👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Straight up awesome


Do usually plant with the lunar cycle? Have you noticed a difference if not? Nice seeds man ya bbp made a noticable difference on my girls glad to see it works for seed production as well. IS THERE ANYTHING THIS PRODUCT Can’t DO! Lol looking good nice tray decoration.


Yes! Yes i do. :smiley:

Make me a sammich!


4x4, everything in it’s place.

@ShitSeeds testers in Week 4 of Flower; Blackout Bobby x Superfreak plants 1-3, all female, 1 tall expression with branching, 1 tall with minimal branching, and 1 short-stack branched out.

Plant 4 was a male and was culled on when the balls showed.

@Berserker7205 's Chocolate Chunk, also on Week 4 of Flower.

Ace Seeds Zamaldelica, both have been up-potted today into 2.2gallon (10") nursery pots.

They are 14 days old and are now starting their flower. I’m treating these the same as the Jalisco’s and seeing if they stay manageable. As a treat for the planting they got a mix of silica / copper / b-52 / canna ryhizotonic.


Solo-cup challenge starting week 7 of flower. In addition to their scheduled nutes I also gave them shooting power for weeks 4,5, & 6 and it’s showing. :ok_hand:

Detroit Big Energy x Roadkill Skunk

C99 BX1

Summer 2023’s plants all vegging out and getting their roots on in the MedCab 2x4. :+1:

Back Row, left to right:
UK Cheese, Buddhas Cane S1 (@ShitSeeds ), Texada Timewarp (@ShitSeeds)

Front Row, left to right:
Buddhas Cane S1: Muto (@ShitSeeds ), Texada Timewarp (@ShitSeeds)

Also vegging, all the seedlings have been up-potted and are in the AC Infinity 2x4 tent.

Back Row, left to right:
UK Cheese, Manitoba Poison, Queen Mother #1, Queen Mother #2, Peanut Butter Breath (male)

Front Row, left to right:
UK Cheese, Manitoba Poison #2, Queen Mother #3, Snake Breath (@SamwellBB ), Chocolate Chunk



Those beer cup plants really put out for you. Just think what they’d do in a 5 gallon pot. Tent looks great .


I get the impression the Pigeonman could grow an impressive plant in a thimble.


Only if he can push tiny holes in it to make a “speed thimble”


I thought the very same thing when I read that.lol
Still love @Pigeonman speed cups with the dollar store basket to support. By the way I was going to ask when you run your speed cups do you clip branches so it grows more as a single cola or is that just the growth pattern in a small pot?


I did no topping this round @420noob . I figure they’ll already be stressed about being root bound so i might as well stress em out as little as possible for everything else.


I think you’re well on your way to getting that solo cup trophy. Those colas are massive, the Detroit Big Energy x Roadkill Skunk is going to kill it.


And to the victor…


“Green-lite Madness” has set-in with the Sale @ Canadian Tire…
See what U started @Pigeonman
Past the 4’ to the 32”…


As the Brit’s say: “Not bad!”

The Jew Gold 1974 plants are doing their thing; :crossed_fingers: the STS is working.

Flowers on un-sprayed plants:

Flowers on sprayed with STS plant:



Looking good! Congrats on pulling out that reversal on the Yiddish Treasure ladies!


STS STS STS oh shit wait pigeonman pigeonman… Looking good there I’m surprised to see the sts hasn’t seemed to stress you plant very much…visually at least🤣! You know besides drenching it with chemicals that makes the female freakout and grow male parts and dump feminized pollen everywhere stress part of it.lmao


Yeah… me too… I hope it’s working. :rofl: :crossed_fingers:

I was give or take .1 light on the silver nitrate so I really hope soaking her down every 2nd day until she shows works. If it doesn’t I’m stumped other than re-veging everything and then making a new batch of STS and starting over again in a few months while the plants stay alive.

I’m not set-up for stable cloning so I’m hesitant to start chopping.


Most of the instructions I have read say to spray them on the day they go into flower and then every 2-5 days for a month, until they show male appendages. I think we just need some time for the spray to work. I have my fingers crossed!


The job is done! Now it’s just a matter of letting the plant do the seed-making thing.

@Purple-N-Hairy 's reproduction of Peanut Butter Breath pollinated with @Berserker7205 's open pollination of Chocolate Chunk.

Strain-to-be’s Name = Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls; and while the plant is a little crunchy from taking 7 days of 14-16c it’s still growing very well and I expect a dramatic change over the next few weeks as it grows in the designated flowering tent under the @MarsHydro FC-6500.

It’s now hanging out in the 4x4 tent in between the two Ace Seed’s Zamaldelica plants.

The Blackout Bobby x Superfreak F1 Testers are stacking up, and the Chocolate Chunk allowed to flower fully is a show-stopper! The two solocup plants are colouring up and need to be heavily watered as they are soaking up their root mass’s water + the entire filled up drip cup under the “do-not-fall-over” baskets.




“little” late lol

thank you @Pigeonman :green_heart: