👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I’m in a desperate hope that it does. :smiley:

If it didn’t rot out by now I’m sure it just needs time! :crossed_fingers:


That’s going to shoot off roots like crazy! You definitely did a thing. :wink:


4 hours… 4 hours it took the Mrs. and I to clear the wet, heavy and lots of it snow yesterday.

It was so heavy that it killed out neighbours snowplow so they were shovelling water like the rest of us plebs.

The door you “see” in the top-left image is our main in/out… yes we needed to use the back door to get out of the house.

The worst was the south side of the house with 2-3 feet of heavy-wet snow that needed to be carted shovel load by shovel load out from there and onto the front yard. The temps are all +5c in the days so this is all melting FAST so we had to clear it or risk basement flooding. :man_facepalming:

Today, like most of yesterday afternoon, shall be a rest day!

:fu: :snowflake:


I see we have the same shovel with the middle green pivoting handle. That innovation has been a blessing for my lumbar.

How are your hands and shoulders feeling today?


Tell your neighbors to get an Ariens…blew out 7 neighbors driveways yesterday. Two had their own snowblowers that wouldn’t throw that “wet concrete like snow”.
Funny how bad it was early yesterday, and how warm and sunny it got as the day went on.


Thankfully good! I’ve been doing a lot of core work this past year as I’m stick and tired of feeling sick and tired when my sciatic nerve decided to say “fuck you buddy!”. I kept hydrated, worked smart and not just hard and then did contrast baths on my meatfists after in hopes of curbing the morning after pain… and it all worked!

So now it’s am coffee with giant :ant:s.


this was why I started shovelling at 9am. I saw the forcast and was all like: “Honey! It’s just gonna get heavier and hotter to work!”

So we made tea and then got cracking. Celia being a tiny black weinerdog cross from Texas was not impressed with the tall mounds of cold white stuff.


We got about the same amount the day before you did, wet and heavy, I was surprised we didn’t lose power from over weight trees coming down on the power lines. Our Temps got colder so it’s got a hard crust on it now, I am hoping it will thaw slow and not all at once with a lot of rain, or we may get some flooding here.

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It was HARSH here yesterday afternoon. The sun was so strong the metal doors smelled HOT and from inside it looked like it was pouring rain… but from the outside you could see that it was just all the snowpack melting hard and fast off the roof flowing over the edges and onto our awnings making it rather pretty but also disturbing.

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So here’s the ΩPot 2.0 - 6x 1L Air-Pot Edition still in progress.

A last minute addition is the 2-way tap exiting the pump. This way I can empty the reservoir using the same pump and no longer faff around with a secondary pump. I just need a small hose from the Dollarstore and it drain right into a bucket with a few twists of dials. :metal:

I added a 20gph water pump which will top feed the small pots for 2-5min intervals 2-3x a day once I get 1gph drip emitters on the ends. I’ll test everything to dial in how often it needs to go on.

I need to free up 2 more 1L air-pots at the end of the week and grab 5x more 3.5inch net-pots. I drilled holes to match the air-pots “riffles” so it’s in there TIGHT and stable. :+1:

Need to add:

  1. Water level floating gauge.
  2. Top-off access port.
  3. Probe thermometer.

I love building shit like this; I hope running it will be as fun.



Dude looking slick as shit! Believe you have that dialed in already. Have you done this style hydro just not with the airpots? Your gonna hydro grow air pump to roots and top water your roots through a pump system back into your reisivor? Sorry I can’t spell.lol


It’s a self-contained Drip/RDWC/Fallponics/Octopot system based on all my experiences with hydro, soil and many notes taken from fellow OGers.

The solution keeps flowing from one end to the other being pulled out, up and then falling back down the other side from the 250gph pump on the exterior.

The 20gph pump inside will top feed the smaller plants as the roots get going, and then just be used to maintain moisture levels in the air-pots.

The air-pots are self-supporting versus fabric pots which sometimes cause problems in traditional Octopots.

An air pump will supply 2 air stones in the solution even though it will get a good amount of aeration from the fallponics.

It’s all based on the Chinampa style of farming, an agricultural system which is a set of artificial floating islands, primarily used in southern Mexico.


Right on gotta read into that awesome dude!


So far so good with the Jew Gold '74 cutting.

How are yours doing @CADMAN ? :crossed_fingers:



Just chilling, 24hr light untill I see some roots then I’ll plant them.


awesome work. look forward to your new hydro toy



:rofl: :straight_ruler:


Are they misbehaving?


Half meter internodes! AHHHHH!!!


Pinch the tops off would lowering your light help? I know shit about led .