👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

HOT DAMN my birthday gift to myself arrived from https://tropicofcanada.ca/ !!!

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Here they are now in a tent with my Mother plants (far edges… aka NOT the cannabis plants :rofl: )

1st new treasure:

2nd new treasure:

Any fellow :canada: folk looking for hard to find tropical plants need to check out their site as they may be based in Southern Ontario but do SHIP CANADA WIDE!!!

And anyone looking at the group shot going: “WTF are with all the predatory mite packs!? You okay?!!”…

Well let me tell you that when a business I patron often tells me:

“hey, you want any predatory mites? We have 1/4 of an expired box that we’re trying to just give away cause we can’t sell em but there’s gotta be something alive in there.”

My response will always be:


So now every indoor cannabis plant looks like a Christmas tree with lame (but effective) orange/white decorations!

:rofl: :v: