šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸŒ¾ Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

@Pigeonman holy crap man.

Loads of strains, several of your strians Iā€™ll watching eagerlyā€¦

Killer tent setup & access to butloads of nutrients. How do you like that AC duct fan?
Was debating getting one like it or to just get a AC Infinity T6 vs the T4 I got now.

Love your excel sheets, thatā€™s WAY more responsible then my way of doing things lol :laughing:

Thanks for the link to the store. Iā€™ll find that useful as Iā€™m only 4hr drive from GTA, so shipping will be very reasonable.
Iā€™m already eyeing that 1x1x2 ft tent for a male flower chamberā€¦


Got a heatsink to slap that baby on?

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This stuff works really well, Iā€™ve used it many times ,)

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I rather enjoy it! I got it used but would buy another one to make an active intake for the 4x4. I would conpare it with the T4/6 which has much finer controls.

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The Ī©Pot:

Itā€™s finally gonna happen!

I built this thing earlier this year in preparation for a long run with a Mexican Death Sativa, but after the sexing it turned out to be a male. Itā€™s leaves smell so darn good (like grapefruit!) that itā€™s still alive as a houseplant in veg. When it pops flowers I cut them off as part of itā€™s maintenance routine.

So now the Ī©Pot will have a proud example of OG (see below) should it turn out to be a femme!

Hereā€™s a ECU of some of the developing areas if anyone wants to chime in with their opinion.

I think itā€™s a femme but this is day 11 since flip and itā€™s stretching like cray-cray so I really want to figure this out asap so I can top it, replant and get it back into veg for SCROG training into the second flip.

Hereā€™s the winner, a fine selection from a legend: BOGā€™s SourBluTooth F2 in all of itā€™s glory! (itā€™s the one on the right)

The darling on the left is the Crockettā€™s Tangie F2; iā€™m 95% sure itā€™s a femme so itā€™s going into the 2x4 when iā€™m 100% sure it is femme. Iā€™ve never had males NOT show balls by day 11 so if they do sport :banana: itā€™ll be a first for me which is why Iā€™m confident of there femininity.

Iā€™ve filled the Ī©Potā€™s reservoir with 25L of water which leaves the surface flush with the net pot containing the hydroton. I left this for 24hours and the next day the hydroton showed no signs of any wicking effect. :open_mouth:

I added another 5L, which lifted the water 10mm into the hydroton (I love my floating water line indicator even more now!) and again left it for another 24 hours but this time take a looksie at what I saw below:

Yep! Total success with the wicking action as clearly seen with the wet patches throughout.

So now was the time to mix up the media; which of course like the Ī©Pot is another test run but integral for the success of the system itself. Because this incarnation is to act like an Octopot I went with a blend of coco chips, perlite and Promix BX. The extra fun part for me is that this is also another first as Iā€™ve never used coco before!.

Go big or go home; so thatā€™s another pile of firsts and a whole lot of hope! :smiley: :rofl: :crossed_fingers:

I got this from Hydrotech a few months back on impulse when it went on sale (it was $16cnd taxes in!) and oh boy am I happy I did.

Breaking off less than 1/4 of the brick, I soaked it in water, and then rinsed it a few times because I swear I read that somewhereā€¦ :thinking:

Afterwards I tossed it all into a 5 gallon bucket and soaked it for 24 hours in 2 gallons of dechoramined water with 10ml of cal-mag+ as a buffering agent. After I let it all drain out it looks and feels amazing; I totally see why plants love to grow in here but also can foreshadow the absolute nightmare involved IF it dries out when youā€™re growing with it. :open_mouth:

To this I added perliteā€¦

ā€¦and then the Promix BXā€¦

ā€¦and then a lot of hand mixing later Iā€™m left with a mass that you can FEEL THE LOVE in between your fingers!

I think this is gonna work out really well as itā€™s airy enough to breath well but still will hold water perfectly as long as itā€™s not overly saturated; and even then there will be air available throughout the mass. The fine particulates of the peat, the large chunks of airy coco and the even more airy perlite in combination with the air-pots walls will hopefully work in conjunction with the wicking action; and if it pulls the way Iā€™m envisioning then it should provide a graduated wet zone for the roots to reach down and into with dry walls on all sides ensuring a healthy breathing mass.

All in all the goal was to mimicking planting next to or on a river and I think itā€™s gonna do it.

Iā€™ve been inspired years back by the concept of a Chinampa, which is a technique used in Mesoamerican agriculture which relied on small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of Mexico.

You can see my mimicry in the image above.

72L bin = lake/river,
Air-pot = woven reed wall,
mud/manure = my mix + nutrient solution,
mud & reed mat = net pot + hydroton,
maize = cannabis

All in all it would have been so very poetic to have done this with a Mexican Landrace like the Mexican Death Sativa but itā€™s now just a different poem and love note to our beloved Bushy Old Grower. :heart:

If this doesnā€™t work out, I have a safey net to make sure this isnā€™t a total waste and I know itā€™ll work but ultimately just be another version of a hydroponic system iā€™ve already done before.

The changes would be:

  1. Hydroton throughout the net and air pot (no soilless medium)
  2. T-Junction added to pump water fall feed, this junction will feed solution via 3-4 drip emitters surrounding the plantā€™s base running 24/7,

Itā€™s a really simple change that makes this a double system; something I always appreciate as anytime something has multiple uses it increases the value for me .:+1:

Thanks for checking in on this mad house of living things! :rofl:
All the best!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


@Pigeonman bro, youā€™re killin it with these posts. Awesome details and pics.

Did some reading on chinampas and found this quote to be a sign of whatā€™s to come ā€œThese raised, well-watered beds had very high crop yieldsā€

Canā€™t wait to see what happens when you really get a plant going in the Ī©Pot full flower. This is some crazy suspense buildup, hope you plant something soon before I bite all my nails off :joy:


NOOO!!! Donā€™t bite them off you need them to crop your future trees! :open_mouth: / :rofl:
Thanks bruv, this is either gonna be fucking amazing or a brutal failure. One way or another we all learn something! :smiley:


Interesting set up @Pigeonman. Iā€™m a coconutter, and use Airpots, so hope you donā€™t mind if I tag along.
You were right to wash the coco, even if it was pre-washed. It grows by the ocean, donā€™t want to take chances with extra salt.
Are you going to do a test with a pot full of your medium? Like you said coco likes to stay moist.
Iā€™m going over and hit that bowl I see being passed in the corner now. Good luck!

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Already on it @HorseBadorites . :+1:

I tried lifting it up and boy that wasnā€™t fun so I think itā€™s working. :weight_lifting_man: :crossed_fingers: :rofl:


Just checkinā€™, lol!

I think I missed how youā€™ve got the Airpot connected to the net pot, and is that a 3 gallon AP?

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Itā€™s a blue bottom; i think 7gal equiv? Instead of wrapping the sidewall around the bottom included i wraped it around the bucket lid net pot. All of this was then secured with quick ties run through the lowest holes of the air-pot and holes drilled into the rim of the net pot lid.

I went with a blue bottom as itā€™s the same size as a bucket lid net pot so no need for triming. I can redo the lid to support less plants if this turns out awesome.

Iā€™ve never seen, or even heard of a bucket lid netpot, sounds like a marvelous invention!

I just ran microfleece wicks through the bottom, into the rez, and up to near the top of the potā€¦ whatā€™ll they think of next, lol?

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Here you go @HorseBadorites; a total breakdown of the Ī©Potā€™s construction which will visually explain the bucket lid net pot:

Itā€™s been running for several dayā€™s now and the surface is still NOT wet which is amazing! This is suggesting that while there was the initial wicking effect from the media, itā€™s limiting itself to the graduated layers of moisture due to the breathability of both the medium and the air-pot walls. Iā€™ll probe it later on today to see what the measurements actually tell me.

Unicorn Poop BX1 & Cherry Festival (RED) F2:

It was their 21st day of life yesterday so it was right time to up pot them. I went with orange bottom air-pots which supports 1.2 gallons of medium. Itā€™s not much but I can always up pot them again if I feel like it. Ultimately I need to sex them, so my ideal situation is to do this in my 2x2 tent which was only possible with keeping things compact.

The root balls were firmer on the UP than the CF, but the SpeedCups did their job and there was no circling and only just purdy white tips everywhere. They look a little unhappy in the images above because I let them dry out for the transplantā€¦ and my basement is 15c while the room they came from averages 23-25c. :confused:

The media was 80% pure ProMix BX with the leftovers of the coco/perlite/BX mix so it didnā€™t go to wasteā€¦ Iā€™m also almost out of BX so it wasnā€™t an option. (:rofl:).

The mix was packed into the walls to the top and then a hole with 3/4 tsp of MycoRyzo sprinkled inside was left to accommodate the 16oz root ball.

I made some fun tags for the Unicorn Poop and will be making up 3x more for the Cherry Festival but couldnā€™t find cherry stickers at the dollar store :rofl:

Here are them all packed into the 2x2. There were 2 spaces still available for the Crockettā€™s Tangie F2 and the BOG SourBluTooth F2 so I left them there. I swear I saw pistils last night on the Tangieā€¦ but regretilby I think the Sourblutooth may have sported a :banana: :cry: . Since I donā€™t want to risk a monthā€™s veg in the Ī©Pot with any question of the plants sex I needed to leave them both in there for a little longer so I can be 100% certain who is the winner of the 1st Ī©Pot run.

Itā€™s tight in there, but I love my moving air so they are not having any breathing problems :wink: :wind_face:

Thanks for checking in an a very Happy New Year to you all!

:hugs: :metal: :fist:


Ah ha! Thatā€™s a big net pot. I still donā€™t quite understand the piping and hoses. If you posted that further back Iā€™ll go look. I went as far as my attention span would let me, but didnā€™t see anything!

When you say the surface isnā€™t wet, is it moist? I know youā€™re in a mixed medium, but I get a lot of feeder roots near the surface. The top 1/4" drys out over 24 hours, but it getā€™s soaked every day. That may not matter in 7 gallon pots, IDK.

When I was using wicks and mud, I had to top water for a few to get the hydraulic action acting, priming the pump so to speak.

Sorry for the ramble, itā€™s a a Sunshine Daydream night, lol!

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@HorseBadorites , the idea is to mimic nature; which does get soakings when it rains but not in areas with low rainfall. So the top soil stays airy and is the driest layer, the deeper you go the closer you get to the underground water source and therefore the wetter it gets until youā€™re in the reservoir.

This way the plant has access to water constantly but there is no risk of any drowning as everything can breath as it all has access to oxygen. Itā€™s always watered so long as the level of the nutrient solution is maintained. If it drops below the basket, the plant will still feed if there are roots in the water. Otherwise I know itā€™s at least a 2-3 day buffer to hand water with so much media unless itā€™s in mega-flowering period mode.

Here is the waterworks for the tub; which takes the solution from the left side of the tub over to the right side in 2 places suspended well above the water line resulting in a waterfall effect. This is to keep the solution oxygenated and also well mixed. There are also 2x air-stone to increase this effect.

Having the pump OUTSIDE of the tank keeps the heat of the solution lower; and to increase to cooling effect the air used for the bubble stones is drawn from outside of the tent.



Now I do get it, thanks for your patience. Way too much faffing for me :), but it is an interesting system.

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Funny enough my Mumā€™s last name was Pfaff so faffing around is genetic :man_shrugging:


Ha! I should have added, in your case, the faffing was warranted, you did a very neat job!

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Notification activated!


I saw this over on Johnnyā€™s circus. I hop you donā€™t mind if I tag along. :slight_smile: