F13 and F13 hybrids

Different environments can bring out different traits, as you know.

F13 is more racy than flo shine. Flo shine hits the relaxation spot with a bit more body than f13. F13 tends to cause more reflection and alertness in me.


Did you grow the happy time? Happy pussy x otm? That n flo shine are really special crosses to me. Both shine thru. I want to run the rest of my hmong thais too. Make it happen if you have some growing already! Im getting a couple hazes lined up for a flo room.


yeah the role of environment is not so known imo… it plays big role sometimes.

I have to have some weird flo shine, as it has zero body… cant wait to compare it with f13…

no I havent run happypussy x otm yet… I was thinking about your otm, but I need some F13 now :smiley:

what hazes you run? any pics? thanks.


I smoked it today, it is little racy, but more jittery than racy, first, then it gets me very high, and I am saying myself wow thats like haze, but shortly after that it gets more stony, not body stone, but stony head… and then high gets down slowly… the phase “like a haze” is mildly trippy… from greenhouse it has longer duration, and from indoor it was the strongest and the most trippy, with devastating end, not so physically, more like psychic is exhausted and tired from intensity… from outdoors is more friendly and not so strong, it is 70 days one, so it cant be done like moonshine which 60 days from cut… but still very interesting and unique plant. I would not choose it as relaxing smoke though… it is more soaring than relaxing.

I got also rose pheno there, acrid skunky pheno not rks :D, and super quick pheno like 48 days one… and pheno5 was flo dom, very tasty and that classic euphoria from blueberry. I wish I kept that one too… and I got also some other juicy phenos, they were big calyxes, more bigger than the one I keep, but duration was short, this one I have it can last 2 hours plus, and those other juicy phenos were prone to PM… so I choose pheno4, juicy, soaring thai like effect first hour, and very resistant to plagues.


yes, bandaid haze is euphoric hypnotic type of smoke, I can sit on it, so not reallystrong energy. but as you can read Josh, he says F13s can be racey ahahaha

anyway pop it up, I want to see it, I think it is great cross…

my friend bohemp he has a lot of different F13 males, he keeps for ages now, and he use different ones on different nevilles haze keepers, he says this one doesnt fit to this NH pheno, but it fits to this NH pheno LOL and same with old timer haze cuts he has… every haze he has crossed with some F13 male… crazy, but especially cross with odl timer haze is exclusive, and complete haze luxury smoke…

I think if you are for incense,you should pop those black haze/A5thai x f13 bro. and I need to see it hahaha.


F13 pheno 5… I broke it in hope to get some branching but nothing :smiley:


Pretty crazy looking beanpole.


Haha it’s a deal :wink: I slept on the f13 f6 release so it’s probably the best chance I’ll get to try f13 - that or the breeders choice mix 1 which used the same f13 male I think.


could be some goodness in these if i ever get to them.

F-13 {F2}
F-13 * SFV

peace …


some flo stuff

FLO {F1}


nice! so they are F6, like mine, not F2. but anyway pop them out bro. you will not regret. great breeding tool too.

I mean who doesnt like dark berries/diesel with chocolate/burgundi hashy taste?


calling experts, am I right that F13 is FLO F4 x Blueberry F4??? so it is F5 line. anybody doesnt agree and thinks it is F1? I am opened to discussion :smiley:

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Yea - ther are a few other bansk/breeders that are offereing Pollen --guess it’s about time - another money making adventure for all breeders ? Glad it happened _ wonder what’s next: seeds - clones, pollen and then ??? It would be interesting running F13 / F14 hybrids - it takes 5yrs for F13’s ? (4 grows a year)

Up until like six hours ago, I didn’t even know there were any strains that had variegation… Now I’ve seen two! Very cool! I LOVE variegated plants (of all kinds)!


funny is that variagated one has pigmentation on calyxes LOL


pheno9, shorty but but branchy.


pheno 2, the most sativa looking, it smells spicy predominately. then earthy and then like oranges mixed with berries. never ever got orange smell from any blue plant I grew… I wish they were in better condition, but right after flipping I was very busy,fro m early morning I was not at home, I came home very tired and hungry late evening or night for like three weeks nonstop. so I have no taste to care about them more then water them… but thats life…


I read some reports where they describe effect of some F13 phenos as mdma-like… I can speak only for F13haze, and indeed it reminded me mdma… I would like to find one which is trippy/racy and one euphoric mdma-like. fingers crossed. any of them just smell fantastic. I like smell of pheno 5 it is very dark blue berry/diesel. fuel for sure. I love fuely weed.

at pheno 6, it is similar berry smell, when I eat curd cheese dumplings filled with bluberries poured with hot chocolate, and I cut that dumpling, similar berry smell comes from it hahahaha.


pheno7, short one, earthy blueberry smelling

