👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Fantastic, that’s good to read :books: :+1:


Thanks for the link wow even in a solo cup it packs in bud spots nice. At day 66 on mine and easily has 3 more weeks.

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Yesterday when I came home I looked up and was greeted by two celestial bodies so I took a few bad shots.

It’s the Venus & Jupiter “kiss” if you saw it last night as well when looking due west.

Otherwise I’ve been in a bit of a funk this week so I haven’t been as active with photos and have basically been running on auto pilot. Today I’m taking a mental health day off work but we’re also only open for 1/2 day today due to an incoming blizzard. :man_shrugging:

In an attempt to get out of this funk, after making my first :coffee: I took a few minutes to snap wide shots of the tents to share as even though I’m stalled the plants keep marching on.

MedCab 2x4

Top Row: UK Cheese, Buddhas Cane, Texada Timewarp
Bottom Row: Buddhas Cane: Muto, Texada Timewarp

AC Infinity 2x4

Top Row: UK Cheese, Queen Mother 1, Queen Mother 2, Manitoba Poison 1, UK Cheese
Bottom Row: Queen Mother 3, Snake Breath, Snake Breath: Muto, Manitoba Poison 2

4x4 Flowering Tent

One week to go for all the plants in here but the 2x Zamaldelica’s in the back corners.

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak 1 (fruit & berries stand-alone) @ShitSeeds

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak 2

Blackout Bobby x Superfreak 3

Chocolate Chunk @Berserker7205

Peanut Butter Breath (Pollinated with Chocolate Chunk) @Purple-N-Hairy

Ace Seeds Zamaldelica @DrGonzo13 (@HeadyBearAdventures tagging you so you see what you are missing out on :rofl: )

Zamaldelica Plant 1

Zamaldelica Plant 2

The BIG SEED RUN aka: Jew Gold 1974! @CADMAN

The “Silver” looking plant is the STS reversal; I may have over done it with the soakings but hey it’s working isn’t it?

What I WANT to see; pistils going into “brown town” makin’ for “seeds formin’ on down!”

Plant 1 aka: “Eyelashes”:

Plant 2 aka: “Spot”:

To make sure this run goes well I cut off the 3 lowest “larf” branches, tossed them into a ziplock bag, sucked out all the air and then shipped it to Cadman so he’ll have 1x branch of “Spot” and 2x branches of “Eyelashes” to clone and keep going along side my single rooting cut & the S1 seeds being made.

I win at overkill when :poop: is important.. :ok_hand:

Cheers all, hope you have a great day or as good as it can be!

:metal: :grin: :+1:


You have this run by the short and curlies. Great job!
I’m also running a couple Zamadelica but mine are only about 2 inches tall. Mere babies.

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just you wait! These things are training themselves!
How long you vegging out? These went into flower at the day of up-potting 14 days from hitting water and already they have quadrupled in size :rofl:


My ‘normal’ routine is to veg a plant for 30 days, (give or take), then put into flower. That is after transplanting from solo cups. So in cups about 2 weeks, then in 2 gal plastic for 30 days, transplant into final home, then flower.
I do adjust my timing when I have faster or slower plants.


Love it as that’s usually my game too… until the Jalisco’s. That run taught me A LOT so now my tent + pure sativa’s is 100% game-on!

For the Zamaldelica’s I kept the same veg period but increased the soil volume feed rate and so far so good!

They have gotten daily feedings since popping and next week with have a “rest week” getting just water with copper/silica/Cal-mag so I don’t over saturate with salts due to the biochar soaking all that goodness up for slow release. :+1:

If this goes the way i’m hoping next round of indoor sativa-types with be my own “Mayan Donkey Show”! :rofl:


“Mayan Donkey Show”!!!
I love it!
I’m running my first real sativa landrace, as you know, the Beastly Sheelavathi. Uncontrollable biotch!


I have been both watching, drooling and laughing along at them taking over your tent!

:rofl: :+1:

Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest (Unicorn Poop BX1 x Cherry Festival F3) x Jalisco :mexico: Landrace


“Mayan Donkey Show”


I knew dat!
You’re one of my frequent flyers. And will be rewarded as such.





Always crushing the updates.
That Zamaldelica looks great so far…and oh boy does she have some legs! Maybe I’ll find a way to rig a poll over at the “choose your own adventure”! :smiling_imp::black_heart::bear:
Thanks for the “you’re missing out!” tag. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::+1:


I saw this. Recently I was closer to the equator, and they appeared much brighter and closer to the observer, but further apart. I didn’t discover until I got home, and recognized them in my own sky what I was looking at down there. My wife got all the good pictures of the stars, but I did get a good one of the sunset, preceding the celestial bodies, in the state of jalisco.

Awesome job as always

Wish I could crop out the atv tracks, lol


@Pigeonman, you’re a seed makin machine !

Just thought I might mention your ‘spot’ plant does indeed look like some Septoria Leaf Spot going on there…this is a foliage disease that won’t have a direct effect on your bud…however, it can cause premature defoliation which will effect your yields…if you have some hypochlorous acid you might want to give them a good shot to clean it up !

I’ve been observing the Venus/Jupiter display…very bright in the northwest sky here !!


I did a thing!

It’s in a mix of promix BX + worm castings + biochar & has been fed silica/copper/canna rhizo/B-52 + a 1.5 oz shot of Recharge so here’s to hoping it roots hard and fast with all those nubbies!

:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:


Isn’t that what you usually do? :rofl:

Good thing we get to watch the “things” you do too! :star_struck:

Hope you and the family made it through last nights blizzard okay? :face_with_peeking_eye:


OMG soo much snow-thunder here as well!

Some of my windows are packed with fine snow to the point i can’t see outside. It’s REALLY pretty though now that it’s done. Mrs. Pigeon will prob be taking a bunch of photos later and I’ll share the bounty. :smiley:

Hope everyone’s okay after the storm!


I don’t think I’ll ever get used to thunder from a snow storm. The dogs lose their sh*t. Lol


@GREANDAL yeah Celia just stayed under the blankets pressed against me like a little over-ripe bed banana.


We got a lot of really wet snow, more broken trees sadly. Hardly snowpocalypse but ugly anyway.

Really interested to see if that roots.