Fall 2021 Solo Cup Grow Off

I have to give credit where credit is due. I sent you half of what a very generous @anon81143130 sent to me. I will follow along, you definitely have me interested in how they will preform in those cups. :grinning:


Omg. That is the tiniest, cutest little net pot setup in the world! :joy: pure awesomeness!


In that case I must thank you as well @anon81143130 !


Four 16oz authentic Solo cups (red, of course). I used these to start seedlings in once already with bad results, here’s to hoping for better results this time. I cut up some non woven fabric I got compressed coconut coir in. Hoping that will contain the roots, but I don’t know.

Anyways, some living soil from one of my pots. It’s similar to a Coots mix. Everyday Haze from @lefthandseeds


Made my cups. Dropping 2 beans for my 2 cups tonight. Pics too.


Dark Geometry worked! 4 of 6 popped over night and are already tail down with heads poking out of their speed-cups!


Wow. I’m very pleased: 6 of 6 popped! 4 under 12 hours, the last 2 under 24 hours!

Great breeding work everyone; these are VERY happy beans.


Just looked up these freebies I got in a order from chitownseeds new absolutely nothing about them but wanted to be sure they didn’t have a super long flowering time lol now I’m excited to grow these for the solo cup challenge


I’m in UK so I don’t really deal with all of these oz measurements lol. This cup is a pint, so 568ml.
I’ll just not full it to the top.

I only just got my seeds into water yesterday, so hopefully they’ll be in soil soon and I can get going with this!

I’ll be growing a Sweet Afghani Delicious CBD, one if the few fems I had available.


Mine will be somewhat smaller, I do enjoy a challenge though.


In the OP he states 500 ML. You need to put 500 in the cup and make a mark at that point.
That is what I have to to with my 18oz (532 ml).
:green_heart: :seedling:


No problem, I’ll do that this afternoon before I pot anything up.

Day 5 and all is well

Roots are taking off, could be an interesting future trying to keep these things under control and in the cup

And a backup plant in case this one craps out on me for whatever reason

From here on I’ll try to update every Saturday


Measured the volume of my cup, and added some deciration to it as well.
It’s SAD (Sweet Afghani Delicious). The green line is 500ml

The inner ridge line is the mark for 500ml.


Hindsight from twenty20 soaked for 24 hrs then planted yesterday into pure coco


My beans just had the tiniest sign of tails so into the cups they go.

I am growing:
1x CareBears Auto from @cannabliss
1x Ghost Rose Cookie Devil from @Mr.Sparkle

They are in a mix of 1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Coco Coir (chip and fiber grade), 1/3 drainage (1/9 coarse white pumice, 1/9 fine black scoria lava sand, 1/9 perlite).

I am sub-irrigating the cups, in a clear rez (to discourage roots from growing out of the cup, and to be able to see them. I will be trimming off any roots that emerge from the drainage holes immediately.

Still have a 3ed cup… I am trying to fight the urge, but I may have to plant another bean…


I put mine into their solo today. I measured out 500ml or water. Than put the water into the clear inner cup to see where It came to. Than soil to that point.

Than planted, watered and add rice hauls.

I am going with four and hope one is female.


Day one above ground. (I promise I won’t be doing daily updates lol) just excited to get going.
I’ll be filling up and burying the stem as it grows. But I’m trying to keep it short in the early stages at least.


This sounds like a fun project, lost my grow I started in May and starting over again anyways so should be easy enough to throw a bean in a starter cup and see how far I can take it


Welcome to the grow, just make sure your cup is 500ml or less and all roots stay in the cup, plan is to begin flowering by sept 1 I believe