👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Happy birthday @Pigeonman! Can’t beat @HeadyBearAdventures well wishes, but hope you’ve got some relaxing in and obviously you’ve got the smoke covered. Nice cannagar!

I sent a test envelope with cuts in it to a fellow Canadian to see if they make it okay. Here’s hoping. If so… :yum:


Happy B-Day @Pigeonman ! Hope you had a good one! Make the rest of it relaxing and memorable!


fingers crossed! someone said regular mail from us to canada can take up to 6 weeks though LOL. but all we can do is ask the cannabis gods to help

happy 42 pigeon


Ya its weird…sometimes I’ll get something from say, Nevada in a week, and sometimes I’ll get something from say Florida in a month. There’s no rhyme or reason behind it.


Happy Birthday @Pigeonman hope you enjoyed it.


Thanks for all the love everyone!!!

@HeadyBearAdventures you made my heart sing when catching up this am! I had several bowls of HHCRSF last night with the missus who baked me cookies so I don’t remember much of yesterday evening other than deciding that the last moving of the night shall be MOONFALL :rofl:


I’ve gotten stuff in < a week on a few occasions. Other times it’s been a couple months. Hope they choose the latter. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Happy birthday @pigeonman ! Stay HIGH!


@Pigeonman @CanuckistanPete
Thanks for thinking of me guys. We do have them. I think we have 3 remaining.


@Pigeonman have you gone cross eyed from counting the Jew Gold 1974 seeds yet. ?


“Sadly” not yet. I needed to deal with some other things that required the micro focus so the hope is this weekend!


Sweet, it’s also my Birthday this weekend :crazy_face: yayy. Take your time, I just don’t have patience lol


DUUUUDDEEE!!! :hugs:

Did any of the cuts I sent you take? My cut is revegging LIKE A MAD-THING! Throwing out singles and a few corkscrews!!!


Unfortunately No. But that’s OK. You made enough jew gold 1974 seeds so I can continue with this line & alot of others as well ,) you also did it with some kicka$$ style .


Well we’ll try more cuts later on when my MOTHER PLANT throws out enough green to justify a trim!


I love :heart: this… Will be easier now since I’ve got a separate mini tent just for special things like this.


Wow I feel like a total dick for not paying attention that it was your birthday @Pigeonman. Sounds like you had a great day and lots of OG’s piling on the best wishes.

I got some crappy pics of the Horny Horse Cherry Red Shitfest and she’s on day 18.
She stretched like crazy but is also stacking nicely too. On day 21 I will do some defolation and will have to add some stakes and strings. Can’t wait to see what the clone does in the greenhouse hehehe
sorry for the crappy pics. In the one pic there is rude dog and g13 to the left and down but the tall ones in the middle and on the right are the HHCRSF. She is still stretching so I moved the light up a bit. She is going to be a beast :wink:


I took down the Ace Seed’s Zamaldelica plants on April 29th. They were on week 12 (so with my trans week 0 added it’s 13 weeks rounded up) and were ready to come down.

The pics are not great as i’ve been in a months long battle with white flies in my 4x4 downstairs and occasionally the 2x2 upstairs. I can spray down the upstairs plants but only add predatory mites, yellow strips, a vacuum and increased airflow for downstairs.

So rather than the photographic treatment I WANTED to do I ended up:

1: cutting the plants cutting during lights-off and into a closed bin as fast as possible
2: lemon/soda wash with 2 bucket rinse to take care of any white flies and anything they left on the plants.
3: hung dry overnight in the bathroom
4: disco drying time in the 2x2 drying tent with now added carbon filter!!!

Up close and shiny as fuck! :star_struck:

Carbon filter = game changer. No smell in the room anymore and it helps equalize the pressure in the tent with the exhaust fan! :grin:

All the best today folks!



Looking very good.

I had a thought about white flies. I had them ages ago and whenever the plant was disturbed they’d fly around the plant like PigPen from Charlie Brown.

An after the fact thought I had was to take them outside give them a wicked shake, make a cloud, and then bring them back inside. It might decrease their numbers and make them easier to deal with.


what filter did you buy i need a new one soon lol.