👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Those zamadelicas are sweet looking and I believe they meet requirements for my next grow long flowers get to put mine to work sooner than I thought

What’s up with the super lanky girl there? Just curious why so tall but so few bud points.


I say photo shop or someone airbrushed the cat, I have been asked to airbrush a cat with tiger stripes but declined, cats are always cleaning themselves and anything toxic in the dye will end up in the cat.


I have two Zamadelica going right now. One inside and one outside directly in the ground.
Never tried the smoke, but I love the name for some reason. Sounds so '60’s. Good luck @Pigeonman


Which one? lol.

I’ve been battling white fly and all the flowering plants in here had a bad case of lockout. :man_shrugging:

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The Mephisto Illuminauto Blood Orange Haze seed increase and leveling up to S2 is coming along very nicely!

Look at all those :banana: 's coming in! @Mr.Sparkle thanks for the solid tips with the reversal of autos!

Soon enough these little ones will explode. Today is day 14 for the small ones which were up-potted yesterday night, and day 35 for the big one covered in nanner’s.

And of course it didn’t just rain a lot today… it was also very sunny in-between the insane hail storms.

Cheers folks!



The t shaped one.


Oh! Those are the Manitoba Poisons. They do what they want and are looking like full flower even under 20/4. Last years did the same thing and I ignored it and put it outside anyways end of May. Come August it was ready to crop and it’s a fantastic daytime smoke so I tolerate it’s nonsense.



haha , exactly the same boat here @Pigeonman .
My veg room is packed with plants of all ages and the larger ones are not happy with me at all. I can’t put them out till June 10 so I just gotta ride it out and try not to stress them too much.

Your Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest … this girl has vigor for days and the growth structure reminds of the GG4 clone only as far as the branching goes. She is in full stretch now and chest high in a 7gallon… I think today is day 13 of 12/12 … stacking very well. Stem rubs are like cherry and dank… a bit of a tackyness to the fingers after stem rub as well.
The clones I took all rooted and I took the best of themfor myself and shared the other 3 with a friend for his greenhouse this summer.
It’s really hard for me to get pics in the flower room at the moment but I’ll try and pull her out for some pics. The clone is a foot tall now and will soon get topped and transplanted as she stays in veg mode indoors and out to the greenhouse june10.

cheers man… more updates to follow :wink:
I am “really” liking this plant :wink:


I’m very happy you’re happy @SHSC-1 ! :hugs:

On a hilarious note I took all the dry sift from the past year+ worth of trims and seed runs and using an oven bag and a glass bottle filled with hot water sorta pressed myself a :poop: .

I need to get this thing warmer so I can actually work it like putty… right now it’s a rock hard nugget that crumbles apart so I’m open to suggestions :rofl: .


Edit: I have one of these and I’m thinking about putting the :poop: on it in a small glass container. :thinking:


I have never done this but I have heard it said that adding just the tiniest bit of water helps dry sift come together easier.


Ugh. I’m worried about doing that even though it does make sense. I tried using hand heat and while it is melting the outside I can’t get the penetration into the interior.


with the rolling it out… boiling water in an empty glass bottle. I use an empty everclear bottle and a funnel to carefully poor piping hot boiling water into the bottle.
I use oven mitts to handle the bottle.
Then roll out the hash pile on parchment with another parchment on top.
Another thing you can do is put the hash into a fold of parchment and into a ziploc bag in a pot of hot water for a few minutes before you try and roll it out.

I also find that the powder from seiving doesn’t like to necessarily melt like we want it to when it is reasonably fresh. I pack the powder as tight as I can into a silicon dab puck and let it age for a few months before I roll it out.


warmth will definitely help, and maaaaaaaaybe a tiny sprinkle of water, too. Should make it a bit tackier, I’ve seen afghanis do it while pressing and I think that’s why.

but ultimately you may just have a harder piece of hash. In my experience it points to a less melty, more “contaminated” (if it’s weed dust, is it really contamination, or just a surprise? :wink:) batch o’ hash. Less melty isn’t always a bad thing, sometimes it’s nice being able to smoke straight hash out of the pipe. Well, it always is but that’s besides the point :joy:


I did do this BUT NOT with boiling water! :thinking:


hah, you beat me to the punch, I need faster thumbs :rofl:


I don’t even try to work my dry sift. Last time I wrapped it in parchment and crammed it under 150# of particle board for a day and I ended up with little flake which I find acceptable.

But if you wanna try a little water I wouldn’t worry about it. Bubble is totally saturated and dries just fine with the right measures.


Interesting. I have some very old stuff so maybe I’ll try it.

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I’m more thinking about how is the water gonna get into this thing now? :rofl:


Given the circumstances I’d definitely consider boiling water pressing.

I do it all the time with bubble but not so much with sift.


all the hash I make is water exracted dry sift.
I have a pretty rudimentary method but it produces excellent hash so I haven’t upgrade to bubble bags or a mini wash machine like frenchie canoli used in his videos.
I break up all my material through a metal screen into a rubbermaid tote and then fill that with super cold water. The trichomes sink and all the dust and debris, hairs from the dog ect all float so they are removed with the plant material which also floats. Thats a simplified description but figured I’d explain a bit because lots of people see the finished hash and assume I made it with the screen bags.
I love hash-tech :smiley: