusual terps…


Yeah it should be a cool one, just a 5 seed freebie from 2nd gen seeds so hopefully a couple females. The bandaid haze reviews ive seen point to it not being a super racey haze which is good for me haha.


nice leaf, where is bud? it was rare pheno most phenos were lanvender diesel style…

this is thai pheno gentleman farmer found

and my df13 x haze, f13 pheno


Jealous as hell over those flowers. I’m sitting here looking at my seed collection looking for anything worthy of trade but I just don’t have any stock that would come close to this style!


pff, ey, i just reconized your name, ha :slight_smile:
i grew the oregon lemons you selected a while back.

it was very nice smoke indeed, thank you a LOT for making it
available to your friends. otherwise i wouldn’t have stumbled over
this combo. your selection brought archive on the map for me :wink:
thank you !


thanks for kind words. respect. yes, indeed. I selected it, OL4… shared it with Rubi. very nice lemony hashy weed, not strong like ogk, but kind relaxing chill out weed. hehehe I am glad you enjoyed it…

these F13s are different category, It was promised to me by donator that every other pheno has racy high…

I am looking for electric boogie rushy energetic roller coaster ride these days hahahaha