👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

@Pigeonman , just put the Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest female into the flower room under the 1K HPS. She started 12/12 last night. She was in a 2.5 gallon for a while now and she blew up real nice. The structure and node development are awesome… as is her vigor and ease of growing. Seems to handle the ups and downs just fine when I am slacking off in the care department hehehe. She got transplanted to a 7gallon of sunshine 4 ammended with dolopril and agricultural gypsum and will stay on the 8/16 micro/bloom (gh flora) lucas regimen as we roll into flower. I’ll get some pics later tonight but as one of my favorite movie quotes goes… “it’s on now!”
I have 3 real nice clones settling into 1 gallon pots … glad I cloned her as her stem rub smells are divine!!


Got that Pigeonman juju, and a heaping portion of hybrid vigor, sounds like!





@Pigeonman any gold coins arrive yet?


Nope! Tracking says they’ve left Chicago to cross the boarder!


Florida Ditch Weed(s) are all on day 14 and will get up-potted today, and the Mephisto Blood Orange Haze S1 got it’s 1st spray-down of STS the other day and is equally exploding with growth. :+1:

The other “3” B.O.H plants are coming along! I’m thinking that from the looks of things it wasn’t twins but an excited plant that jumped out of it’s shell as the #3 cup isn’t really showing anything above ground and based on the other 2 should have done something by now.

Not complaining as I still have 2 solid plants to make S2’s!

The seedlings for the veg/flowers outside are starting to wake up; the :t_rex: Kale, and both sunflowers are poking out and I hope the rest show soon enough…

To be fair these were all planted in the afternoon of April 10th so seeing anything already is a bonus!

And from a trade with the missus of @Cannasaurusrex , may I proudly present to y’all my newest bonsai to be

Pigeonman’s Flamboyant Flame Tree (Delonix regia)!



Did a few things this evening with UP-POTTING the Florida Ditch Weed before making dinner…

…it’s freaking 28-29c in this room so they are SUPER happy about this heat wave as much as the lizard. :rofl: :sweat:

The veg exploded with the heat:

And these veg are still waiting around to do something…

The Mephisto Blood Orange Haze S2 Project is in FULL SWING !!! :dancer:

Plant #2:

Plant #3: (there was no second tap root, it turns out that this plant just JUMPED out of its shell when soaking :rofl: )



That ditch weed sure looks fancy to me :tophat:


Got my order from Indoor Farmer FAST !



@Pigeonman what’s in the bottle? Which amendment or fourmla.?

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It’s their KIS Organics Soil Reamendment Nutrient. Im going to use this on my bonsai(s) and the two 30 gallon fabric pots from last winter.


my first indoor bonsai attempt. A horse chestnut seedling I dug last spring. What have you got going?


Dwarf Pomegranate (about 25 years old)
Dawn Redwood (about 7 years old?)
Guava (8 years old?)



Awesome! I almost grabbed a dawn redwood last year but the price was ridiculous. Ever tried air layering that pomegranate?:rofl::innocent:


@MonasticDank, nope, never. My only training (on purpose) is re-potting, root trimming, and seasonal clipping.


Thank you so much for the Plumeria, I hope we can get it to flourish and maybe even bloom!!!


@MonasticDank here’s a few snaps of all the Bonsai. I was space out and forgot to mention my Black Olive tree and the brand new to me Flame Tree! :rofl: :man_facepalming:

Dawn Redwood, gifted to me by a friend that threw down 250 seeds to stratify for 6 months which then sprouted 14 plants, of which he chose his selects and offered me to choose 1 as a gift. I freaked out and have been babying this darling every day since.

You can see how much I baby it from the “lawn” at it’s feet. I’m looking for dinosaur mini’s for here this year :smiley:

It’s just starting to wake up. :blush:

Dwarf Pomegranate: it does flower and fruit. I need to add Recharge to this sweetheart and the Swallowtail amendment I just bought. :ok_hand:

Guava (seed from Guyana): It hasn’t fruited or flowered… yet.

Black Olive: It flowers and fruits! I need to trim this one hard and it’s getting an up-potting this year.

Flame Tree; recent trade with @Cannasaurusrex 's missus for a rooted Plumeria! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



1: it will flourish under your families caring hands.
2: replace “maybe” with “WILL” and you got yourself blooms!


EDIT: @Cannasaurusrex : " It also needs bright, all day sun. If it is outside, it should be in a sheltered spot, with reflected sunshine and heat a bonus. In your zone, it should be brought inside, best in a greenhouse, for the winter. Plumerias produce a bloom hormone before sending seed to branch ends for flowers."


I would as well man. That’s a beautiful tree. And that moss just dresses it up nicely. That amethyst must be bringing it some great energy

I love the chalice structure you have started on the pomegranate

That guava… does it have a peely bark? Almost like a Paper bark Maple! Beautiful. Never seen a guava tree.

And the foliage on the olive and flame tree must be really nice.

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In the states dollar tree or general dollar not sure if you have in Canada but they have the plastic little dinos.:+1::grin:

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