👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

The kief had already dried out and the oils it contained had crystallized so the dried oils won’t be easy to mix without heat and pressure. I would use a hammer and give it a few whacks


99% agreed here - though I find it presses great when it’s made with fresh cut-the-day-of material. But from being a schmo and leaving one particular pancake of hash from last year sandwiched in the parchment paper out in open air for…well…a year…(LMAO) I’ve seen hash go through quite a few stages of textures.

First it was like pull and snap taffy with a little glass if that makes sense, from a nice pressing of good melty hash. It had that pull n snap type of tackyness - not sticky on your fingers so much but sticky to itself and a little to the paper.

In a few weeks it turned into a sort of soft chocolate bar type of texture, like I could break off chunks with sharp edges, but it wasn’t snapping like taffy or glass, just a gentle break. Utterly flat and solid, I could hold a chunk sideways and it would hold itself up. When you squished it in your fingers it would sort of “fluff” instead of squish and had a sort of sandy texture. It wasn’t sticky or melty at room temperature. Until a few more months go by…then it’s ooey gooey and sticking a lot more to the parchment and my fingers. Heavenly, super melty, and I bet this is the stage you’re talking about because I’d agree it’d be way easier to press. A few weeks later and now it’s stabilized a little more, not so sticky on my fingers or the parchment anymore just slightly so, but softer and more putty like than it’s original texture. Like playdough that leaves a little grease on your fingers after rolling it around.

Also holey moley I’m drooling at those pictures :sob::drooling_face:


Just to be clear:

You sift it
You soak it
You decant it
You dry it
You press it

This is interesting to me because making bubble takes all day.


it does take a few hours to get it clean by constantly draining the tote of water from the top down to a couple liters or so with all the “hash” on the bottom as sediment. I will refill and drain it off several times as the water goes froma dark tea color at the first wash to gin clear when it’s ready to be drained down again and put thru my filtering process. It all ends up in a coffee filter when the wash is done.
I think with the bubble bags and the varying screen sizes it would be easier to control quality over my method though. It’s pretty much 30 year old tech I learned in my mentor’s garage way back then and just old habit’s die hard I guess. LOL


I think I will try this tomorrow.

I’d hazard a guess that you’re right about controlling quality with the bags. I can make cuts based on micron size which has it’s advantages.


You could stick it in the oven on some parchment paper to warm it up also . Or parchment lined frying pan .


Hmm. Perhaps a hybrid method. Since boiling water is 212 maybe use the oven at 225 for say, 10 minutes, to get the heating part and maybe save some elbow grease for the pressing.

That works alright, but in my exp. hash doesn’t like to hold onto temperature very well. IE if you stick it in the freezer to make gooey stuff easier to handle, it goes back to gooey in almost seconds. Using a hot tool like a water bottle is much more effective imo.

one trick I like, because I’m too paranoid to pour boiling water in a bottle :joy: is to just use a tea kettle. Wait for it to whistle and then squish it on the parchment paper. I’ve even accidentally made rosin this way


I usually do this when I’ve screwed it a little and it only takes a second in the freezer but you’re right it doesn’t last very long you need to work quickly.

I temper my bottle by filling it with really hot water then dump it out when heated then add the boiling water.


Hash, I gotta make some dam hash too :weary: :yum:


Happy birthday!


Oh is it someone’s bday?

Happy day of the pigeon


Thanks @lophophora.ca & @MonasticDank !

Early morning getting the car back into the shop, then an uber home (covered by the shop) followed by a bowl of C99 BX1 with an espresso on the porch in the sun with the missus and then I was pleased to notice that the apple tree has already started to show blossoms :smiley:


Happy Birthday @Pigeonman!! :grinning:
I’m having some espresso right now too :coffee: :drooling_face:


Happy birthday hope you have a great day.


happy birthday!! have sweet Pigeonman day!! :moon_cake: :cake: :cupcake: :partying_face:


What a great thing to see this time of year. I’ve finally got my pear and apples blossoming. Took these trees 6 years to give their first blossoms. Hopefully the little frost we got didn’t burn them.


Happy Birthday @Pigeonman :partying_face:


Happy birthday! What do pegeon people do to celebrate? Hope your better half has something special planned. :cupcake: :partying_face:


I once had a pigeon shit in my beverage at an outdoor festival. I saw it splash.

I expect it was his birthday :joy: