Fall 2021 Solo Cup Grow Off

So long and thanks for all the fish… DAY 76; "Flores de los Muertos"

This has been such a wonderful and fun learning experience for both my general gardening, cannabis growing and organizational skills in general.

76 days of hand watering these beauties with a turkey baster, turning them 1/4 way round (per day), inspecting their growth for problems, tucking leaves instead of trimming them, removing dead ones when they do finally turn, and all the while mixing up batch after batch of nutrients for them to eat hearty and grow strong.

And strong indeed they grew.

Dosi Kush

Man Bear Alien Pig

White Crack

Gorilla Glue #4

They all hang together on a line now to dry like their sisters before them.

The Double Grape came in at 12 grams dried before cure.
The Forum Stomper came in at 13 grams dried before cure.

Both are in jars and once everything is dried equally I’ll take them out for a group shot.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Which one are you liking the most ?


I can’t say yet until i smoke some of each as well. As far as the growing, I have a soft spot for both the Dosi Kush & GG4 because they are green cobs of corn.


I have noticed two groups here; those who use this to show off their skill, and the rest of us who thought it would work out that way but have just give up by now… I don’t know maybe that is representative of my skill.

I forgot to water these ladies all week, so they’re a bit upset with me. But in my defense I don’t have anything else in flower, and I kind of resent them for making my run my flower set up still. Autos next time, so they can chill in the veg tent if need be lol.


Lol @ChemicalDependant, resenting your plants… sorry bud, I think you and I might be using the same copy of the grower’s handbook with all those missing pages around the watering schedule section. :frowning: I tried to blame my plants too, but they just kept dying instead of buckling down and growing harder. Very inconsiderate of them!


I forgot to water mine last night and one fell over. :upside_down_face:


They get really top heavy with no water in the cup, don’t they? Fan just knocks them over. I’m use to pounds of dirt holding it down lol


And I killed all mine except one intentionally and unintentionally , and this isn’t the one I had planned for.


I’m 100% up front and have never done this before but executed it the way I do anything:

Strive to over achieve your goals and your failures may still pass the mark most just reach for to begin with.

This is why I used those small nick-nack trays with a hole in them as a supportive “skirt” so no medical alert bracelet was required.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


My solo auto girls lived in multiple tents on multiple light schemes wherever they fit. Definitely helped with finding space for em as an after thought without worring about what light schedule.


How do you guys do this ? Those are big yields for those small pots, amazing :neutral_face:


Awesome stuff!! Congrats! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Unflattering haircut and poorly lit photo before execution. Phone lines will be kept open should the governor give a final stay of execution.


I’m thinking probably another 2 weeks for this one, and it’ll be done.


Day 66 on my remaining plant


Mine are hanging to dry.


Showing that my initial plan didn’t go as planned to make some unique seeds to this contest to give away to partcipants, and were all coming near to the end figured its time to throw this up.

So instead just cause i have a crap ton of these seeds, im offering up Some Trizzler F2 Fem Autos to all those whom entered and gave it a good try.


if im missing anyone let me know.

Though if any of you are interested here’s a cut and paste on what to do.

Those named send me a https://privnote.com/ link Via a Private message here on OG with an shipping addy ### Do Not post it as a response on this thread as then anyone can see it ### for those who haven’t used privnote after you create a note it will generate a random link that you can just copy and paste to your PM to me, and it gets destroyed after being read once.


Sweet I’ll try them out for you I love me some autos these photos take way to long to grow lol now I remember why I started growing autos


Was a good time @Mr.Sparkle, thank you for your planning of this and generosity!


Thank you for the opportunity, if is ok I would still like to post pics of mine when she is done, to show what went wrong.