👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Ditto! I was like howd I miss this



I tend to go big or go home, and apply everything I’ve learned from all aspects of life into doing fun and stupid shit for my therapeutic gardening shenanigans; which includes glorious failures in which we all get to learn and laugh! :rofl:

@Rabeats2093 , thanks for the love! :smiley: Looking forward to all y’all’s participations! :fist:


AutoFems: Fog Dog, Creme de la Chem, & Pineapple Express

It’s day 12 and I’m cutting it close but as I said earlier I ran out of BX with the ΩPot and today was the first day Hydrotech was open again after their well deserved time off for the holidays. They are doing very well with the new line of nutrients which means that my first attempt week 1 mix isn’t that off from what they want :smiley:

CSI Humboldt’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1’s

Strong and stead they come; currently day #17 from seed.

Unicorn Poop BX1 & Cherry Festival (Red) F2

They perked up almost over night after I up potted them! :open_mouth: This tent is tight, but warm with a lot of air flow. The pots get 1/4 turn every day and a baster or two of solution to ensure there’s no dry out. The medium is maintaining it’s saturation as the roots haven’t taken over… yet. :smiley:

For reference, the 3x with the larger white tags are the UPBX1’s. The 2x2 tent is still set for a 12/12 flower period with the far red led puck to help with the cycle; the growth shows it’s working. :+1:

Tony Green’s Gorilla Glue #4 RIL

I regret to inform that the 5th seed still has not done anything past sending out the taproot. I thought it had stalled but if it’s not done anything by now I’m certain it’s kaput. No worries though, there are 4x very strong and healthy plants going on day #10 from seed. I’m hoping now for 1x male and 3x females; or 4x females where i’ll use STS to reverse 1 of them for seed making. Now that i’ve got more soil they will end up in 1L air-pots and kept in veg until I’m ready to let them get it on.

Mexican Death Sativa: The Houseplant


Mendo Breath S1

Y’all tell me this isn’t a happy plant and I’ll give you the people’s eyebrow. I need to train it soon but will do so after taking clones in the next month; then it get’s it’s first banzai training. (not a typo)

Crockett’s Tangie F2

It’s thin, it’s stretched, it’s a weirdo but it’s still a charming one when you give it a stem rub. Refreshing notes of orange mean that this one is going to still get up-potted and will go into flower when the 4x4 get’s flipped.

AutoFem Solo Cup Run 2: Strawberry Shortcrack, Trizzler F2, & Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil

The little ladies took off again as soon as the tent stabilized to 21c lights on and 18c lights off. Their soil keeps near 21c due to the heat mat which is the real helping hand here. Here they are at day #43 from seed. :+1:

Trizzler F2

Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil

Strawberry Shortcrack

2x4 Group Shot

Y’all can feel the love in here can’t you? :heart:

BOG SourBluTooth F2 & The ΩPot

The shit just got real folks. I’ve topped HER and now the real “fun” begins.

Okay WOW that was another big update! :open_mouth:
Thanks for checking in, reading up and taking part & all the best to you, yours, and your grows!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Just catching up and though you have other options you’ve grabbed, Aqua Terra who’s on this forum carries jacks just FYI for future. Got some before the holidays to play with as well.




I really like your soilless mixture here. I’m gonna incorporate this idea into my own grows.

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Gotta photo of this?

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At home, yes. Doing inventory today before hiding at home again from the plague and working via the web.

It’s a Dollarama plastic reusable straw hot glued into a 3" foam ball also from Dollarama. To keep things light tight and upright, I used a metal bubble-tea straw (also from Dollarama!) as the “sleeved fitting” in the lid to block the light and guide it.

You can see it as the metal tube with coloured indicator on the right side of the unit (opposing the skull).

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Awesome I have all of these on hand lol

I may just build your system myself after this grow. I’ve got the same bucket even, mine has a yellow lid haha but use it for 4 smaller plants in one bucket if possible…

Anyways I like what your doing I’m :eyes:

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DO IT! That was a BIG debate for me so if you go with the 4x site unit then we’d have testing covered for anyone else interested!

I forgot to mention that this AM when I peeped into the 4x4 the SBT was sittin’ fine with nay a care in the world. Not transplant shock what so ever!!!

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I probably will lol I like your system alot

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Today was a big day.

Many things got up-potted and moved around so that means things are up in full swing downstairs so I have a day or two of mindful watching to make sure it’s all actually dialed in correctly.

Also I forget how much extra labour it is to mix up so many different variations of nutrients… I’m going to try and avoid popping every week + mixing photo and autos all at once. If I didn’t have my charts I’d be boiled alive in fuck-soup. :worried: / :rofl:

CSI:Humboldt GSC x Chem91 S1’s & Tony Green’s GG#4 RIL’s

The GSCxChem91’s are 3 weeks old now, and the TG GG4 RIL’s are 2 weeks old. Next image y’all see them in their new pots. :+1:

Unicorn Poop BX1 & Cherry Festival (Red) F2

Wholly crap the great stretching is going down!!!

4x4; it’s all on now.

I fired up the second TSL2000 and moved the Fog Dog, Pineapple Express, & Creme de la Chem AutoFems out of the 2x4 to make space for other plants.

Two of the CSI Humboldt GSC x Chem91 plants got put into the larger air-pots. They are the yellow bottomed ones that hold 8.4L of medium.

The BOG SourBluTooth F2 is now showing a little annoyance with going back into veg-mode and to ease it in there have been daily top feeds with minimal week 3 veg nutes; about 1.5oz/day directly at the base of it’s “trunk”.

Considering that I needed to top off the reservoir today with 2L of water I’m holding onto the idea that this is going to work out. :rofl:

When the time comes, one of these two pots will end up in the 2x2 with the third plant which i’m keeping in a 1L air-pot because it is going to be sprayed with STS to make pollen.

As stated earlier, one for flower , one for pollen and one for seeds.

Tony Green’s GG#4 RIL

Sad to report but I finally dug up the seed that wasn’t doing anything and indeed it did stall and stop growing all together.

I’m not to bummed about it considering my germination rate over the past 3 months has turned up 2x seeds that were not viable and a 4x seedling fuck-up which was a cheap lesson learned all things considering. :+1:

Here are the little wonders in their vegging out training homes.

2x4; getting nice and crowded.

Left to Right (top): 1x GSC x Chem91 S1 (for STS), 4x TG GG4 RIL, 2x UK Cheese Clones, 1x Mendo Breath S1

Left to Right (bottom): Trizzler F2, Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil, Strawberry Shortcrack, Crockett’s Tangie F2

After all this I mixed up three different batches of nutrients at 1gal volume each, 5gal jug of silica/harvest miracle feed, and then basked in the glory of a living, breathing growing engine that lives in the Earth beneath my feet like a loving troll keeping me sane. :blush:

Thanks for checking in! All the best to you, yours and your grows! :smiley:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I’ve said it before but dang man, I love the setup. No wonder your plants look so happy. :slight_smile:


Thanks @MoBilly , I’ve been wanting to do this for more than 1/2 my life but never did due to legal reasons… so since 2017 when :canada: got it’s head out of it’s ass an “let me” start to grow my own medicine free of their consequences I bolted like the plants that I’m blessed to care for!!!

So what you’re witnessing is 25 years of pent-up plant-growing frustration!

I learned so much from growing Tomato’s for my Father… I HATE tomatos raw so you can understand the joy where now all my effort and skills are going into something I actually consume! :rofl:

TBH I make sauce with the tomato’s my Dad can’t take; it’s just a lot of labour and I’m not that Italian.



When I was a kid I helped Granny and Mom in the garden, then I grew stuff but it was from the seat of a tractor. Growing inside is all new to me.
Actually smoking is new to me. lol


I’m a bad OGer, just getting caught up on your thread @Pigeonman! Following now so I don’t miss another moment, great work :smiley::+1:

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I get my Jacks from the Indoor Farmer in Kitchener On. Aqua terra is in BC.


Hot tip! Thanks @Floyd !




I really hope they show me sex ASAP as I am gonna put them back into veg right as soon as I know which is :male_detective: or :female_detective: .

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Man! Someone hit the “TALL” Button. Those got big quick.